Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 97: Going Back, Can Snow Sleep Peacefully?

Chapter 97: Going Back, Can Snow Sleep Peacefully?

Suddenly, when Snow was taking pictures with Qing Ye, one of his hand, hook toward the covered kiss marks slender neck of his love, while his face leaning on a wide shoulder, a sense of familiar presence has suddenly entered his senses causing him to get away from the excellent body that made Snow want to lick it again and turn his head around.


Qing Ye asked in confusion before he followed Snow's gaze and saw a well proportional beautiful woman with fiery red hair along with bright green eyes has suddenly walk out the door of a luxurious building away from where they were standing, the woman entire body brimming with a sexual appeal that everyone around her was currently watching in fascination and rapture attention.

Xion Jian? Qing Ye instantly identifies the person's identity since if he was the Film Emperor in the entertainment world, Xion Jian is the person who was given the title of the Model Queen which has the same fame as he has, being sought up by both men and women with hardcore fans.

Different from Tao Xin who is called the Prince of Music his delusional one-sided rival, and with a rather not good friendship between them, Qing Ye has a calm and sometimes good friendship with that woman.

But now, it seemed that Qing Ye good attitude toward Xion Jian will turn sour since a jealous expression instantly shown on his devilishly handsome young face when he saw that his Baby was also looking at another person, a woman at that and a blood races, with a bit more warmth on his usually dull (adorable) pitch abyss black eyes, his entire body tensing up like he was guarding an enemy, Snow who felt the change of attitudes and mood of the person beside him, couldn't help but inwardly roll his eyes at this man after finally observing his love expression, no matter which world or which identity, this man jealousy remain the same.

Though Snow only felt fond of the man sudden actions, especially the constantly jealousy and his clinginess, finding his love possessiveness as adorable because different from the other men, his love will never do anything to hurt him just because of his negative emotions.

One of the reasons why Snow really likes this man and falling in love with him again.

"... an acquaintance."

Snow suddenly spoke a soft word toward his nervous and suddenly low self-esteem love, before turning around and neglecting the other surprisingly elder blood race that is currently in the same Country and place at where he was at.

Although Snow was going to ally himself to the other member in their elder groups, he only planned to do his work when he was done with his priority first, after all, his mission comes first before others.

Even his love has been placed seconds from before when he decided to just go in another country to deal with the author life safety, the only difference is the fact that his love somehow manage to rope his daughter to be his allies in chasing after him and has come together with him in another Country, thus Snow can do his mission and interact with his love at the same time.

Qing Ye who heard the indifferent words of his Baby finally got consoled while ignoring about how his baby seemed to be acquaintance with the higher up in the blood race, especially the elders since the only thought running in his mind at the moment was the fact that his Baby like him more than that blood race woman which he was sure that his Little Yi has been acquaintances in a long time.

So, with much more clinginess this time as they continue on about what they are doing, his sexy lip raining against those pale cheeks, a pale neck which was also cover with kiss marks and hands with every pose he takes for a picture, taking advantage at the silent delicate young man who doesn't react against his every move.

Snow can only let his lover do whatever he wants, as long as there is no warning sounding out on his mind, pitch abyss eyes carrying a hint of tenderness the entire time.

What to do? Snow can only make his love feel happy, though his heart has been beating fast the entire time showing about how he was really affected at those tempting movements of his love.

After finally finishing their date which Snow never really said openly, they finally went back to the luxurious two-story beach house that his daughter has arranged for them to live.

As for the flight back to the Country, Snow was the one who books their airplane flight, with a private business seat, even though Snow already has estimated time when he finishes all his planning, but he never knew if something else comes up thus he never told Ai to prepare his flight back.

Though he should probably text his daughter that he will be coming back soon, after all, even though she was not his biological one, Jing Ai will be the only family that he will have in this world, different from the last world, he is unable to give birth this time.

After leaving a message to Ai, Snow finally went out of his bedroom with no items on his hands since he already stored it inside his Shadows that have a certain amount of storing space inside it.

Zou Yi really has wonderful and amazing power that he was born with and is really powerful, it just too bad that this person has weakened.

One could say that among the blood races, it can be seen that Zou Yi is the most powerful one.

"Baby, here is all my belonging."

Snow turned around to face the gently smiling Qing Ye before nodding his head and using his shadow to store Qing Ye own luggage, though Snow has rather secretly used his permanent inventory skill than storing it in the shadows since he will need to use energies to constantly store it inside, something that Snow rather not do.

"Let's go."

Qing Ye instantly took a hold of the cold pale hands of Snow before walking out of the luxurious beach house and immediately riding the taxi that has been waiting outside the gate.

Although Qing Ye could drive a car, he prefers to sit together with his Baby and hold those delicate pale hands and play with it, thus he already planned to ride a taxi to get to the airport.

The driver the entire time, keep quiet and has been professional as he drives his passenger to the airports, after all, working as a driver his entire life, he met all different kinds of people and was far more open-minded.

Snow who understood certain someone's motives just stayed silent before leaning his head on his love wide shoulder before closing his eyes.

The entire journey, Snow was asleep, letting Qing Ye handle everything, however, as soon as he gets on the airplane with Qing Ye carrying him in his arms, Snow stirred from his sleep, not feeling well since he suddenly felt that his surroundings seemed to be a bit off.

"... Brother Yi?"

But before he could react further and finally open his eyes from his sleep, a surprised voice that contains the sound of familiarity called Snow's current identity name.

And before he could open his eyes, two voices of a person belonging to a woman and a young man which is Qing Ye has suddenly started talking against each other.

"Quiet! You're going to wake my Baby up!"

"W-what do you mean Baby? You! Qing Ye, take your hand off my Brother Yi!"

"Huh? Why? Baby is going to be my mine soon, so what's wrong with touching my lover? Besides, who are you to tell me what to do?"

"The nerve! Qing Ye, other people might be scared of you but I am not! Let go of my Brother Yi all at once! And stay away from him!"

Suddenly, Snow felt the way the woman with a beautiful voice seemed to turned toward him.

"B.. Brother Yi its little Jian How have you been? I miss you so much!"

And before Snow can react, his love seemed to emit a dangerous atmosphere, before he felt his entire body being held against into a warmth arms while his head resting on a firm chest.

"You're the one who needs to go away! Don't bother my sweet time with my Baby!"

"W-whar the! Qing Ye you!!!"

Before everything seemed to escalate into something bad, Snow finally deemed it to open his eyes or else his love will go crazy, though he felt a headache from the meeting of these two people.

Can he sleep peacefully?

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