Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 128: Let’s Hold the Blood Moon Tribunal

Chapter 128: Let’s Hold the Blood Moon Tribunal

The death row inmates shouted in unison: Why!?

Ashe stood with his hands on his hips, speaking righteously: To be honest, Im actually a good person. I wish I could feed you bunch of scumbags to the fishes immediately. How could I possibly let you get out and wreak havoc on society? Just stay here quietly to accept ideological remolding, and strive to die early. Dont let me see you guys again!

But youre a cult leader yourself!

Im not, I didnt, Im innocent.

Who would believe that!

You dont believe such an honest good person like me. Ill remember you. Hmm, Ill vote for you during the Blood Moon Tribunal.

Wait, hold on. A handsome and tall death row inmate stopped him: Although I dont know about your escape plan, no matter what, I can serve as bait to divert the Heresy Courts attention, increasing your chance of escaping successfully. You dont have to trust me, but compared to you, the Heresy Court will definitely pay more attention to me, Nightingale Joelle. I can definitely reduce the pressure you face tremendously.

Ah, its Joelle. I remember you. Ashe smiled: Back then, Igor wanted to find teammates. The first one he recommended was you. He believed you were very powerful and witty, skilled in healing and evasion, and understood all the big and small black spots in Caimon City. Simply the best ally.

Joelle smiled: Im flattered by the Beasts favor

So he strongly demanded that I leave you here to die. Ashe sneered: Back when we came to recruit you, you refused and ignored us. Now the plan has succeeded, its your turn to fail to reach!

Igor is much more petty than me. You offended him, I guess before leaving he used the Register of Sinners to make you lick the piss pool clean. Hey, anyone here have diabetes? Maybe you can help adjust the taste for him?

Pushing away the ugly-looking Joelle, Ashe had barely taken two steps before being blocked by the prison guards again.

Ashe Heath. Nago said coldly: I know for stubborn and vicious free will criminal offenders like you, reasoning is useless. So Im not interested in reasoning with you. I just hope you either kill me or remove my restraints! I cant stand this humiliation!

Ashe blinked: This humiliation? Isnt your current treatment just the daily treatment for death row inmates? Everyone goes through this

But were not death row inmates! We shouldnt suffer such shackles! Nago looked over the death row inmates: While you

They deserve their sins, I know. Ashe said lightly: Just think of this as a rare career experience. It will also benefit your future work. After all, how can you become warden when you havent even been an inmate?

Besides, these so-called shackles just forbid you from attacking, insulting, and pissing randomly, right? Isnt this just the rules you should follow anyway? Why are you so resistant about it?

As for you being unable to piss when watched, thats because youre too sensitive. Its not my problem

Nago was speechless for a moment. Ashe pushed him aside and whispered in his ear:

Dont think its an insignificant good deed so you dont want to do it. Dont think its a negligible evil act so you just do it casually

Im not asking you to sympathize with these scumbags. I just hope you guys dont become scumbags.

Of course, you can also see this as me getting revenge on you prison guards. He patted Nagos shoulder: Next time when bringing death row inmates to the Blood Moon Tribunal, be gentler, just routinely send them to their deaths. Dont treat the inmates as toys.

When you dont treat others as human, youre not far from them yourself.

After saying that, Ashe left. Nago stood there in a daze, mixed emotions in his heart


Ashe suddenly rushed back in to wash his hands in the sink, Almost forgot. Then swiftly left again.

Nago looked at the shoulder Ashe had just patted, feeling even more complicated.

In the central hall, the five villains gathered.

Necromancer Harvey said: Now except for us five, everyone else in the prison has limited mobility and death row inmate level restrictions added. No one can affect our plan.

Swindler Igor said: I learned from the Hunter that the transport ship must be back at Caimon Lake Port by 7pm at the latest, otherwise the port will inquirebecause the port staff must get off work at exactly 7:30pm.

Gourmet Langna said: The transport ship has been cleaned up.

Woodpecker Ronat gave a thumbs up, flashing a smile that made his teeth shine: Ive learned how to control the transport ship! The five of us meet the minimum crew requirements to operate the transport ship!

That means we can leave anytime now. Ashe looked around: The only problem is, Harvey, if you want to kill Fernand Snow, you have to delay his death until after 6pm. Whether by poison or bleeding him out, the point is to give us ample escape time.

Orwe can execute that plan which can be called insane and spur of the moment.

Harvey ripped open a sky blue square package with his teeth, using his tongue to roll out a milky white candy inside his mouth. Ashe took a close look wasnt this the Moonlight Candy from the Snow White brand that had advertised on Caimon Channel One? This moonlight candy claimed to be whiter than snow and sweeter than a princess. More lewdly, in the commercial the model acting as the princess did a split after eating one candy.

Ashe really couldnt help but be interested after all he couldnt do the splits.

But Harvey actually had this kind of hobby?

He saw Harvey gently crushing the candy with his tongue, a hint of liveliness slowly surfacing in his lifeless eyes: I choose the spur of the moment plan.

Me too. Surprisingly the second approval came from Igor. His eyes now looked crazily excited like a pervert seeing a beauty: I cant miss such a good performance opportunity.

I object. Langna took out a nail file to groom his nails, saying lightly: Leaving quietly is the safest.

I stand with Langna. Ronat smiled: Whether emotionally or interest-wise, the spur of the moment plan is too risky.

2 vs 2, the decisive vote was in Ashes hands.

I naturally prefer the higher safety original plan. After Ashe said this, Harvey and Igors expressions turned ugly, while Langna and Ronat smiled.


Ashe spread his hands: This is my first time being caught, first time becoming a death row inmate, first time being jailed, first time attending the Blood Moon Tribunal And now its also the first time escaping.

With so many firsts, its not too much to add one more.

Lets use our first Blood Moon Tribunal to say hello to this sick country.


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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