Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 330: Snow Surprising Reply And Actions Toward Claude.

Chapter 330: Snow Surprising Reply And Actions Toward Claude.

"... Nah, I have to refuse Brother Claude's offer of being a partner. After all, 'I' as the adult version of Noel wouldn't accept anyone so easily as my partner."

Snow ruthlessly refuses the blonde man's words before slowly leaning away and putting a certain distance between the two of them, although a smile filled with fake warmth was completely displayed on his face.

"Although Brother Claude is extremely good, and I am completely pleased with you but I can't accept the kind of 'Partner' you have in mind."

Carefully observing the reaction of the shocked and stunned blonde man, Snow has bent down to gently grip the beautiful blonde man chin while a cruel light befitting as a Fallen flashing in his contaminated crimson eyes.

"I'll be honest, Brother Claude I don't have any romantic feelings toward you, after all, I don't have the heart to feel such emotion. Until I have gotten my heart back then you can ask me again Unless you still feel the same after everything is over."

Sorry, my love you have to make me fall in love again but this also makes our situation special in every single world right? Without fail, we will repeatedly fall in love with each other.

"Baby, my feeling for you wouldn't fade out. Even after death, I am absolutely sure that my heart will beat for you once more. Just wait! Baby, I'll definitely make you accept becoming my Partner for as long as we exist!"

Of course, Snow future lover wouldn't just give up so easily, there was no time for him to feel sad and hurt by being ruthlessly rejected after the emotional chats that have happened between them, and nothing seemed to be capable enough to stop the man great determination for the two of them to be with each other.

Ah my love you are really the best

Snow expression softens and turning a bit more genuine at the blonde man's resolute and sincere expression before finally unable to ignore the familiar delicious scent that has been coming from the blonde man's special heart, which was completely making him lost total control of his Fallen urge of swallowing it.

Just as Snow has spoken to the Halfling Fallen before, he wasn't really lying about the blonde man's special heart absolutely smelling so divine, his future lover existence was simply precious in his eyes, the most perfect and delicious food that exists in the entire Realms.

The affinity between their dark and light power is just so strong that even being Half Demon and Half Fallen couldn't stop their special bond with each other.

"Ahhh Brother Claude you are making me crazy from want why do you have to smell so delicious?"

Snow couldn't help but lick his lip once more before his crimson eyes becoming thicker and darker as it flashes with open plunder while directly gazing at the blonde man surprise and suddenly embarrassed sky blue eyes.

"... then Baby, I'll allow you to slightly taste me?"


Snow seriously gaze at the completely serious blonde man who showed an excited and hopeful expression on his face, his future lover even going so far as to tilt his head sideways in order to show his perfectly side profile.

Claude was like a proud peacock showing his most beautiful appearance in order to tempt, chase, and coax their target.

"... Baby, you can bite me anywhere you like"


Yup, it's definitely Snow lover, this brazen actions and offer, the shamelessness, and even when trying to take advantage of eating some of his tofu in a completely different manner is entirely the same.

Of course, unlike the 'child form', Snow who has the complete memories of the various world living with his lover, there is no way he will lose when it comes to being brazen with shamelessness.

"...Well please don't mind if I do."

And so in everyone's eyes, they watched as the silver-haired Fallen Demon has directly lean over to directly take a bite at the blonde man slender neck before completely pressing him down into the ground with the huge wing in his back spreading wider.

Of course, the supposed victim was completely happy at the sudden turn of event and even going so far as to tilt his head further in order for the Fallen Demon to have a better space and angle to lick, bite and suck the man expose skins.


Fuck! Please remember what kind of existence you are allowing to take advantage of your body! And please completely remove that pure bliss in your face!


At the exact time that Claude was pushed down in the ground, the dark chains upon his body have finally been broken up and leaving him completely free.

Of course, different from some people's ideas of the blonde man finally going to fight back to the Fallen Demon since they have still retained a small doubt that he might have been acting up because of being bound.

Lisette who was the front view scene of the live intimate actions of the two different existence a few distances away from where she was standing has already figured out what insane action her cousin will do next.

And so, without surprise, Lisette's expression didn't change much when Claude has practically wrapped his entire arms around the Fallen Noel waist and pulling him closer to his body.

Although Lisette completely knew how wrong it was, she couldn't stop the blush appearing on her face while a glint of excitement and thrill emotion basically glinted in her eyes while watching the two young men ambiguous actions with each other.

While the growing respect and worship she secretly shares with the other Franc Family members toward Claude have practically raised up after witnessing his courageous and brave actions toward another unusual Fallen.

Damn, that is her cousin alright! Nothing will be able to stop Claude once he decided to do something! Even a Fallen couldn't ignore his charm and beauty!

"... Brother Claude you really taste good"

Snow let out a please sigh while his crimson eyes continue to thicken with desire after practically feeling the powerful light power spreading inside his body, even though any individual with light power should be dangerous to a Fallen, however, his future lover power was completely different.

Rather than trying to hurt Snow, the light power belonging to the blonde man was giving him a soothing and calming effect, it wasn't harmful one bit, however, the only downside was completely making him fully addicted to the power and feeling that Claude gives out.

It felt like Snow fell into a trap, after tasting such sweetness he was unable to intricate himself anymore.

well, his future lover is always sly and full of surprise so it shouldn't just be his conjecture, the blonde man might have planned it from the start really, how amazing...

However, it doesn't matter one bit because Snow has definitely chosen this person as his future lover in this world, so without any hesitation, he decisively gives one last hard and violent bite between the man's neck and shoulder before gently sucking and licking it.

Of course, Snow crimson eyes have been brimming in pleasure while Claude sky blue eyes were darkening with desire along with endless pampering within, completely allowing Snow to do whatever he wants.

The blonde man completely showing it in his face that as long as Snow desires his entire existence, the blonde man wouldn't even hesitate to offer it.

"... Brother Claude let me taste you once in a while alright?"

Snow will definitely take this person away after the entire situation regarding the Halfling Fallen is over.

"Baby haa feel free to do whatever you like Brother Claude will allow it."

Snow couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle before raising his head to gently place a soft kiss in the corner of the blonde man's lip while using his hand to tenderly fiddle the soft blonde hair near the man ear.


Shortly, Snow has gently embraced the blonde man before his huge wings slightly move, causing the blushing Lisette to be pushed away from where they are at before swiftly flying up in the air as the protective array was finally broken up by the combined attack of two existence that should have been fighting each other and not working to deal with him.

"Now then I need to finish this..."

While floating in the air with the blonde man carefully held in his arms, Snow has titled his head before raising his left hand to tap between his forehead with a playful smile shot toward the Angel and Halfling Fallen.

Although Snow crimson eyes remain cold and chilling while murderous intentions chaotically swirling within it, he was completely determined to finally end their situation.

"What you want to swallow is inside here, after all I don't have my special core anymore."

"You sure has guts to be flirting with a Light Halfling and love to talk so much in my presence do you think you can get away from me?"

Shortly, a crack of space has suddenly appeared around the Halfling Fallen, before countless weaker Fallen have appeared completely making the entire situation become graver and dangerous than it already is.

"Huh? Why should I run away? I might be a Half Fallen, but I am still in the same A rank as you ok? Do you how much Fallen I have swallowed to reach this rank in the shortest time I turned into one? Don't underestimate me too much alright? You might end up becoming one of my food just like what happened to the other Fallen."

Snow expression quickly turned dangerous while his crimson red eyes glowed brightly as similar countless space crack has also opened around him, causing everyone eyes to widen in surprise and dread, especially when a furious roar has echoed out just the other side of space that causes a chill to run down their spine.

"... Unlike you that can only call a weaker Fallen and couldnt control them, mines are all obedient and adorable. Halfling Fallen, meet my lovely Flake and my countless adorable Fallen subordinates~"

Soon, the entire place was filled with numerous Fallens and completely changing the entire situation as two A-Rank Fallen completely fight against each other, a first occurrence that will be remembered in the generation to come.

"Come on... between us, let see who can swallow who."

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