Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 87: Snow Sudden Great Idea, Which Seemed To Be Not Great?

Chapter 87: Snow Sudden Great Idea, Which Seemed To Be Not Great?

With a small yawn, Snow who already entered his bedroom has locked the door tightly without any hesitation and has instantly gone to lay down on his soft bed while neglecting the young man that he has just left outside the luxurious beach house.

After all, Snow couldn't help Qing Ye problem at the moment, not because he doesn't want to do anything, but it was because of the restriction that has been set with his body that won't allow him to make an action which is are far more out of character of Zou Yi personality.

The sucking and licking he just did were already in the maximum limit of what he was capable of doing.

If Snow were allowed, he would have helped Qing Ye to take care of it without any shame.

Qing Ye who was left behind so cruelly by Snow has finally able to manage himself from standing up albeit a shaky one while taking in a deep breathed, purple eyes darkened with intense desires as he gazes inside the beach house for a few moments before suddenly letting out a helpless smile and a spoil look.

Along the way, he stumbles over to where his bedroom is while the fiery heat on his lower part has been giving him a laborious time, while sweats dripping down a bit from his forehead.

As for his decision to stay together and sleep in the same bed as his Baby, Qing Ye know that it wouldn't be fulfilled today, because based on the way his little Ye left him alone, he knew that it futile request.

Besides, it will be a quite dangerous move at the moment since Qing Ye might really be unable to control himself anymore from pushing down his Baby, just by being suck by his little Ye pale lip and lick by his wet pink tongue is already making him go crazy with desire.

Taking one last glance at the tightly closed door of his little Yi bedroom, Qing Ye has finally entered is own bedroom, before he straightly went into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

It seemed that he will be staying late tonight.

Suddenly the sound of water splashing echoed out at the slightly open door of the bathroom while ambiguous voice echoed out repeatedly.


Snow who only manage to sleep for a few minutes has suddenly opened his eyes and saw the figure of an adorable small black cat that has suddenly appeared on his huge bed before the small black cat has walk closer toward him and started licking his pale cheek.

"Snow, I'm back~"

"Welcome Back Flake."

With a warmth pitch abyss black eyes, Snow who was suddenly interrupted from his deep sleep has started to gently touch the soft and smooth fur of Flake cat body.

If it was someone else who disturb his sleep, Snow would have reacted in a negative way but since it was Flake, Snow has always been kind and gentle to the special soul that exists solely for him.

And as for where Flake has gone to, of course, it was to follow Snow orders and instructions.

"By the way Snow, where is our gold thigh?"

Flake who was curious about the whereabouts of their gold thigh and confused about the fact that he wasn't in the same bed with Snow has suddenly asked in bewilderment.

Where? Snow blinks his eyes as he ponders over Flake sudden question before turning silent for a few seconds as an idea emerges on his mind.

Snow who suddenly turns silent, instantly has his eyes glowed in wonder.

Although he wasn't able to make a further move, there is something he was still able to do without any problem.

"Good job Flake and sleep first alright? Our gold thigh is inside the house so don't worry. I just need to do something important right now."

Flake just stare curiously at the sudden happy Snow before nodding his head obediently.

"Alright Snow, I will go sleep first then, good night~"

With one last lick on Snow's pale cheeks, Flake went to curl at the pillows next to what Snow has been using, before quickly sleeping fast without any hesitation and full of trust to Snow words.

Snow just cares Flake small head for a few seconds before turning his attention at the sudden Holographic Panel that has appeared before him, finally remembering one of the features of the Game Map that he has permanently bought.

With a movement of his thoughts, in the screen of the holographic panel, the sound of waters splashing enter his ears, soon followed by constants harsh gasp and sexy groan of a rather sensual voice of a young man.

Inwardly curling his lip with a smile, Snow pitch abyss eyes glowed while completely watching the tall and lithe figure of a young man currently sitting under the flowing water of the shower, his back against the wall, his leg both spread wide as both of his beautiful hand seemed to make rhythm movements.

As Snow watch, some thought emerge on his mind at the sudden image before him, although Snow doesn't really mind who was the bottom one or the attacker since he has a rather brilliant and comfortable experience of being pressed down constantly on his past life as Rong Xen but despite it all, Snow was still a man after all.

And as he turns his attention at the rather long and thick hard object of the young man in the screen panel, Snow couldn't help but inwardly ask about why his new love has the larger one than what he currently has.

However, Snow was rather a bit enamored about the way the devilishly handsome young man beautiful hands has been constantly moving up and down at the hard object between his perfect proportion legs, while the water sprinkle on that devilishly handsome face of his, as the droplets of water, went down to his flush cheeks and into his numerous kiss marks beautiful slender neck and down into his perfectly mouth-watering eight abs that contain certain wildness and appeal as his stomach tighten up while letting out a throaty groans out of those sexy thin lip of his, gorgeous purple eyes blurring the entire time as he whispers words between his repeated gasps which contain with extraordinary passions, wants and massive affections the whole entire time.

"Baby ah Baby Baby I love you... oh... Baby your mineI really want you so badly"

Snow that has been watching the whole entire time with his pitch abyss eyes slowly widening couldn't help but swallow down hard as his pale slender throat move up and down repeatedly, especially when he heard those words that seemed so close by to his ears like Qing Ye has been whispering close to him the whole entire time.

And as for those sensual words which are filled with intense obsession, desires and deep love that is so confusing, Snow's entire body has suddenly slowly heated up as he watched the marvelous display of scenery before him.

Just those movements and actions, it felt like Snow was just standing a few distances away from Qing Ye wet alluring body.

One thought couldn't help but enter Snow's mind as he completely watches in deep fascination while being attracted to another certain level at the person who was being overwhelmed by nothing but wanting Snow's entire being.

Oh, yes, Qing Ye definitely has the appearance of wanting to eat him dry at the moment, but even Snow could tell that Qing Ye doesn't only want his physical body, Snow felt and saw the way that Qing Ye also seemed to want but nothing more but to swallow his entire soul in order for the two of them to integrate completely in order to be together for eternity.

Damn is this person going to be his?

Snow who just decided to watch in fun, curiosity, and interest in the show a bit from the start couldn't stop himself any longer as his gaze was unable to leave the devilishly handsome young man breathtakingly beautiful figure.

He doesn't know how long has he been watching, but Snow body that is already heated up couldn't help but slowly get out from the large soft bed unconscious movements, before slowly walking out of his large room, and started taking a silent step at the door of where the person he has been watching the whole time was staying at the moment.

Pitch abyss black eyes were almost being swallowed up by the crimson color, while his two fangs seemed to start itching harder than from what happened during their dinner time.

With a swallowing sound coming from Snow's throat, a pale hand has reached out and slowly hold the handle of Qing Ye bedroom door, which was something that Snow could instantly tell that wasn't locked at all.

However, Snow who was moving unconsciously and being led by the instinct of his body blood race, suddenly stilled while his sweating forehead touches the wooden door, and stayed that way for the entire time, while he continues to watch the scenery in the holographic panel.

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