Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 60: Snow Remain Speechless At This Person Unluckiness.

Chapter 60: Snow Remain Speechless At This Person Unluckiness.

In the darkening sky, on top of a certain tall building, a slender figure dressed in black sits on the edge with his left leg bent over as he places his chin on his knee, while the pitch-black pupils silently gazing at a certain place.

"Snow, are you feeling alright?"

Suddenly, a worried voice sounded out, causing the haze and gloominess in his pitch-black eyes to lessen a bit before he shakes his head to answer Flake's worried question; the body he is currently using has been in an unusual state from the very beginning.

To even manage to survive and last this long... Snow couldn't help but feel admiration to that person's stubbornness- willful to the point that it might have caused his death if he kept doing what he has been doing all these years.

It might be stubbornness, stupidity, or an obstinate decision, but Snow can understand this body's circumstances based on what he has been learning so far about his current body.

Zou Yi, the person that he has to fulfill a mission regarding his regrets and wishes just couldn't help his circumstances; even Snow felt a bit speechless after learning about them.

So hungry... so hungry... really hungry.... ah I want to eat Li Chen food...

Although Snow already needed to remove his emotions quickly, he didn't have time to do it at the moment because at this instant, Snow was currently a bit curious and interested towards the way this body died; he particularly needed to know how- and what really happened- for Zou Yi to die in such an abnormal and unlucky way.

It was just too easy a way of death for a person that is supposed to be capable and strong.

Despite the fact that the body that he has been residing in seemed to be extremely weak due to his stubbornness and obstinacy about certain things, Zou Yi should be able to protect himself from the dangerous situations that he found himself in.

So at this moment, Snow is observing from a good distance the way that Zou Yi died: either he had been too unlucky or it was planned.

Snow arrived the moment Zou Yi was on his way to watch a movie made from his favorite book.

For a person who preferred to stay indoors most of the time, one could tell how much Zou Yi really loved it- to the point that he even went out of his home.

Zou Yi was just so unfortunate that the first time in a long time since he had gone out to the outside world, he suddenly met his demise- which even Snow felt speechless about.

So Snow waited. Then in the distance, as his pitch-black eyes turned crimson, he was finally able to watch the ongoing fight on top of the theater that Zou Yi went into.

It was two figures showing an impressive display of power as they attacked with fire magic and aura-filled weapons, and before long, the building has given up by their destructive fighting.

The entire time, a thin barrier had been set around them automatically when they began to fight with each other, causing ordinary people to remain clueless about the fighting happening around them.

Quickly, the fight finished as soon as it happened. In the far distance, the sound of another group of people began to advance towards the place that the two figures had been fighting.

After one last blow, the two figures quickly split apart and disappeared. Although it had been just a few minutes of battle, the fighting had caused the building to collapse completely, thus the numerous civilians that were clueless inside were killed or injured.

Snow, who had been observing the fight with seriousness the whole time, couldn't help but remain silent for a while, before a pale hand touched his forehead as his expression turned incomparably gloomy. 

The whole time he had been watching, Snow could definitely tell that it was not an elaborate attack orchestrated to deal with Zou Yi to take his life away.

Zou Yi's death was just an unfortunate accident. Snow narrowed his deep crimson eyes, because despite knowing that it was not an elaborated plan against Zou Yi, there was still something suspicious about the way Zou Yi died. To die just like that isn't something that could've happened to Zou Yi, at least killing this body that he is currently using isn't a simple thing to do.

Snow's crimson eyes started to deepen until it seemed like tears of blood would soon drop from out, and as he stared at the new group of people still on their way to the damaged movie theater, Snow suddenly used both of his hands to push his body, dropping down the building without any hesitation for how dangerous his action had been.

As his body, dressed in all black, descended quickly, a shadow suddenly wrapped all around him. Before long, his clothes and hair swaying from the wind, Snow finally reached the bottom of the building.

Snow's black shoes lightly touched the ground without suffering a single injury despite how fast he was dropping and how dangerous the action he took.

With the greatest speed he could muster, Snow quickly arrived at the demolished movie theater before the other group of people first arrived.

As he walked around the chaotic place, not a single person sensed his presence, much less able to see his existence.

Snow's deep crimson eyes roamed around the damaged building as he tried to find a very important item that will give the answer to his question. The entire time that he was trying locating the item, Snow just ignored the pleas and cries of pain of the people still inside the damaged movie theater.

He didn't have the time to rescue them since the new group of people will be arriving soon, especially since Snow felt nothing at all about the current situation of the people around him.

After searching for a few seconds, Snow finally found a familiar item that caused Zou Yi to die, and as he reached over to take a hold of it, Snow saw that it was a simple-looking throwing knife, causing a frown to appear on his blank face.

However, Snow knew that this was the item that had accidentally hit Zou Yi who had been concentrating on the movie that he loved the most- to the point that he didn't even felt it coming his way, which once again made Snow speechless.

After retrieving the item that he had been looking for, Snow immediately left the place, sensing the presence of the quickly arriving group of people.

As he stood once again on top of another building, with the sound of police cars and ambulances quickly rushing to the wrecked building, Snow used one of his permanent skills.

Suddenly an Appraisal Panel appeared before Snow's gloomy thick crimson eyes as he read the important information that it contained regarding the throwing knife in his hand.

Throwing Knife

Special: Soaked with mysterious substances called $*&^%

-Once hit, anyone with powerful aura within them will weaken. It affects the healing process- the more powerful a person is, the greater the effect, though effects only last for a few minutes since it is only a prototype at the moment.

Crimson eyes couldn't help but glowed when Snow finally found the missing part and a clue to the answer that he has been looking for the whole time.

A clue to why someone like Zou Yi died just like that after being hit by the throwing knife. Although the knife hit through his heart, which was already really unlucky, Zou Yi should have been able to survive that severe injury.

Even though Zou Yi had been keeping himself from the outside world with the internet being his only company most of the entire that he  at ishome, Zou Yi still had connections to the other members of his race, especially when it was extremely important information.

Unless no one else currently knew about this dangerous weapon's existence, as a Thousand Year Old Vampire and a member of the Old Elders in the Blood Race, Zou Yi should have known this piece of important information that is powerful enough to even threaten existences such as their Blood Race.

Sighing deeply, although Snow got a weird mission that was surprisingly easy to complete, what he learned today will complicate his life more in this world.

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