Spirit Immortal

Chapter 471 The Scion Of The Lantis Republic 2

Lady Seph explained the details of the Allfather’s attack on Mythpoint Reach. They were thousands of kilometres away from the Neutral Land and yet Lady Seph was able to receive detailed information about the Black Masks. It goes to show how severe the situation really was. Everything from the massacre of the celebrated metropolis to the true power of the Allfather. Lady Seph narrated every detail to her beloved disciple, who had been closed off from the outside world.

It wasn’t just Shin who was interested in the topic. The dozens of Azure Dragons levitated about and opened up their ears. A potential Rank 99 Spirit Saint leading the Black Masks was devastating news for any living creature in the world. If the Allfather wanted to eradicate the Azure Dragons, there was nothing that the beasts could do.

"They linked all the Payircis to Mythpoint Reach?!" Shin exclaimed.

"That’s right," replied the blonde healer. "We don’t know how to destroy the chains of darkness just yet. However, the popular opinion is that we have to destroy their Paradise Hearts." Lady Seph explained. "It is unfortunate..."

"The death of half the White Knights..." Shin continued his master’s line of thought. The White Knights were known to be the Alliance’s best weapon against the Black Masks. Whenever there was a tragedy about to unfold, the White Knights had always been a beacon of hope for the distraught masses. In more recent times, their duties had been morphed into conquering Payircis and destroying as many Paradise Hearts as they could. Consisting of Spirit Spectres to Spirit Emperors, they were the best sword that the Alliance had. Alas, the Allfather had killed half of them.

"That’s right..." Lady Seph sighed. "The three superpowers are now rushing to find talents that could potentially raid the Payircis from within. However, that’s easier said than done. Everyone is more concerned over protecting their families and properties in this time of crisis... You know, the usual..."

"That’s undeniable..." At this point, Shin and Lady Seph were having one of their telepathically-linked conversations. They had talked about various topics before, and most times, there was no need for them to elaborate to intricately about the matters they knew about.

Shin’s grip on Kanari’s hand tightened as he thought of the numerous deeds that the White Knights had accomplished. Taking down a few Payircis were among the most notable. After Shin destroyed the very first Paradise Heart, over a dozen of those floating towers had been downed with a vengeance. However, just like the cockroaches that roamed the land, once one Payirci was taken down, another one would pop up to take its place. Some in remote locations, others not so much. Shin had heard that a Payirci once showed up just ten kilometres away from the Kori Federation’s senate building. Naturally, it had been conquered in less than a week, averting a potential crisis that could have crippled the Kori Federation.

’Wait a minute... Isn’t this a chance for me to build up my party?’

The White Knights losing half of its members was a tragedy, no doubt. However, it gave Shin the chance to execute the one plan that he had thought of back in Imperius Academy. Lacking the numbers, the Alliance would surely need to hire some mercenaries to raid the Payircis. Compared to those run-off-the-mill ruffians, Shin’s expertise was entirely on another level. Be it overall power or experience. Heck, he was the first person to break down a Paradise Heart!

’The problem is convincing the Lantis Republic to let me do as I please...’ Shin looked over Lady Seph and saw dozens of operatives tripping over themselves to inform the High Council. He believed that in just a few minutes, the big-shots from the Lantis Republic would soon arrive, the Spirit Saints included.

Shin was currently, the Scion of the Lantis Republic. He inherited the Celestial Dragon from the Lady of Water and had the right to claim Celestial Island all for himself. There was no way that the higher-ups would risk Shin’s life. Shin was even afraid that they would shelter him like a puppy for the rest of his life.

In the end, Shin’s goal didn’t lie in the Lantis Republic. He wanted to rid the world of the Allfather and bring Junius back to face the justice of killing Ariel. However, the circumstances weren’t as easy as that. There was no black and white side in this fairy tale. Now that the young man was older, he understood that there were many things that he couldn’t do.

"Young Master Shin, the High Council requests your presence." A fierce-looking man saluted the young man. "If it’s fine with the young master, allow this one to escort you there."

"Please," Shin succinctly replied. They were all going to meet anyway. Better to deal with it sooner than later. "Zishen, are you coming?" He glanced back at the Azure Dragon that guided him thus far. Shin knew that the Tier 9 Spirit Beast cared little about human politics, but the youth would definitely feel more assured with the Azure Dragon present.

"Of course, my Prince." Acknowledging Shin question, the massive creature glowed in a dim azure light as its serpentine body started to shrink. First was its claws, then its massive head... Its tail, eyes, scales... Everything was being compressed down into a humanoid shape. In just over ten seconds, the Azure Dragon had morphed into a handsome man, who looked no older than forty. Barring the two dragon horns and vertical pupil in his azure eyes, the man resembled any regular human. In the back, a few of his subordinates did the same while the Tier 8 Spirit Beasts watched on in envy.

"You can take a human form?" Shin tilted his head back. It was the first time he’d seen a Spirit Beast transform right before his very eyes.

"Mmmm... I don’t like it though..." Zishen rotated his shoulders and stretched his neck. "My dragon form is far more comfortable..." The Azure Dragon complained, not particularly thrilled about his current predicament. However, since it was for the safety of his new prince, Zishen had no choice but to endure.

"Yip! Yip!" Bingbing chirped right into Shin’s ears. Her teeth were showing, and claws pointed directly at the azure-haired man.

"Really? You can reach Tier 9 soon?" Shin questioned the adorable white gerbil.

"Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip!" Bingbing continued to hop up and down in pure excitement. Those unfamiliar with her habits would be unaware of her speech. However, Shin and Lady Seph both widened their eyes.

"You think that you can reach Tier 9 soon?!" Lady Seph parroted Shin. Unlike humans, it can take Spirit Beasts decades, centuries even, to advance to a single realm. She had watched Bingbing slowly climb her way to Tier 8 at breakneck speeds, possibly due to the experimentation the Himmel Empire had attempted on her body. However, for a Kamaitachi to enter Tier 9... That was a monumental task that only a select few could accomplish.

"Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip!"

"Shin’s aura has that sort of effect?" Lady Seph switched her gaze between the white gerbil and the young man. Just like Shin before, the seasoned healer knew pitifully little about the Celestial Dragon.

"I agree..." Shizen, the one most attuned with nature, scrunched up his eyes as he sniffed the atmosphere around his friend. "Something has changed... Shin feels more... delicious..." The young boy licked his lips with great intrigue. Somehow, Shin managed to make his aura far more delectable than it already was. Shizen was sure that his created water would be much more tasteful as well.

"Shin, care to explain?" Lady Seph folded her arms. It wasn’t just the blonde healer that demanded an answer. Kanari, Ella, Emma, Shizen. They were all staring at Shin with urging eyes.

The young man dropped his shoulders and looked at Zishen. The man was silent like an attending eunuch. It didn’t matter to the Azure Dragon if Shin divulged the truth or not. Right now, Zishen served the young man, and it wasn’t his place to tell Shin what to do. It was something that Shin had to get used to. He wasn’t a mere citizen anymore. Shin was the one that would inherit the Lantis Republic, and he had to behave like it.

Shin sighed, "Yeah, I’ll fill you in on the way..."


The Lantis Republic. Celestial Island. The High Council Chambers.

The High Council normally convened once a month, sometimes with lacking numbers. It was a place where the most influential elders of the nation gathered to discuss national affairs, be it foreign or domestic. They were the ones that decided how the army was being run. The distribution of commerce in the country. The planning of new development projects. Chances are, any macro-issue that the Lantis Republic faced, the High Council had their hand in it.

Still, it wasn’t easy trying to gather those Spirit Venerates monthly. At their level, they were the top dogs in their clans. They had their own roles and responsibilities, both in the government and their respective families. That’s why the average High Elder only attends five of the twelve High Council meetings in a year. Yet, due to the tumultuous times, the High Council convened every day for the past three days now, and their attendance rate was an astonishing hundred percent!

Shin observed the haggard faces of the High Elders. Some looked young, while others were wrinkled like a creased towel. Nonetheless, there was one thing constant among the High Elders... They looked tired as hell...

"Young master Shin... How was your stay up in the Shrine?" Jingyu Shenxian sat on the head chair, towering over the rest. However, just like her fellow elders, the Chancellor had to stand in respect for their new Scion.

"Delightful," Shin replied while carefully observing the chambers. It was quite intimidating to have a dozen-odd Spirit Venerates staring right at him. He took slow breaths to calm his rapidly beating heart. ’Don’t worry, you’re on equal footing with them now,’ Shin chanted that sentence repeatedly like a mantra. It took guts to stand among the Spirit Venerates as a mere Rank 40 Spirit Spectre, and Shin was trying to artificially big himself up.

"Senior Shenxian, I’ve heard of the Black Masks... What is the Lantis Republic’s plan to deal with them?" Shin cut right to the chase. He could discuss the Celestial Dragon with the High Council another time. Right now, there was a need to solve the most pressing issue.

"That’s... We’re still in discussion..." The Chancellor faltered for a moment there, before finally replying. "The Lantis Navy has been sent to trap the seas around Mythpoint Reach. We’re planning to build a temporary harbour as well as a safe supply route for the Alliance Headquarters."

"What about the Payircis?" Shin’s immediate concern was the dark floating towers that fueled energy to the Tree of Darkness that the Allfahter used.

"We’re... working on it..." Jingyu Shenxian looked around her immediate vicinity and saw the High Elders shaking their heads. They’ve been up for days as well, planning all sorts of logistics to help fill in the White Knight deficit.

"About that..." Shin forced his bent neck upright and stared resolutely at the High Elders in the chambers. "I may have a solution..."


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