Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 125: Sylphine in the Infirmary

Chapter 125: Sylphine in the Infirmary

You cant escape.

In the infirmary, Sylphine was sweating profusely, her hands covered in fluids. Ashe let out a comfortable hmm, openly enjoying the medics labor.

Dont be so presumptuous. Maybe a miracle will happen!

Miracles are created by oneself, not by hoping for realitys mercy. Sylphine said calmly, In the Bloodmoon Kingdom, any transportation, consumption, and even vagrancy requires verification by the Miracle Chip. It is quite impressive that you were able to completely remove the Miracle Chip from your body in prison, but it also means you have lost the qualifications to live in modern society. You will be unable to enjoy any public facilities or services the only place you can sleep from now on is under a cardboard box on the overpass.

I can live in the wilderness.

What about salt? Shelter? Can you find prey? Not to mention, although there are indeed vagabond survivalists living in the wilderness, its only because the Heresy Court is too lazy to deal with them. After the ruckus youve caused, the Heresy Court will definitely find ways to hunt you down.

But its still better than waiting here to die.

The Blood Moon Tribunal only means possible death, while your choice to escape guarantees death. Sylphine glanced at him, applying more force with her hands, Now even the Human Rights Association has no reason to defend you all. The Heresy Court will issue a Special Arrest Warrant, allowing the Blood Mad Hunters to kill you escapees on site.

Ashe let out a hmm. At least I can choose how I die.

I didnt realize you were such a tough person.

Sylphine shook her head and used a tissue to wipe her hands. Alright, the bleeding has basically stopped. By the way, what are you hmm-ing about over there?

Lying on the bed in front of Sylphine was a severely injured cannibal. Its wounds were nearly gangrenous, forcibly scraped away by Sylphine before being wrapped in bandages, only then did its breathing gradually stabilize as it lay unconscious on the bed.

Thanks. We dont have anyone who can treat the living over there. Ashe waved the earpick in his hand. I was digging my ear and felt so comfortable I couldnt help but cry out, sorry about that.

Digging your ears feels that good?

Maybe because I can dig while sitting down. As you know, the bathroom doesnt even have chairs. Aside from a mans thighs, theres nowhere else to sit. Ashe came over to check on Fernand Snows condition. Will he be alright?

Cannibals have strong regenerative abilities. Hell wake up after a few more hours. Sylphine asked, How did he get injured?

When it came to this, Ashe was also helpless.

If I said its because he looked at someone else, would you believe it?

Half an hour ago, Ashe brought Fernand Snow to the lobby to register in the Register of Sinners, then prepared to lock the mayor in his room.

However, while registering, Fernand Snow glanced at Harvey who was in charge of the Register of Sinners. Harvey suddenly erupted, his fingernails abruptly turning into sharp gray claws that stabbed into the cannibals abdomen like spears.

Although Ashe barely managed to stop the enraged necromancer, he didnt think the cannibal mayor would thank him after waking up.

In Shattered Lake Prison, a blank death was perhaps the most comfortable death.

The escape team had long known about the grudge between Harvey and Fernand Snow, and didnt mind letting Harvey take his revenge, but only after they left in theory, only the Processor of Shattered Lake Prison could receive the life signs of Fernand Snow, but what if?

For the same reason, after Ashe used Slash My Miracle to purify the chips of the five escapees, and Harvey used his necromancy book to control the Processor to add restrictions to all the prison guards, they didnt kill anyone they didnt even hurt them, only restricted their range of movement.

It wasnt because their morals were so high and mighty, but because they didnt dare gamble. If the life characteristics of the guards were sent to the Processor in Caimon City after their deaths, alerting the Heresy Court, then not only would their escape fail, even leaving this Shattered Lake would be questionable.

But none of them had a healing spirit, though Harvey could suture wounds for a necromancer, suturing corpses was also considered a professional skill.

However, Ashe didnt dare let Harvey help stop Fernand Snows bleeding, so he came to find the medic for help.

Of course, in this process Ashe also didnt lift the restrictions on the medics arcane energy, he only had the medic use gauze and bandages to stop the bleeding. Although the medic basically relied on spirits to heal, she still knew these basic treatments.

It seems your companions are not very reliable.

Of course, Im the only normal one on the team.

Hearing that makes me worry for your prison break journey.

Who wouldnt say that? Im responsible for leading the whole team to fly, but its still better than waiting here to die-

Do you really think so?

Ashe looked at the crow mask in surprise. Sylphine didnt avoid his gaze, staring straight at him.

Do you really feel like your only option in Shattered Lake Prison is death? In less than a month, youve come up with feasible ways to escape, establishing your position in the prison Even if, as you say, someone outside the prison has framed you, do you really only have this path to take?

Compared to escaping Shattered Lake Prison and becoming enemies with the entire Bloodmoon Kingdom, wouldnt it be simpler, safer to find loopholes and survive in Shattered Lake Prison?

If you just wanted to live ignobly, you wouldnt have chosen the most dangerous path of escape. Youre doing this to satisfy some desire, even willing to bet your life on it.

Ashe was slightly startled.

Carefully recalling his actions over the past half month, he realized that he did seem to have never considered accepting the laws punishment No, bearing Heaths blame and spending the rest of his life in prison.

From the beginning, he had been thinking about how to escape. Auroras Sorcerer Handbook, the swordswoman, Igor These were all opportunities for his escape, but the idea of escaping seemed to be deeply rooted in his mind, never wavering.

Did he not know the extremely low chance of a successful escape, and the risk of death?

Did he not know that even if he succeeded, what awaited him would still be endless pursuit?

He could almost foresee his own outcome hungry, cold, tired, every person he encountered an enemy, no longer a place for him in the Bloodmoon Kingdom.

A person cannot resist the collective, they can only blend into the collective.

In fact, if he just wanted to live ignobly, there should still be other ways. For example, taking out his knowledge reserves, copying texts and the like, greatly increasing his contribution; or carefully preparing a xiangsheng/crosstalk script, turning the Blood Moon Tribunal into his own show.

There were many, many more, each method safer than his escape, some even with higher success rates.

But whydid he not have any thoughts of surrender or compromise from the start?


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