Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 82: Qing Ye Hope That Time Will Stop At This Moment On.

Chapter 82: Qing Ye Hope That Time Will Stop At This Moment On.

Snow calmly walk, by passing numerous people who split and make way on his path while letting out tiny yawn from time to time.

Sleepy pitch abyss black eyes glance around the place, watching as those people carrying their baggage and pulling their luggage behind them by pass him before finally arriving at the entrance gate of the airplane where he will be riding later on.

Yes, Snow was currently in the airport and on his way to another country.

Although his plan has been disturbed when he was watching a movie yesterday but Snow was still going to fly in another country in order to keep an author life safe for his mission.

Seeing as that he came earlier, Snow walk in a corner, where there were no people around before sitting on a chair and closing his eyes as he takes a rest again, it was after all around four in the morning at the moment.

It seemed that Snow like to sleep most of the time now, not only was it saves him some of his energies from being used, he just like the feeling of staying peaceful the whole time, saving him from constantly feeling thirst and hunger the entire time.

Even though he finally has someone that can become his blood partner, who was able to feed him by a simple touch alone, but the energy he has gotten when hugging Qing Ye yesterday was not enough to alleviate a thousand years of being unable to drink a person's blood.

At this moment, Snow has two habits and that is eating food with energies and sleeping at the same time, which he rather like.

However, before long, his eyes snapped open with a bit more dangerous expression within it before quickly turning back to normal as soon as he figure out that the person who appeared before him was familiar.

The person was currently leaning down and standing before him with a large warmth hand gently caressing his pale cheek.

Snow was a bit surprise since if it was someone else, before they even get the chance to touch him, Snow would have surely squeeze the person to death with his shadow.

However, soon, his entire body relax since it was a familiar devilish handsome man with a beautiful purple eyes standing before him.

There has only been one person capable enough for Snow to slightly lower his guard down and it was his past lover Li Chen and now his soon to be lover, Qing Ye.

Although he didn't think that Snow will meet Qing Ye so soon and here Snow thought that he will only meet Qing Ye again after he was finally back from completing his plan for his mission.

And there was only one person capable enough to make Snow meet Qing Ye again so early, and from the look of it, who will be coming with him too in another country.

Good work daughter of mine! 

Though Snow couldn't help but wonder how this person has senses his presence since he was always maintaining a less or none as he hide his current existence the entire time.

"Sleepy and Tired"

Ignoring the young man ambiguous action before him, Snow turn his head around before continuing to sleep, although his alertness the whole time when he was sleeping lower down a bit.

Qing Ye presence felt comfortable and can be trusted that Snow has unconsciously slept more deeply.

"Shhh Baby go back to sleep and rest. Your delicious sustenance will quietly feed you energy."

Purple eyes tenderly gaze at the sleeping teenager, before gently caressing the person's black hair, and without any hesitation has slowly took the young man into his arms and letting him sit on his lap while he sat in the chair that his little Yi has been sitting the whole time before he arrived.

The soft and steady breath of his baby lingering on his neck cause Qing Ye heart to beat faster.

And the people around that has been instantly focusing their attention at the young man that has taken his disguise off, their eyes turning dull suddenly before finally forgetting the presence of the handsome man that has taken their complete attention.

Qing Ye has been in disguised the whole time but has removed it when he finally saw his baby sleeping figure and after seeing the people around him suddenly forgot his dazzling presence, he just blink his purple eyes with a flash of knowing look.

Although he would love for the whole world to know that his little Yi belongs to him alone but he doesn't want anyone to bother their precious time together at the moment.

And base from what Jing Ai has told him from before, it was better to get less attention since it was what his Baby mostly prefered.

Thus, Qing Ye stayed silent the whole time and being so reasonable that Su Dong would have cried if he were to know all about it.

Qing Ye wrapped around the person delicate body on his arm, hugging him toward his chest and letting the person sat on his lap, while caressing the teenager black hair from time to time.

Somehow, Qing Ye hope that time will stop at this moment on, he never felt so content his whole entire life that he has been living as it seemed that he finally found a certain missing part of him that he has been looking for the entire time.

"Baby You are my whole world"

Gently kissing the top of his little Yi head, Qing Ye let out a content sigh while beautiful purple eyes filled with overwhelming love and affection but mostly hidden with full of obsession and possessiveness.

Snow, who was sleeping just let out a tiny mumble before sleeping in content, feeling the familiar warmth surrounding his entire body, making him to relax more.

Although he has forgotten the love he has for Li Chen, but the experience and instinct somehow has miraculously stayed behind, his body albeit different still completely remembering it.

A few moments later, feeling his entire body relax, Snow has finally slowly open his pitch abyss black eyes which was still has a bit of sleepiness on it, usually, when he was surrounded with other people, he became more alert of his surroundings instantly, but somehow his entire body is relaxed and felt so refreshing that he wanted to let out a contented sigh.

"Baby, are you awake?"

Suddenly, Snow heard a man deep voice filled with intense love causing his sleepy pitch black eyes to open wide, before finally seeing his current situation, finding himself sitting on a young man's lap while an arms was surrounded his entire delicate body.

His pale cheeks leaning on the young man firm chest.

Gazing up, Snow saw the familiar beautiful purple eyes brilliantly showing the image of his entire reflection looking back at him.

His pale lips thin up a bit as he remain silent, Qing Ye has been patiently waiting the whole time, knowing more about his little Yi personality from a  young woman who will also become his daughter soon in the future.

Although Snow was not allowed to make a move himself because of certain restrictions and the body personality, but accepting a person certain moves are alright, which is a loophole from what he could not do so openly.

This person's actions toward himself is acceptable because Qing Ye was after all the person who might become his blood partner, thus the restriction was a bit more lenient toward Qing Ye moves.

So after staying silent a bit, Snow just nodded his head but never leaving away  from the young man arms while leaning closer causing a certain person to feel an overwhelming happiness.

In another place, a handsome gentleman slowly woke up before raising his hand to gently massage his head when the oncoming headache from his hangover suddenly pounce on him as soon as he regain consciousness.

Although he wasn't able to leave and drink himself drunk in a bar, but Su Dong was still able to drink himself to stupor in his own home. 

After taking a shower to refresh himself up, Su Dong left his room before finally figuring out that his Brother Ye has stayed on his home yesterday.

"Brother Ye?"

As Su Dong tried to locate his friend figure, his eyes suddenly manage to catch a piece of paper placed in a table on the living room with a bottle of medicine for hangover place on top of it.

Su Dong couldn't help but turn suspicious at the medicine before finally picking up a piece of white paper on his hand and reading about what was written on it.

Instantly, his expression turned dark, while his headache throb more painful than ever, his lip twitching non stop while his eyes were filled with complicated emotions.

"Brother Ye I bow down to your self confidence."

Though, who was the person who cough up blood and fainted from grievance and jealousy because the person he loves has a daughter and couldn't take the reality after witnessing their warm and family interaction with each other?

Turning his eyes again at the words written in the letters, Su Dong finally left out a very long deep breaths.

At least he can get a break from all these crazy event that has been happening the whole time right?

Brother Dong,

When you read this letter, I am already together with my Baby flying in another Country. I'll be back soon, this is not an elopement, I repeat this is not elopement (Though I wish it was) so don't worry Brother Dong!

I am just accompanying my Baby right now. (Wow, this might be a date???)

I will definitely become lovers with my Baby when I return!

So, wait and start preparing for my celebration when I come back Brother Dong!

P.S. I will buy you a souvenir, when I return back to the Country with my Baby~ 

You Awesome Brother Ye

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