Stealing Spree

Chapter 2226: Lonely Soul

Chapter 2226  Lonely Soul

Minami Shouko was silent for a while, her gaze dropping to the floor. She seemed to shrink in her chair, her shoulders slumping and the grin on her face gone. It was a stark contrast to the self-assured girl who’d walked in so confidently and tried to play a game with me using her wits.

What a poor girl.

I recalled her profile.

She was constantly ranking in the top 10 of her year yet she became this kind of a troublemaker.

It was clear she was craving for something she couldn’t get with her smarts or her popularity.

Something like a genuine connection.

Right. It must be that. That’s why I was lying when I said we were alike. That was the clear difference between us.

Before the change in me, I never really cared about connection. Just the desire. Of course, one could argue that I was deluded back then but so was she.

But I would stand by the statement. We’re nothing alike. We have a similar way of thinking but that doesn’t translate to similarity.

Ryouko-san said Minami Shouko doesn't trust anyone, not even her family.

So, the core of her problem most likely lies there.

As the silence grew to awkwardness, Minami Shouko’s expression grew more solemn as she took in my words.

I told her to be straightforward with me and I would hear her out. But would she bite?

Her eyes remained fixated on the floor. It was as if she was trying to peer into the abyss of her own thoughts while occasionally sipping her tea.

"Do you need more tea?" I asked when I saw her cup about to be emptied.

At this, Minami Shouko's head shot up, but it wasn’t because she was going to answer my question but because she finally snapped back to whatever state she was in.

"No, I still want to play, Onoda-kun. But let’s change it. Change it to something more straightforward."

I stared at her for a while, gauging if she was just trying to stall time. But I could see it.

She’s serious this time and maybe, I’d be able to break into her defenses through this.

"Alright. I'll give you the right to pick what kind of game you want to play, I'll bite."

I put on a small smile. A small reprieve from the gloominess that's now oozing out of her.

Minami Shouko studied me, her eyes searching for any hint of a lie on my face but she couldn’t find any.

She then took a deep breath before speaking, "I want to play a game of truth. One question, one answer. No holding back. Can you handle that?"

"Isn't that the same as what we just played?" I raised an eyebrow. I wanted her to be more straightforward but she's here changing it to a game of truth.

Different terms than earlier but it's still the same. At least in this context.

Minami Shouko chuckled, but it was a hollow sound. "It's different. You see, in my game, we both stand to lose something."

Ah. So that’s what she’s getting. One question, one answer, and only nothing but the truth.

So there’s no running away from the question like what she did. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"I see. So that's your goal. If I play this game with you. Will you promise me to stop the game you're playing with your followers? Stop inconveniencing other people."

Honestly, I didn’t need to bring that up but in this case, I wanted to remind her why she was really in this office. Her pranks caused the Club Presidents to request us for inspection.

That’s troublesome for me, isn't it? I also wanted to slack off on my job.

Her eyes searched mine, the defiance now replaced by a flicker of something else. Something more genuine.

"I'll consider it. If you can make me believe that your 'truth' is worth it."

"Alright. Deal." My lips curved upwards into a smirk before leaning back in my chair, watching her closely. "Let me start this time then, Minami-senpai. What's the real reason behind these games? What are you searching for?"

"One question, one answer, Onoda-kun." Minami-senpai reminded me.

"Fair enough. Tell me, why do you really play these games?"

The two questions were intentional, I thought I might try something to throw her off. And she remained focused. I’d give her a pass.

Minami Shouko took a moment to gather herself as the room once again became filled with a heavy silence. Her eyes searched my face for any hint of a bluff or a trap, but she found none.

Finally, she spoke, "I play because it’s the only way I know how to connect with people. To get them to show their true colors."

Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper, and her gaze had lost some of its sharpness. The mask was slipping away, revealing a glimpse of the girl beneath.

True colors, huh? I guess that stemmed from her lack of trust.

"And what do you hope to achieve, Minami-senpai? What's the ultimate prize?" Once again, I decided to break her rule. This time, it was not to throw her off but to hint at her that I was testing her attention.

"It's my turn to ask a question, Onoda-kun. You're quite impatient, aren't you?" With a smirk, Minami-senpai chided. Though it was quite clear to see that she was still shaken from my bluntness.

"Alright. Ask your question." I grinned and leaned forward, showing her that I was all ears.

Minami Shouko took a moment before she spoke, "What's your true motive in forming your... 'harem'?"

Her question was a direct hit to my core, but I was ready for it. I kind of anticipated that she’s still going to ask about it. I mean, it’s not a simple situation but she just lost her chance to question me.

"I've already answered that one, senpai. I love them all. That simple." I said, sipping my tea as I watched her process my words.

The shock on her face was clear. She was probably expecting me to answer something else.

Something not as boring as that. She was hoping for me to have a different way of thinking. Not just a simple belief in love.

Her hand hovered over the teacup that I just refilled. "But, why do you love them? What makes them special to you?"

Hearing that, I put on a knowing smirk, "Now you're the one breaking your rule. It’s my turn to ask a question, senpai. And as a bonus, I’ll answer your questions too. They’re special to me because I love them. That simple.”

I paused for a moment to see the conflicted and confused expression occupying her face before continuing, “Now, I'll repeat. What's the ultimate prize for this game of yours?"

Minami Shouko let out a sigh. A deep one that somehow aired out what kind of life she was currently living.

After what felt like an eternity, she opened her mouth, "To find someone who understands me. Someone who won't be fooled by the masks I wear."

At this, she lifted her gaze, meeting my eyes. Unlike earlier, she withdrew the veil covering the darkness beneath.

As we stared at each other, we were probably getting drawn by the similar darkness from us.

I always said I was still broken. And that’s true because I couldn’t stop falling in love with girls.

And Minami Shouko couldn’t put her trust in someone. No one had gained it ever since she decided to stop putting blind trust in people.

"I see. You're a lonely soul, senpai." I said, placing my teacup down gently.

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