Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 79: Delicate And Fragile Glass Heart, Coughed Up Blood.

Chapter 79: Delicate And Fragile Glass Heart, Coughed Up Blood.

Brother Ye?

Su Dong couldn't help but feel terrified when his friend suddenly stood still after hearing Tao Xin's voice.

"Baby can only be mine"

Suddenly, soft words filled with gentleness echoed out. However, everyone, even Tao Xin, felt terrified when they caught a glimpse of Qing Ye's purple eyes glowing with madness.

It was the craze belonging to the eyes of a beast that was pushed against the wall.

Qing Ye was definitely not in his right mind at the moment; those words spoken by Tao Xin seemed to have completely transformed him into a dangerous state as if something snapped in his mind.

Somehow, Tao Xin felt like he did something bad although the words he had spoken were the exact words that his loner friend said before he left.

Unconsciously opening his mouth, Tao Xin wanted to speak further, before shutting it tightly when deranged purple eyes glance his way. Even as an Elder of the blood race, his instinct crazily screamed danger and for him to run away quickly.

Cold sweat dripping, Tao Xin was relieved when the dangerous purple eyes turned away.

He felt like he just survived because he was a friend of Zou Yi- at that moment, Tao Xin saw death coming his way when those crazy purple eyes skimmed over.

This person.. no, this human is dangerous! Zou Yi's decision to leave was right! Tao Xin's loner friend needed to get away from this person!

"Third Brother Ye? Where are you going?"

"I am going to find my Baby."

Tao Xin instantly snapped his head up and wanted to stop the person but he was far too late- Qing Ye left the mysterious space before he could react.

Su Dong took a deep breath, calming from the nervousness he felt due to the extremely dangerous Qing Ye, especially when he sensed a glint of maniacal energy emitting from him.

However, as a faithful friend and loyal follower of Qing Ye, Su Dong immediately followed along.

Qiang and Cai looked at each other in dismay before finally deeming it far dangerous to follow their Third Brother. In their hands, a transparent golden light appearing like a page from a book instantly appeared.

Sky-blue eyes suddenly felt a powerful force and saw the golden page appearing in the two human hands, causing a deep, complicated emotion to appear on his handsome face before becoming completely serious with a detached manner as he spoke threatening words to the two humans, his entire personality entirely change, one befitting of his social standing in the Blood Race, as another fearful pressure was pressed against the two humans that began to let out cold sweats.

"You two human has never seen Zou Yi, doesn't know that he exists, don't mention him in any of your information later on and don't try to find information regarding Zou Yi existence, or else, suffer the consequences of our entire Elder Groups."

Giving one ice-cold look at the two humans, Tao Xin finally left the mysterious space in order to catch up to the dangerous rival of his.

He had to protect his loner friend from this dangerous person after all.

After leaving the mysterious space, Snow took a deep breath as the sunlight hit his entire body, making that abyss- black eyes narrow down, before pulling the black hood back into his head.

This time, he was only lessening his presence since the person he will be meeting today would forget about him.

Snow arrived after a few minutes since the meeting place was in a park near the building that he had gone to watch the movie, though he was a bit late because of the rescue mission that he just finished.

As he glanced around the park to locate the person he was meeting, a worried shout suddenly echoed out, causing Snow to turn to where the sound had come from.


In the distance, a slender young woman holding a pretty blue umbrella to block sunlight suddenly started running toward his direction, a worried expression appearing on her beautiful face with long, silky black hair swaying in the air.

After arriving, the young woman's pink eyes widened as she began to frantically search up and down Snow's body, which was messy with some rips in his clothes, causing the young woman's beautiful face to pale.

"Father, you're hurt!"

"Jing Ai calm down, let's go stand in the shade of the tree while we talk."

Snow just calmly looked at the worried beautiful young woman before walking to the large tree closest to where they were standing.

Jing Ai bit her red lips before following along, knowing that she would not be able to get any information about what happened.

Snow, who was facing the worried young woman, couldn't help but sigh. Usually, this person was proud and dignified, only showing a simple and normal child's reactions when in Snow's presence.

As Jing Ai grew up, she studied etiquette and manners befitting for a blood race with her social standing. It has been a while since she last called him "Father"; it was usually Mr. Yi after she grew up and learning more about their world.

And as for being called a father by this beautiful young woman, well it has something to do with the time that Zou Yi had been in hiding: the Jing Family, which belonged to an old and traditional family and had long been one of the families extremely loyal to Zou Yi, and who had been managing where he had been living the entire time.

As for why someone like Zou Yi had a daughter, well only a few knew about how Zou Yi had a tendency to always fulfill a promise he made, no matter what.

Even if it was a promise for him to die, Zou Yi would definitely do it- that was just how stubborn and obstinate Zou Yi was to the promise he made. For this reason, throughout his entire life, Zou Yi never made a promise easily.

The last time he made a promise to someone, it had been a tragedy and disaster that broke Zou Yi's heart.

Fortunately or unfortunately, there was only one person that managed to get a promise from Zou Yi, however, in the end, all of it led to Zou Yi's suffering and hardships.

And that had been the only person that Zou Yi was able to drink blood from. 

However, no matter how much it pained Zou Yi, a promise is like a holy decree that he will fulfill no matter what.

So Jing Ai being his daughter is because of a promise he made in the past. It was likely that he saw that Zou Yi would never open up to another person, so that special person somehow got Zou Yi to promise to have a child of his own- even if it was not a biological one, it would be fine as long as there was someone to stay by his side.

That person surely has known Zou Yi personality completely well, if Snow wasn't the one using the body at the moment, even he could tell that Zou Yi will never open up to another person and it was because of the personality that Zou Yi was born with.

It was already a miracle that there was an existence that Zou Yi could drink blood from.

And among the people that Zou Yi met during his shut-in, Jing Ai was the one blood race he saw growing up. She had also stayed longer to take care of his needs, despite his rather indifferent personality.

So, when Zou Yi said he was meeting his daughter, it was true all along. It was just that Jing Ai wasn't his biological one, and among the people Zou Yi managed to meet, Jing Ai was the only one capable of staying long enough for Zou Yi to accept as his own child.

"Ai, I'll be going to another country tomorrow but I'll come back soon."

Snow was meeting Jing Ai before leaving to another country not only because she was his daughter, but also because Jing Ai was the one managing everything regarding Zou Yi's living situation.

Pursing her red lips, glittering pink eyes wanted to stop her father and tell him to take care of himself more. Among the Blood Race that was completely loyal to Zou Yi, she was the one who knew the most about the status of the person before her.

Despite being the strongest blood race alive in the entire world, her father had been weakening every year, causing Jing Ai nothing but fear of what will happen to her father in the future if he continues to refuse to drink blood.

But Jing Ai only felt hopelessness, because even when she had the status as his daughter, he would not accept the blood she offered.

Suddenly, a warm hand touched her hair, causing Ai to blink her glistering pink eyes, red lips quivering since her father rarely showed familial affection.

"Child everything is alright."

"... Father"

Suddenly sensing that something was amiss, Snow quickly turned around and saw a devilishly handsome young man with a completely blank expression on his face, while two other handsome men of different types of appeal were watching with their mouths wide, shooting looks of disbelief his way.

The handsome gentleman frowned a bit as he shot a look at the beautiful woman standing before the Blood Race teenager, something seemed to flash through his mind, his eyes glinting as if he thought of something important.

However, when he turned around to speak to the person standing at the front, his eyes couldn't help but widen in shock.

Qing Ye who had seen the entire scene, especially the loving family interaction between the two, couldn't help but feel his heart twist in pain, his chest fluctuating rapidly as purple eyes revealed intense grief and unwillingness, causing Snow to suddenly, and surprisingly, feel guilty for what he had just done.

Is he being affected by this person?

Snow felt worse seeing the devilishly handsome man take a shaky step, remaining frozen in his spot, while Jing Ai stared dazedly at the striking human before them. Her eyes suddenly turned to stare at her father, disbelief filling her face as she saw a bit of regret flash in her father's pitch-black eyes.

Jing Ai suddenly felt like she saw something incredible, causing her to remain silent, trying to figure out the current situation.

Just a short distance away from Snow, Qing Ye shakily raised his hands, as if wanting to grasp the person standing just within his reach, pale lips opening and closing, yet unable to form words.

Su Dong felt dizzy and horrified- gone was the overly confident man he knew of; standing before him seemed to be a frail and delicate person that could be broken anytime.

Suddenly, a spurt resounded, followed by the loud sound of the three people crying out in alarm as Qing Ye coughed out blood, his purple eyes filling with grievance and rolling up as he fainted.

Finally unable to take the scene before him, Qing Ye had fainted after coughing up blood.

Snow, who had been standing with a stupefied expression, couldn't help but unconsciously catch the unconscious handsome young man; the warm blood containing massive amounts of energies feeling a bit sticky on his pale cheeks.

Well Fuck his new love seemed to have a more delicate and fragile glass heart in this world.

Then what should he do now?

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