Solo Eating to Overpowered

Chapter 332

Episode 332:

The appearance of a disconnected continent!

The Arba continent shook as if a bomb had exploded. Loud voices coming from outside the castle!

“A continent has been opened!”

“Everyone get on board! “We have to get there faster than anyone else!”

“Is there anyone who can open a portal to the Kurula area? “I will pay double or triple for gold!”

New continent!

It is also a new continent filled with the fantasy races of your dreams. The players were heading to the disconnected continent as if it were a competition.

Player crazy about adventure!

Asus also seemed restless.

“Should I go now? What do you think, X?”

“Do you think you can tour the entire continent if you go a little earlier? “It’s more than five times the size of the Arba Continent, even if it’s not the size of the Continent.”

“I guess so? “Even if it’s a little late, there will still be honey, right?”

Asus’ earnest eyes!

The reason Asus was stranded in Xernis was simple. Asus was exploring the glacial ruins of Xernis.

Lord X knew of Asus’s hardships.

‘You must not lose motivation while doing government work.’

So, X told a white lie.

“of course.”

Dungeon Rune Stone Named Monsters Intimacy with NPCs and even quests!

Even though X had completely hogged all the proper honey, poor Asus had no choice but to take X’s word for granted.

“Then, shall we check for the first time in a while?”

X immediately opened the territory management window.


Population: 3,413,922

Reputation: 1,057,5980

Happiness: 79%

Features: Blessing of Rune Stone / Gentleness / Natural Fortress / Tunnel / Passion / Plenty of Harvest / Development / Machinery / Cultural Powerhouse / God’s Protection / Center of Trade / Capital of the Continent / Wind of Change / Great Leader


Dilated X pupils.

When did my fief Xernis grow so much? These were numbers you couldn’t believe even if you washed your eyes and looked again.

First of all, the most surprising thing was the population. The last time I checked, it was close to 5 million…

“Four thirty-five million…!”

There was a big impact from the newly introduced NPCs. Acting Lord Zaul stood by X’s side and explained.

“Refugees from Narville flocked in. “Isn’t it impossible to turn away those who have walked a long way?”

“Sure. “Well done.”

Population is the power of a territory.

No matter how much gold you have accumulated, if the residents start to leave, the territory will quickly shake.

In addition, Xernis’s reputation had risen rapidly.

“They say that thanks to you, everyone can walk around with their shoulders straight!”

The story of X’s heroism spread throughout the Arba Continent!

Since X was the lord of Xernis, it was natural that Xernis’ reputation would rise.

In addition, the newly added features could not be left out. Asus pointed his finger out the window.

“New technologies were introduced as ruins buried under the ice were discovered. “The tower you see over there is as tall as anything you’ve ever seen before!”

Restored ancient Xernis techniques! Recovering technology required gold and time.

Since there was no shortage of gold in Xernis, if there was enough time, all of Xernis’ glorious past could be restored.

‘Even the last great leader.’

Great leader!

Lord X’s happiness level increased just by staying in Xernis.

After briefly examining Xernis’ status, X finally opened the inventory.

“Here’s the product. “Tell Jincheol I’m sorry for being late.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. Since he’s your biggest fan, he’d probably be happy to receive an apology. But why does it look a little old now?”

“…I guess it’s just my mood.”

A set of dark iron armor that was properly used until the end!

Nevertheless, although it was a waste and I was about to shed bloody tears, didn’t I accumulate a huge amount of national treasury through the Xernis Mutu Tournament?

X closed his eyes tightly and handed over the dark iron armor to Asus.

“Sniff, it smells really sweet!”

“Is it real? “Sniff sniff, give me a little bit of X!”

These two guys are amazing at recognizing good things! Both of them were wagging their tails and their eyes were shining.

But if you’re going to share it, shouldn’t you show it off in front of as many people as possible?

X asked Zawl.

“Anyway, where are the others?”


The residence of Great Sage Sioras!

Sioras purchased a building in Xernis.

He must have accumulated a lot of gold as he lived for a long time, so he purchased a fairly large building.

Sioras opened his mouth.

“But don’t misunderstand that I have a strong desire for money. “I guess there are watching eyes in the lord’s office, so we just bought a big house so we can talk comfortably.”

Sioras made an excuse that wasn’t an excuse, but no one was paying attention to what he said.

Busy and crowded!

The number of people gathered to fill the large building.

“To celebrate X’s safe return!”

“For a great victory!”


Everyone has already started clinking their glasses.


Meanwhile, X was hitting the cutting board with a knife.

A man who doesn’t waste a single minute!

X went ahead and cooked the food even if no one asked him to. For X, everyday life at Fate was training itself.

Next to X was Danwoo.

“I’ll fix that!”

“Do you want to do that?”

“yes! Even though it’s like this, I’m good at cutting things like fruit.”

Danwoo smiled awkwardly. The only thing that had changed was that Danwoo’s short hair now reached his shoulders. Of course, X didn’t seem to notice at all.

Suddenly X asked.



“Can’t you see Dallas?”

What did I expect? Danwoo answered in a slightly depressed voice.

“Dallas is doing great on the front lines. I heard that you are joining the Eating Alone Alliance to keep White Mask’s advance in check as much as possible. “You have the ability to do that, right?”

Dallas, the priest of sacrifice!

He was actively pursuing his major.

From what I heard, it seems that Dallas is starting to gain quite a reputation as a battlefield saint.

‘I forgot about the other existence for a moment.’

Focus on Nidhogg.

Thanks to this, I stopped caring about other beings. Since returning to the Arba Continent, there is no choice but to clash with other beings.

However, there is one less thing to worry about.

“I heard Songwol recaptured Narville?”

“yes! “I also participated in the volunteer group.”

“really? “You must have had a hard time.”

“Hehe, thank you for your hard work.”

Kaimus’s defeat!

A sweet laugh burst out from within my heart. It was Kaimus who was so angry that he brought destruction on his own feet.

Watching his downfall, X was able to keenly feel the importance of image management once again.

‘Karma comes back to you.’

Be careful what you say.

Be careful what you do.

Let’s always maintain a straight face.

I promised again.

Bubble bubble!

Spicy soup starting to boil.

What you can’t miss on a good day is a good drink.

X took out a dwarven beer from his inventory. Katharine leaned closer to the table.

“This is the legendary beer that the dwarves made themselves?!”

“They say this beer is more valuable than gold mines among dwarves. “I also got it through special circumstances.”

Our X has really changed. Asus was on the verge of tears of joy.

“It seems like just yesterday you were selling food to me for gold… “I also know how to take care of others.”

Danwoo tilted his head.

“X, you usually take good care of everyone, right?”

“I know. Asus, aren’t you the only one who misunderstood?”

“My student is not a person who is stingy with others.”

A torrent of criticism!

Asus seemed to have been unfairly treated, but isn’t this all about image management?

If it’s twisted, it’s like laying down a piece of cheolmyeonpi. X gave a smug look and headed back to the kitchen.

“In the end, all that remains is a white mask.”


No sooner had he tipped his glass of beer than Sioras got to the point. Everyone gathered here was well aware of the fear of other beings.

Liglian helped.

“An all-out war with this guy would cause countless losses. Because both the Eastern Continent and the Severed Continent were taken away. “I will do my best to protect the Arba Continent.”

“It will be a difficult battle, not only for us but for everyone. In fact, the Arba Continent can be said to be their hometown and headquarters.”


Everyone agreed.

X thought to himself.

‘However, they will not be able to easily take over the Arba Continent.’

Because there were players on the Arba continent. These are the variable players that White Mask feared.

Until now, the players were working together to keep the White Mask’s actions in check.

Kataran changed the mood.

“Now, other beings are good too, but let’s forget about today for a moment, right?”

“That’s right! “Let’s talk about complicated things later!”

“Yongyong, you’re just hungry.”

“…I got caught.”

one two.

X, who made fun of Yongyong, immediately brought the food.

A spicy hot pot sprinkled with red pepper powder, a piece of meat topped with a sauce with a very small amount of honey from the spirit, and finally, a heavenly dish made in the shadow of the king of gourmet food!

“Your skills have improved a lot in the time I’ve never seen you!”

Exclamations of exclamation erupted from everywhere.

However, being surprised by just the exterior is rather disappointing!

Finally, when X sat down, everyone picked up spoons.

As soon as they put the spoon in their mouths, their eyes widened.


Four star heavenly cooking effect activated!


Those who checked the notification muttered.

“…What kind of ridiculous effect is this?!”


Xernis Northern Glacier Ruins!

X followed Asus there and headed there. It seemed as if the shock of the heavenly cuisine had not yet subsided for Asus.

“You mean you’ve been eating this all this time alone? It’s disgusting, it’s shameful. “I never dreamed that I had a monopoly on such incredible effects.”

But at the same time, I can’t help but be thankful!

As long as I had X’s food, I could continue on adventures that I could not dare to pursue due to the harsh environment.

Of course it wasn’t free.

“So how much are you going to sell the food for?”

“So, I was thinking about that too.”

“…Is there any such thing as an acquaintance discount?”

“I saw you doing well?”



At those words, Asus quickly stepped forward.

I made my way through the glacier and began to explain the circumstances of the incident to X. Before I knew it, the title had changed to an extreme honorific.

“Look over there, my lord. Do you see the footprints left on that glacier? That’s the trace left by those yetis. The average level is around 1,300, and Ilex and Gunsmer almost got seriously injured during the battle.”


Asus said that the exploration of the ruins was disrupted due to their attack.

That’s why he said he kept the information secret in case rumors spread. Asus quickly flattered.

“Of course, everything is for our lord….”

“There was just no way to do anything, right?”

“Wow, you’re quick to notice.”

The truth was that there was no way to catch a level 1300 yeti. It was worth it.

In the cold of the glacier, the player becomes weaker and the Yeti becomes stronger. It is impossible to overcome the already severe level difference.

However, it could be seen that the problem had already been resolved.

‘I can easily relax my body.’

Is level 1300 a big number?

Because X, who single-handedly defeated a level 5000 monster, arrived here!


X lightly rolled his shoulders.

“Then I’ll be back.”

I will solve the problems of my territory myself! Immediately, Lord X, who took action, kicked off the ice and jumped out.

Munchkin that I eat all by myself

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