Starforce Warriors

Chapter 21: My Enemies Are Gone

Chapter 21: My Enemies Are Gone

When he returned from the Secret Time Pavilion, Li Xiaofei felt his body brimming with power once again. As expected, not a single second had passed in the real world.

Dugu Que, oblivious to the change, continued their previous conversation, "You said I won't live to take it? But, your life is in the palm of my hand, little bastard."

He stretched his five fingers out, moving them slowly. Blue electricity arced between his fingertips, radiating a powerful aura.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance. Kneel, bow your head, admit your mistake, and beg me," Dugu Que pointed at Zhong Ling, Zhong Yang, and others below the arena. "Then I won't kill them."

Li Xiaofei looked at him as if he were an idiot and raised his middle finger.

"You... just apologize," Zhong Ling was terrified and couldn't help but blurt out, "You've killed so many people and your hands are covered in blood. Isn't it right to apologize?"

She was stalling for time, waiting for the so-called big person she had called to arrive. Li Xiaofei looked at her in astonishment.

Zhong Ling slowly lowered her head under his piercing gaze, but still tried to argue, "What else can we do? It's all your fault for being brave but foolish enough to land us in this situation."

"Kneel down, kneel quickly," Zhong Yang couldn't wait any longer and shouted, "Li Xiaofei, you bastard, kneel now. How will you face my father if I die?"

He smiled up at Dugu Que and added, "Young Master Dugu, didn't we make a deal? I would find a way to deal with Zhong Yuanshan, that old dog, and then hand Zhong Ling over to you to do as you please. Everything was going according to plan until Li Xiaofei ruined it... Don't kill me, I will personally strip this bitch naked and hold her down for you to enjoy..."

Li Xiaofei's body jolted when he heard Zhong Yang's words. "You killed my master?"

He stared at Zhong Yang, struggling to comprehend.

Zhong Yang gritted his teeth and replied, "So what if I did? That old man deserved to die. He insisted on passing the position of president to you. What about me?"

Li Xiaofei nodded. "You will soon find out exactly what you are worth." He turned to Dugu Que and said, "I originally planned to take my time dealing with you and show off a bit, but I’m in no mood for that now. Time to send you on your way."

He activated his Starforce.

Dugu Que sneered, "If you wish for a quick death, I will oblige."

However, Ye Xiang suddenly interjected, "Don't kill him. Capture him alive."

This important figure from the Ye family, one of the five major families, had a hint of eagerness in his eyes as he looked at Li Xiaofei. Clearly, he was also interested in the Mighty Vajra Fist. A technique that allowed a third stage martial artist to easily crush fourth stage opponents was a treasure even if it was just a single technique.

Dugu Que said, "Fine, I'll break his limbs, crush his neck, and leave him just a breath away from death."


Blue lightning crackled around his arm. Dugu Que’s killing intent locked on the young man opposite him as he threw a punch. Opposite him, Li Xiaofei threw a punch as well. Pale golden Starforce enveloped his fist like a layer of golden flames.

It was the Vajra Earth-shaking Blow, the second technique of the Mighty Vajra Fist. Now that he had reached the fifth stage in Starforce Cultivation, the power of this technique could instantly kill any sixth stage opponent.


Their fists collided in an instant.

Dugu Que sneered, "I told you, you're still far from..."

But before he could finish his sentence, a strange vibrating force surged from Li Xiaofei's fist.


A high-frequency vibration rang out. Dugu Que barely had time to react before he felt his right shoulder lighten. His right arm vanished as blood sprayed into the air. He was so shocked that he didn't even feel pain at first.

"I... you..." Dugu Que looked bewildered, his mind blank for a second or two.

Li Xiaofei didn't give him time to react. "Trash, you're not even worth a single hit."

He threw a second Vajra Earth-shaking Blow. The vibration contained within the punch was unstoppable. His fist struck Dugu Que squarely in the chest. The impact pierced through his black armor, pulverizing his internal organs and bones.


Dugu Que fell heavily to the ground. "I... I'm not willing to accept this..."

Blood gushed from his mouth and nose. His head fell to the side, and he was dead.

The fight had ended in a flash. By the time everyone realized what had occurred, Dugu Que was already dead. Silence engulfed every corner of the entire Memorial Square like a graveyard at midnight.

After a long moment—

"My son..." Dugu Yilong cried out in despair.

He couldn't believe that his highly-cherished son had died like he had been plucked from the earth like a weed.

"You little bastard, how dare you kill my son?" Dugu Yilong's eyes were bloodshot in fury.

Li Xiaofei responded calmly, "Your son could ambush and kill others, but others can't kill him?"

"Little bastard, give me back my son's life," Dugu Yilong screamed madly as he leaped toward the arena.

"If you're so attached to him, go accompany him," Li Xiaofei's killing intent did not wane as he raised his fist. Pale golden energy surged like a dragon, causing an explosion in the air.


Dugu Yilong's body exploded in mid-air. This ambitious gang leader, who had dominated the slum for decades, dissolved into a magnificent blood mist as he vanished from the world. The sudden turn of events surpassed everyone's expectations. Not a single leader of the seven major slum gangs were still among the living anymore.

Li Xiaofei stood in the Martial God Arena like he was the center of the world. His clothes rustled in the wind as the arena fell deathly silent again. The martial artists from the various gangs were in shock. The Dugu father and son, who had been the main characters a moment ago, were now corpses. Meanwhile, Li Xiaofei, who had been an overlooked member of the Cloudy Sky Gang, had made a stunning impact.

A new king of the slum had emerged with unprecedented dominance. He seemed like a true demon king. Who could challenge his iron fist?

Zhong Ling stared blankly at the young figure in the arena. Her breath came in rapid gasps as she tried to believe what she was seeing. Beside her, Zhong Yang was terrified as he fought the instinctive urge to flee.

"Who wins, who loses?" Li Xiaofei looked at the host, Ye Xiang calmly. "Now, please, as the host, tell me."

Ye Xiang shivered, instinctively taking a few steps back. "You..."

Ye Xiang initially wanted to declare that Li Xiaofei had broken the rules. But when he met Li Xiaofei's gaze, the words stayed stuck in his throat. These slum dwellers were indeed savage butchers. Reasoning with them was pointless.

Ye Xiang remained silent and subtly signaled the four bodyguards around him.

"Trying to leave?" asked Li Xiaofei as he leaped off the arena, blocking Zhong Yang's path. "Did you really kill my master?"

His tone was calm and devoid of anger. But Zhong Yang felt immense fear. His legs felt like noodles as they shook uncontrollably. He had only revealed the secret earlier because he felt Dugu Que was dominating and wanted to survive.

Zhong Yang forced a smile that looked more like a grimace, saying, "Brother-in-law, I..."

Li Xiaofei interrupted him, "I asked you, did you kill my master?"

"No, no, I was just talking nonsense earlier. It was Zhong Yuanbo who killed my father..." replied Zhong Yang, trying to explain.

Li Xiaofei turned to Zhong Ling and said, "You tell me."

Zhong Ling felt like a beast was staring at her. The boy in front of her seemed like a different person as his pressure landed on her. She didn't dare to hide anything and recounted everything that happened that day in detail. After listening, Li Xiaofei slapped her across the face.


Zhong Ling clutched her face, disbelief written in her eyes. No one had ever dared to hit her before.

"That slap was on behalf of your father," Li Xiaofei said coldly.

Zhong Ling couldn't meet his gaze and slowly lowered her head. Li Xiaofei then turned his attention to Zhong Yang.

Zhong Yang's smile was uglier than if he had been crying as he pleaded, "Brother-in-law, I was forced, please let me explain..."


The sound of a neck snapping echoed in the air as Zhong Yang's pleas were abruptly silenced.

"Go explain yourself to my master," Li Xiaofei said calmly, holding Zhong Yang's lifeless body by the neck.

At that moment—


Li Xiaofei heard the barely noticeable sound of something cutting through the air. An arrow shot towards the back of Li Xiaofei's head like a cold star in the dark night.

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