Solo Resurrection

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 – Rage Syndrome (3)

Due to the commotion caused by Kang Hyeon, numerous soldiers had gathered at the Jeong-jin Guild building.

“Civilians are rioting!”


The soldiers who were busy inspecting the building’s interior were startled by the appearance of Han Si-hwan and the madmen, and picked up their megaphones.

“Stop right there! Stop!”

The people with completely bloodshot eyes did not heed those words.

Instead, they attacked everyone around them indiscriminately and moved even faster.



People nearby met a terrible fate without even being able to put up a fight.

Some people seemed to be ability users as they were seen drawing weapons, but their fate was not much different.


A spear thrust by an ability user pierced through a madman’s stomach.

It was an attack that would have instantly drained the strength and killed a normal person, but

“Grrr…. Gack!”


The madman, with the spear still impaling him, pushed his body forward and eventually bit off the ability user’s neck.

“Uh, uwaaa!”

-Bang, bang!

A soldier who couldn’t overcome his fear at that sight fired his gun.

“Which crazy bastard fired without orders?!”


“Are you insane? Don’t do anything until we get orders from abo-, Gack!”

The company commander who was spouting nonsense had his neck sliced off before he could finish speaking.

“Kill them all!”


-Bang bang bang!

In an instant, it turned into a scene of carnage.

Amidst the chaos, Shin Seong-a quickly moved positions to provide covering fire, while Han Si-hwan fought valiantly, living up to his title as the vice guild master of a major guild.

“Stay still!”

[Roar of the Enraged Lion has been activated]

[The morale and abilities of all enemies have decreased]

And Kang Hyeon was frantically running towards one man.

The man’s fingers on both hands had grotesquely elongated, clearly very sharp at a glance.

And he was swinging those hideous hands towards a young girl.

“No matter what, you shouldn’t harm a child. Bastard!”


With a clean flying kick to the face, the man instantly shattered the reinforced glass window and flew into the building.

“Big brother’s a bit busy, so go find your mom on your own. Okay?”

“Sob, sob…! Uwaaaaang!”

Kang Hyeon hurriedly pushed the child’s back, but the girl who looked about 10 years old just cried bitterly.


In the meantime, the man who had been smashed into the building rushed out again.

“What? You’ve already recovered?”



It was a total disaster.

The child was crying, and the crazed man was charging forward, drooling.

“Oh shit!”

Finally, Kang Hyeon drew out Bilgein’s longsword and quickly thrust it in.

The man with the sword stuck in his neck shuddered once before going limp.


As Kang Hyeon pulled out the sword, blood sprayed everywhere like a fountain.


Faced with this grotesque scene she had never witnessed before, the child couldn’t even scream and just hiccupped.

“Tsk! Close your eyes!”

Kang Hyeon hurriedly picked up the child, put her down inside the building, and pointed to a corner.

“You need to stay still there until big brother comes to find you. Got it?”


The child didn’t give any answer, just staring at Kang Hyeon with unfocused eyes.

“That’s right. Good girl. Now big brother’s going!”

Coming out of the building, Kang Hyeon saw the street in complete chaos.


“Die! Die! Kuhahaha!”

Those with red eyes were all insane, though to varying degrees.

They attacked people indiscriminately, and sometimes even fought among themselves.

The biggest problem with this group of madmen was that they had superhuman, monstrous physical abilities.

“Uwaaaa! Don’t come!”


They continued moving even with their bodies riddled with bullet holes, and



Some even had their bodies completely transformed, looking no different from monsters.

“Why do I always end up in messed up situations wherever I go?”


As Kang Hyeon sighed and muttered, a woman rushed at him.



But an arrow that flew in from somewhere pierced her neck, and she collapsed to the ground.

“Thank you.”

Kang Hyeon raised his hand to greet Shin Seong-a and ran forward.

“These guys have no chance of rehabilitation anyway.”

He wasn’t making excuses for his aversion to killing.

He was just stating the facts.

Park Se-hyeon of the Guardian Guild.

Hong Chae-yeon of the Jeong jin Guild.

They were all top-tier ability users, but in the end, they couldn’t overcome it and became monsters.

“They shouldn’t have messed with that drug in the first place.”


As if to refute Kang Hyeon’s words, a man came charging with a terrible scream.


Kang Hyeon grabbed the head of the charging man and smashed it into the asphalt.

“Magic Explosion.”


An enormous explosion occurred under Kang Hyeon’s hand, and the man’s head instantly burst, turning into a splash of blood.

“So, just die quietly.”




-I really can’t go outside. I’ve been cooped up for two days, just eating ramen lol

-At least you bought ramen? I have no side dishes at home, so I’m just eating rice

-But isn’t it okay to go out now?

-Go out now and regret it when you get a hole in your stomach. It’ll be too late then.

Once again, South Korea was turned upside down by a sudden large-scale riot.

People falling into collective madness and inflicting indiscriminate violence.

It was fortunate in the midst of misfortune that martial law had been declared and soldiers were on standby.

-Has anyone seen Kang Hyeon’s video?

-I saw it. He was totally badass lol

-Badass my ass. He looked completely insane.

-Yeah, honestly watching the video was a bit scary. Too brutal.

-But in that situation, you can’t move carefully while distinguishing people, it’s natural to be a bit rough.

-For real. Hypocrite bastards. They would have run away without looking back.

-Nice topic change.

-Random, but the leather jacket was surprisingly cool.

-That thing? lol Your taste is unique.

Kang Hyeon, who was looking at his smartphone, slowly nodded.

“Something feels missing…”

After pondering for a moment, Kang Hyeon diligently tapped on his smartphone.

-I’m an acquaintance of Kang Hyeon, and he’s actually super handsome in person.

Only then did Kang Hyeon seem satisfied and smiled.

“Mr. Kang Hyeon.”

“Huh, what!?”

Kang Hyeon stuttered in surprise when Shin Seong-a suddenly called him.

“Someone is here to see you.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s Vice Guild Master Han Si-hwan.”

“Tell him I’m busy with work.”


Kang Hyeon, who was about to focus on work again, put down his smartphone on the desk.

“Ah… The mood is ruined.”

After spinning around in the chairman’s chair for a moment, Kang Hyeon picked up his smartphone again.

Then he called Shin Tae-gil.

-What’s the matter?

“Aren’t you working?”


“Delete all the malicious comments about me on the internet!”

-I’m busy. I’m hanging up.

“I’m sorry. It was a joke. Hehehe.”

For some reason, Kang Hyeon felt like playing pranks whenever he heard Shin Tae-gil’s voice.

-What’s your business?

“I came with high-level information, but your reaction is so cold.”

-Mr. Kang Hyeon. I’m really busy. Please.

“Ah, okay. I got it. You’re so heartless…”

Kang hyeon changed his expression and continued the conversation seriously.

It was about the dissolution of the Jeong jin Guild and the man behind it, Choi Min-jun.

-That’s really surprising…

“I did well, didn’t I?”

-Yes. You did a good job. We’ve been circling around without getting to the core, but this is a big help.

“If you’re grateful, I have a favor to ask.”

-As long as it’s not comment manipulation or something like that, go ahead.

“I need poison.”

-Poison… You say?

Shin Tae-gil’s voice showed confusion at this unexpected request.

“Yes. A very potent one. If possible, the kind that melts bodies or organs. You know, like those biochemical weapons?”

-What on earth are you planning to use that for…

“I’m not going to harm others, so please get it for me.”

-Sigh… I’ll look into it.


-Is there more?

“Do you have any information on skills or abilities related to resistance?”

-Resistance, resistance…

This time, even Shin Tae-gil seemed to be considering it seriously.

-Abilities related to resistance are very rare. They’re not even traded through normal methods.

“I thought so.”

-It’s information that ordinary people don’t even know exists. You’ve done well to find out about it. Is that why you need the poison too?

“That’s right. So please get me some other things too. I’ve been helping a lot, like with the C-rank dungeon last time.”


Shin Tae-gil sighed and continued.

-Such rare items can’t be obtained just because you have a lot of money. Though money is needed, of course.

“I earn good money. How much do you need?”

-At least tens of billions of won.

Kang Hyeon’s eyes shook as if there was an earthquake at the sudden appearance of this unrealistic amount.

“Shit! Why is it so expensive?!”

-Items for acquiring skills and abilities are originally expensive. A few hundred million to a few billion won is common.

“But you said tens of billions?”

-That’s the minimum.

“Sigh, I guess the government won’t pay for it?”

-Don’t ask when you already know. I’m hanging up now.

Shin Tae-gil hung up before Kang Hyeon could answer.

“What’s wrong with this guy? He’s unnecessarily prickly today.”

-Ding dong

Just then, the doorbell rang.

-Ding dong

“Who is it?”

“It’s Vice Guild Master Han Si-hwan.”

Shin Seong-a answered Kang Hyeon’s question.

“Why didn’t you let him in?”

“Because you told me not to last time…”

Kang Hyeon vaguely remembered having such a conversation with Shin Seong-a.

-Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!

Kang Hyeon, who was already in a bad mood, got even more annoyed at the noise that seemed to shake his head.

“Why keep ringing it? Once is enough!”

“Kang Hyeon. If we smash his head, he won’t be able to ring the bell. Should I do it?”

An Yu-seong, who seemed quite annoyed too, threw down his game and took out a mace from his inventory.

“Sigh… Let him in.”


As Shin Seong-a approached the entrance and opened the door, Han Si-hwan, soaked in rain, appeared.

“Whew! Isn’t it too much to leave me outside in the rain…”

Han Si-hwan, who had hurriedly entered the house complaining, stopped talking when he saw Kang Hyeon’s fiercely raised eyes.

“No, I’m sorry for rudely ringing the doorbell when it’s raining.”

“Okay, that’s enough. What’s the matter?”


Just as Han Si-hwan was about to say something, the doorbell rang again.

-Ding dong, ding dong!

“Hey. Go out and smash that thing.”


“The doorbell, of course. What else?”


An Yu-seong licked his lips as if disappointed.

“Sigh… Just open the door for now.”

At Kang Hyeon’s words, Shin Seong-a opened the door and an unexpected person entered the house.

“Mr. Kang Hyeon! It’s good to see you!”

It was the Jo Seong-chan and Jo Dong-won brothers from the Haeseon Guild.

“What brings you here? No, more importantly, how did you all know about this place?”

Come to think of it, this was a safe house provided secretly by the government.

It wasn’t a place just anyone could come to as they pleased.

“I asked Team Leader Shin Tae-gil.”

“We came here to ask Mr. Han Si-hwan.”

In the end, it meant this situation occurred because Shin Tae-gil had told them.

“That guy is really getting on my nerves today.”

Kang Hyeon sighed and looked at the uninvited guests.

“Well, since you’re here, come in. It’s not polite to leave you standing like this.”

Kang Hyeon, who had guided the uninvited guests to the living room, took out beer from the refrigerator.

“This is all I have to drink, so just have this.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“By the way, Shin Seong-a, An Yu-seong, it feels like the house has become cramped now that there are suddenly many people when it’s usually just the three of us.”


Kang Hyeon turned his head at the sudden gaze he felt.

There was Han Jae-moon, looking at him and clearing his throat.

“What do you want?”


When Kang Hyeon glared at him, Han Jae-moon couldn’t say anything and turned his head away.

“Where were we? I forgot because of you!”

“I’m sorry…”

Han Jae-moon’s eyes became moist as he apologized.

‘That bastard. Always nagging just me…’

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