Simulation Towards Immortality In A Group Chat

Chapter 509: 169: The Second Purple Talent!_5

At this point, he was already far ahead. His power within the same realm was only getting stronger, so even if they obtained the same realm strength, it wouldn’t cause any problems.

Even if their realms were the same, if a battle were to start, Wang Ping could wipe them out effortlessly.

Besides, the two of them had no reason to betray him.

Even if they did betray him, the Life Simulator could easily simulate it.

Therefore, Wang Ping wasn’t afraid of anything.

“Chen Yao should also become stronger. Otherwise, if we run into predecessor ransmigrators in the future, it’s certain death without the group’s high-end battle skills. If the group members are too weak, they are easily used as pawns by the enemy to calculate against me.”

Wang Ping thought to himself.

Zhang Hu (5): “Damn! Thanks, Mr. Wang! You’re better than my biological father!”

Wang Ping (66): “Get lost, who’s your biological father?”

Zhang Hu (5): “Can’t it be my biological father? Then he is my godfather.”

Cai Yonglong (1): “Heh, this kid has no shame. Although, I find it quite normal.”

The joke was that he was the first one to call him godfather.

For the sake of currying favor, pride was negligible.

At this time, the other people in the group were also quite sour.

Damn, they also desperately wanted this kind of rising-star golden finger.

To have a big shot lead you, and easily become stronger.

Zhang Jun (71): “Ahem, Mr.Wang, I can also become stronger quickly, it’s just a bit troublesome, I need to kill people.”

Ding Xuan (88): “And me, I can grind experience points. Cry.jpg.”

Xu Yi (84): “Mr. Wang, don’t forget about me. Our world is very special, we can also become strong quickly.”

Cai Yonglong (1): “Xu, why are you joining this fuss, get lost.”

Wang Ping (66): “….Stop arguing, take your time. I’m cultivating top talents. The talents will help others who need time to become stronger. Don’t expect everything from me, I’m going to be exhausted.”

Wang Ping was somewhat speechless.

He knew that once this was mentioned, the group would go wild.

Seeing Wang Ping’s response, the group’s atmosphere finally improved slightly.

Regarding this, Wang Ping didn’t say much and directly input the task party’s name list and turned on the group task teleportation function.

In an instant, Wang Ping and Cai Yonglong were transformed into white light, disappearing from the Purple Spirit Realm.

At the same time, Wu Jun, Chen Si, Chen Kang also successively transformed into white light, disappearing from their own worlds.

In Qin Tian’s Thunder Realm Holy Land, streaks of white light appeared.

With the sudden appearance of Wang Ping and others, the whole Thunder Realm Holy Land exploded into chaos.

The Thunder Realm Holy Land’s Mountain Protection Array was immediately activated, exuding a terrifying aura of killing intent.

At the same time, deep within the Thunder Realm Holy Land, God Transformation Stage ancestors were directly startled and flew to the sky.

“Qin Tian, you’re really unreliable.”

Wang Ping looked at this scene, a bit speechless.

We’ve executed so many group tasks, didn’t you know to leave the Thunder Realm Holy Land first?

“Mr. Wang, I got too excited discussing earlier, I turned into a lemon and forgot about that.”

Qin Tian said with a bitter smile.

“Moreover, Ye Xiaofan and I are both in this world. Who would know that we’d get teleported to my side?”

Wang Ping:

Okay, this is Alpha’s fault again.

“No, no….”

Quickly, Wang Ping seemed to remember something, his face changed slightly, his eyes narrowing.

Although it’s not 100% accurate, whenever they notice something strange, the abnormality is usually not too far from their location, within a distance they can easily reach.

The size of the Cultivation Realm where Qin Tian is located is not much smaller than the Purple Spirit Realm where he is located.

In such a huge world, the abnormality naturally can’t appear in a very remote place. If so, if the abnormality hides, it’s hard to find, and the group task may not be activated.

In other words, the abnormality might occur in the Thunder Realm Holy Land.

Even if it’s not in the Thunder Realm Holy Land, it won’t be too far from the Thunder Realm Holy Land.

“Alpha, give me an accurate answer.”

Wang Ping asked in his heart.

“Theoretically speaking, it’s like this. Because the teleportation process of the group task related to the abnormalities is out of my control. Besides, I can’t know who the abnormality has possessed.”

Alpha’s cold voice rang out.

“With this answer, it’s enough.”

Wang Ping’s eyes were flickering.

He was just about to blame Alpha for not learning, but it seems that this wasn’t Alpha’s mistake this time.

However, now it’s a bit troublesome.

After all, if the abnormality was hiding in the Thunder Realm Holy Land, then they were now exposed to the eyes of the abnormality.

No, not just that.

If the abnormality was in the Thunder Realm Holy Land, then Qin Tian had been exposed a long time ago, and had been moving under the eyelids of the abnormality.

Thinking about the worst possible scenario, even Wang Ping felt a heavy heart.

As Wang Ping’s thoughts were racing, the Saint Master of the Thunder Realm Holy Land and many God Transformation Realm elders were all staring at Wang Ping and the others, exerting a strong pressure.

However, because Wang Ping was present, Chen Kang, Chen Si, Wu Jun, and Cai Yonglong were all very calm.

It should be said that even without Wang Ping, they were not afraid of the people of the Thunder Realm Holy Land.

Although their current combat skills were still incomparable to Wang Ping, they could already be considered strong in many worlds.

Chen Kang and Chen Si relied on their powerful auxiliary abilities, often gained many task points.

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