Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 65: Su Dong Felt His Entire World View Collapsed Today.

Chapter 65: Su Dong Felt His Entire World View Collapsed Today.

The ringing of a bell suddenly stopped, causing Qing Ye to pause in his run as he was unable to tell exactly which direction he should be going.

Purple eyes frantically swept the lively night market before his eyes suddenly stopped at a figure a short distance away from him.

Although the young black-clad teenager's appearance was average, Qing Ye watched with complete rapture as the young man bent over to gently place the small black bell strung on red string on the small black cat obediently sitting on the wooden bench.

At this moment, in Qing Ye's eyes, the world became incomparably bright and dazzling, and the teenager appeared to be the only existence in the entire world. His purple eyes, filled with wonder, were unable to move away.

The person dressed in black was so brilliant that Qing Ye felt like he was going to be blind as he continued to gaze with fascination as the teenager stood straight while the small black cat move causing the bell on his small neck to shake once.


Then that single sound of the bell resounded so loudly in his ears, such that it felt like he was next to it, Qing Ye immediately took a step forward, purple eyes turning deeper than usual as he gazed with complicated emotions towards the teenager who was standing a bit further away from where he was at.

However, before he could even get close, Qing Ye's purple eyes widened in panic as the boy's entire body was suddenly wrapped in shadow. His slender hand raised forward like he wanted to grasp the person before him as he let out a shout at the disappearing person.

"... Wait!"

However, it was far too late, and the teenager dressed in black, the dazzling existence in his purple eyes, disappeared without even glancing back, and he was left all alone at the lively night market.

In Qing Ye's purple eyes, the unusually bright world had instantly turned blank and dull, the same way Qing Ye had been seeing it his entire life.

It had always been like that, ever since he was born and first opened his eyes to the world.

Staying silent as he stood still, Qing Ye ignored the gazes of the people around him before walking straight to the empty wooden bench where the teenager had been standing before, and as Qing Ye dejectedly sat down, his purple eyes lit up a bit when he felt the warm spot that has still remained.

This should be the spot that the teenager has sat down before and as he sat for a while, a forlorn expression appeared on Qing Ye's face, which had been hidden by the sunglasses the whole time.

Qing Ye slowly removed the sunglasses, instantly showing his devilishly handsome face, and causing the people around him to gasp in amazement.

Quickly raising his head to stare sadly at the starlight in the night sky, he remained that way unbothered by the people who had already recognized his identity, before a familiar figure finally stood before him, letting out tiny pants.

"Brother Ye?"

"Hey? Brother Ye?... Are you alright?"

Su Dong couldn't help but show a worried expression on his gentle, handsome face since the normally over-confident evildoer that did everything he wanted without worries seemed to be truly sad and dejected at this moment. This so shocking that Su Dong couldn't help but blink.

"Bro... I saw an angel... my angel."


"Love at first sight Bro... I'm in love right now."

With a "what the fuck" expression on his usually gentle, handsome face, Su Dong couldn't help but take a step back as he looked at the besotted man who's purple eyes were so intensely warm it felt like sweetness will soon ooze out.

Damn, what the heck just happened while he had been left behind?

"...So Brother Ye... which devastatingly attractive Sister was it that managed to make a man like you fall in love with just a single glance?"

Su Dong still needed to ask, despite feeling that he was going to have a heart attack. If everything his friend was saying is true, then everyone who personally knew his friend would definitely get a heart attack when they learned about it!

The iron tree seemed to be blossoming!

It is a miracle!

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

With a raise of his perfect eyebrows, the stunning face shot a look of contempt towards Su Dong, eliciting a confused expression.

Su Dong easily ignored it; as the most patient, kind, and gentle person in their group of friends, he was the only one out of the rest of the people Qing Ye was acquainted with that could stay longer by his Brother Ye's side.

"My angel is definitely a man."

"Eh? What? Can you repeat that again, please? I seemed to be hearing the wrong thing right now."

Frowning a bit, Qing Ye stared at his friend's confused and doubtful face. He couldn't help but roll his purple eyes before seriously speaking with an affectionate tone as he recalled the appearance of the teenager that had easily brightened his entire world.

"He's a man... or more precisely a teenager, based from his appearance. Although he might be older than me since he should be a member in the blood race family. So basically, I fell in love at first sight to my Baby!"

Man? Teenager? Angel? Baby? And a Blood Race at that? Brother are you sure you're not hallucinating right now? Or more likely, sick? What the hell are you talking about right now?

Every words your sexy mouth is spouting seemed to be a complicated and troublesome matter happening in the making.

Are you causing trouble again? Please stop already... at least give us a break once in a while, please.

"... Brother Ye are you completely serious right now? It's a man, no, a teenager at that?"

Suddenly, Su Dong stared at this twenty-four-year-old evildoer for a few seconds before he continued on with a skeptic voice.

"And Blood Race... Brother did you forget you are of the human race and a male at that? Although everyone is living more peacefully together, but you know that the Blood Race is a bit more old-fashioned in their beliefs right? Yes, they might have become more open these past years, but Brother Ye, do you think you really have a chance to bend him?"

Su Dong immediately snapped his mouth shut as soon as the last sentence was spoken. The man who had been releasing a dangerous aura the whole time that even those who already managed to identify him are afraid to get near him.

With an overly confident smile on Qing Ye's devilishly handsome face, he spoke the words with the greatest conviction that Su Dong had heard coming out from his mouth, "Who do you think I am? I'll definitely make my Baby fall in love with me! Just you wait."

Before a frown descended on that perfect evildoer face, and Qing Ye spoke worriedly, "Though, first, I need to know his identity and where he lives, so that I can start chasing after him."

Fuck... Su Dong's friend had been completely serious about the whole matter the whole entire time; he could especially tell when he saw the fire burning fiercely in the usually indifferent purple eyes.

Someone really managed to melt that cold heart of their Brother Qing Ye? Besides... which wonderful existence was it that managed to bend their Brother Ye now when it's usually their friend bending the people around him?

Damn, is this Karma?

Su Dong only knew that this is chaos in the making, to arise in the near future.

Ah. he was already feeling the headache of fixing those troublesome problems.

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