Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 30: In Five Days…

Deep into the night…

The royal carriage finally arrived back at the royal courtyard, where Esmeralda and Ghislaine were waiting.

Both of them had worried expressions, even though they knew there was probably no one in the entire nation who could pose a threat to the princess while she was under the young lord's protection.

But now, all their concern vanished as they saw the coachman step down from the box seat and quickly rush to open the doors for the two royals.

… Creak~!

When the coachman opened the door, Prince Vritra stepped out of the carriage with his usual calm demeanor, as if nothing could ever truly surprise him.

"God Vritra!"

"Young lord!"

Esmeralda and Ghislaine's faces lit up when they saw him.

Though it had only been a little over half a day, it felt like years since they last saw the young lord.

Vritra paused to gently help Luciana out of the carriage, and like every time recently, Esmeralda couldn't hide her jealousy. It was obvious in the way her face soured as she watched the young lord hold Luciana's slender hand and wrap his other arm around her waist to help her down the steps of the carriage.

『I need to do better. I can't be feeling envious of Luciana… she's like a daughter to me.』

She thought this, but couldn't hide her frustration.

Her fists clenched tightly, and she looked like she was on the verge of hitting something hard.

… Hm?

Esmeralda's envy vanished the moment she saw the bloodstains on Luciana's dress.


But what really struck her was Luciana's face… pale and exhausted, as if she had just endured a terrible ordeal. Even the way she walked, almost lifelessly, needing Vritra to support her by the waist and guide her step by step, tugged at the head maid's motherly instincts.

Without a second thought, she hurried over to the two royals.

"My princess!"

When she got close enough, Vritra gently released Luciana, who collapsed into Esmeralda's arms like a lifeless body, though she was still very much alive.

Esmeralda placed a hand on Luciana's forehead and noticed there was barely any warmth. She couldn't understand how she hadn't noticed this the moment Luciana stepped out of the carriage.

『I can't believe I didn't notice this sooner. Yes, it's dark, but my senses should be sharp after all my time working as a dedicated maid. I spent the whole day worrying about whether my princess and God Vritra would get close, and I got so caught up in my own desires that I forgot what my main duty is. I can't let this happen again!』

The elegant Esmeralda was disappointed in herself.

She looked at Luciana again.

Next, she looked at Prince Vritra.

He was very calm…

『Wait… what's happening? Why is God Vritra so calm about her current condition? He's acting like she was always like this, even before she left the palace with him.』

Esmeralda had a lot on her mind, but she knew she needed to be smart about her next steps. With only a little understanding of what was going on, she couldn't afford to make any quick decisions.

She took a deep breath and asked.

"God Vritra, please, what happened to Her Highness?"

But Vritra gave no answer, simply walking away with his hands gracefully clasped behind his back.

That's when Esmeralda noticed something that left her in utter and absolute shock.

『Is that… no…』

There was a thick bloodstain on Prince Vritra's right hand!

Esmeralda couldn't believe her eyes.

『No… I don't believe it. I refuse to…』

She glanced at the thick bloodstain on the princess's dress again.

It looked like droplets had splattered across her skirt.

Then, she looked back at Prince Vritra's hand.

Her heart pounded heavily.

For a moment, the head maid felt like she might lose herself.

It wasn't quite that; instead, she felt like she was watching herself from outside, as if this wasn't really happening to her.

『This can't be real…』

Some minutes later…

Esmeralda had laid Luciana on the bed and sat beside her, her face full of worry. She gently stroked the princess's hair, feeling a deep sense of failure.

『I still can't believe this happened to you…』

Seeing Luciana so weak made her feel as though she had let down her motherly role.

『Even though I know it's not really my fault, I still can't stop blaming myself. Maybe it's because I didn't fully support Her Highness and instead showed some envy.

『I should be ashamed of myself, getting jealous of someone young enough to be daughter. I can't blame anyone else for my misfortune. Although I don't regret giving my virginity to God Vritra, I sometimes wonder if it was worth anything.

『I'm just an old woman who feels like she's failed because she wasn't brave enough. That's one reason I care so much for Princess Luciana… I see myself in her. Helping her become a proper lady makes me feel like I'm making up for my own failures. I know it's not enough, but it's the best I can do.

『The princess has a bright future ahead. She'll likely be the one to take this nation to greater heights and show His Majesty that even as a woman, she can carry on his legacy.

『My role will always be just to guide her, and I'm humble enough to accept that.』

She adjusted her spectacles and sighed heavily.

『Even if God Vritra did hurt Her Highness, which I find hard to believe, there wouldn't be a clear reason for him to do so. I know the princess has a sharp tongue, but the fact that she's still alive makes the situation confusing.

… Hrmm

『God Vritra isn't exactly merciful, so if she did something offensive enough for him to strike her, I doubt he'd let her live afterward. But then again, I don't know the whole story.』

A determined look sparked on Esmeralda's pretty face as she raised both her fists, causing her robust chest to bounce up slightly.

Thankfully, her tight clothing kept everything in place.

『Alright! I need to get some answers from God Vritra before His Majesty learns of this!』

━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━


Prince Vritra lounged in bed, reading another book by Fumiko Montclair. From his expression, it was clear he wasn't very interested in the book, but he continued reading it anyway.

『I don't want to read this shit, but I have to…』

He was using it both as a case study for how to approach and trap the princess in his inescapable grasp and as one of the best sources of entertainment he had.

… Flip!

The young Asura moved over to another page.

Butler Neron watched all this with an uncomfortable look on his face. He was surprised at how nonchalant the young lord seemed about the events from a few hours ago, when the princess's screams were heard and blood was splattered everywhere inside the carriage.

『I know the young lord doesn't care much about mortal lives, especially about cattles, like humans. But why did he treat Princess Luciana… so differently?』

Eager to know, the butler cleared his throat and spoke.

"Young lord…"

"Yes, Neron? What is it now? Can't you respect my reading time and not interrupt?"

"I'm sorry, young lord. I just wanted to understand why you spared the princess. That blow would have surely killed her, and from what you told me, you wouldn't have been blamed for it in the slightest."

"Well, there's that…"

"Not just that, young lord. You must have known that letting the princess die would likely provoke the king to attack you, giving you a perfect excuse to lay waste to their nation and conquer it, just like Demon King Rohan wanted."

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about THAT one rule that even I, a Fiendcelestial, must follow when I'm in the Central Continent. But that's not important right now…"

Butler Neron raised an eyebrow. "H-, How so…?"

"Because in five days… there will be two deaths, one runaway and an engaged couple."

Vritra grinned broadly and turned to the next page.

… Flip!

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