Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 32: Esme’s Character Growth

"So, what did you need?"

Vritra asked the question very casually.

Meanwhile, Esmeralda was still lying on the bed and catching her breath… she was feeling a bit of pain in her nipples from how hard Vritra had squeezed them, and her breasts were sore as well.

『Lately, I've been feeling like my body is a waste to God Vritra. It's just not built for the kind of strength and energy he has. Sigh~ it almost makes me sad. I'm sure if I were 10 years younger, I'd be the one teaching him a few tricks in bed.』

She sighed deeply and placed a hand on her chest.

"God Vritra, maybe next time, you could go a bit easier on me. Unlike you, I'm quite old, so my body can't always handle your… youthful energy."

Vritra glanced at the head maid with a sideways look and chuckled before adding some sugar to his red tea.

"Oh, really? Are you saying you don't like it when I touch you? Is it getting tiring for you?"

"N-, No, that's not it at all…"

Unlike Luciana, who would get anxious when the young lord started making assumptions, Esmeralda stayed much calmer.

In fact, rather than panicking, she felt quite embarrassed, which made her cheeks turn red.

『Honestly, why does he do this…?』

As a mature woman, she disliked blushing, especially in front of a man who was physically younger than her. Not wanting God Vritra to see her oddly cute facial expression, she lightly adjusted her glasses and looked away.

"P-, Please, God Vritra… don't tease me like that."

She tucked some of her bangs behind her ear.

Naturally, Prince Vritra simply shook his head and focused back on his red tea.

"Well, back to business. I know why you're here, but I don't understand why you're still here. You know I did it, so why do you still bother?"

He took a sip of his tea and walked over to enjoy the view from his large windows.

Esmeralda suddenly got up from the bed and took two brisk steps forward.

"NO! I refuse to believe it was you, God Vritra. I've thought about it so many times, and it just doesn't make sense!"

She paused for a second to lower her tone.

"I know my mortal mind can't fully grasp the actions of an ancient god like you, but this is one of the rare times I'm setting aside all logic to question you."

She spoke with bravery, but her voice carried a heavy concern, sounding like a worried mother.

Or, in Vritra's case… a concerned wife.

… Huu-hu-hu!

Prince Vritra looked back at her.

"Question me?"

No, there was no hint of offense in his voice…

None whatsoever.

Esmeralda wasn't exaggerating or being overly optimistic when she thought that the young lord was genuinely intrigued by what she said and the way she said it.

[Your bedmate, Esmeralda Kirkwood, has developed her character even further. Because of this, her Fate Value has experienced an increase by 25!]

The young Asura nodded.

『This is what I like to see. Luciana's current situation has had a big impact on Esme. I can't give all the details of the change yet since she's still going through character development, but I can say it's beneficial.

『I prefer a woman with more personality and depth, and it looks like Esmeralda is developing just that. The only people who are dumb enough to speak so arrogantly to me are heroes or heroines.

… Errmmm

『In Esme's case, it's actually a good thing because she deserves to grow as a character. It would be a shame for such a beautiful woman to disappear after this story.

He smiled inwardly.

『More importantly, if she becomes a heroine, my Fate Value will go up significantly, as I mentioned before.』

The dark prince walked towards Esmeralda with smooth, confident steps. When he got closer, he had a clear view of her scorchingly sexy body.

『She keeps calling herself an old lady, but she doesn't realize how beautiful she really is. Even though I've told her many times, she still doesn't see it. If I can find a way to boost her self-esteem, she might just become a full-fledged heroine.』

He walked even closer to Esmeralda.

For an unexplainable reason, she always looked heavily appealing to Prince Vritra when she had that worried or determined look on her face.

To top it off, her scent was delightful… much more refined compared to the usual smell of the other palace maids.

"Listen to me, Esme…"

Prince Vritra placed a hand on her soft cheek.

"Do you believe I harmed Princess Luciana?"

"NO! I-, I would never think such!"

"And why is that? It's the most likely option…"


Esmeralda took a deep breath to calm herself.

She had been stressing about how to approach Vritra since last night, but now that she was actually doing it, it felt completely different from what she had imagined.

She clasped her hands together, lowered her head slightly, and began to speak.

"For some reason, I just know you're not the one who did it, and I apologize for thinking otherwise.

"More than anything, I understand that God Vritra is merciless and not held back by emotions like a mortal such as myself. But I still don't want to believe you would harm a woman you've shown affection for.

"If I… if I believed you did, then… what would my affection for you mean?"

Esmeralda pressed her clasped hands against her chest, and took her head even lower.

"Hm? A woman I've shown affection for?" Vritra asked.

"Her Highness… she mentioned that you gave her a sensual kiss on the neck two nights ago. So, I'm assuming…"


Vritra moved his hand from her cheek to her chin. He could tell Esmeralda was too embarrassed to look him in the eye while she spoke, but he wasn't going to let her hide that endearing side of her.

He gently lifted her head by her chin and smirked.

"So… you're feeling a little jealous, aren't you?"

Esmeralda heard this and felt her face flush a bit.

It was tough for her because she didn't want to reveal this side of herself… she thought it made her seem childish.

Who would take a grown woman seriously if she acted like a child? No one.

"N… No, I wasn't jeal──"

"What's that? You weren't jealous?"

Vritra lightly pulled her by the chin, drawing her closer.

Esmeralda felt even more embarrassed and looked away to avoid Prince Vritra's intense and alluring gaze. In moments like this, she wished her glasses had shades built in.

"Y-, No, that's not right. I was really jealous when I saw you and Her Highness on a date. I tried to tell myself it was just a formal thing, but I couldn't convince myself. I kept thinking about you the whole time…"

Vritra applied a little pressure on her chin. "Interesting… is that all you did?" he asked.


Esmeralda stared down in shame as she fiddled with her fingers.

"I felt a little alone while you and Her Highness was gone, so I snuck into your room and I…"

She swallowed hard and breathed harder.

"… I touched myself to your sheets."

When Vritra heard this he stepped back a bit to laugh.

"You what? pfft──HAHAHA!"

He held his stomach as his bellyaching laughter persisted.

[Esmeralda doesn't like that you embarrassed for fun, but she's glad she can be herself around you. Because of this, her affection for you has increased by 15 points!]

Vritra turned away to relax his chest while Esmeralda pouted slightly, watching him recover from his loud laughter.

Finally, the young Asura spoke again.

"I don't see why you should be jealous, Esme. You're the one hiding our relationship, not me. I gave you a black diamond necklace, but you don't wear it because you're worried about how Luciana will react. You were never just an object of pleasure to me; you saw yourself that way."

He looked back at her and smiled.

"Isn't that right, Esme?"

Esmeralda, looking like she might cry, nodded like a child.

"I'm sorry, God Vritra…"

Her voice was choked with suppressed tears.

Vritra chuckled and took a sip of his tea.

"You've shown faith in me without any evidence that I didn't harm someone close to you. I'll be be merciful and forgive your misunderstanding this time."

The young lord gave a mild smile.

Esmeralda removed her glasses and wiped off some of her spilling tears.

"Oh, and Esme?"

"Yes, God Vritra?"

"Next time you have serious urge to pleasure yourself. Just say my name three times and I'll appear."

"R-, Really?"

"No, of course not."

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