Silent Witch

Book 12: Chapter 3: The Girl with Her Injured Left Hand

Book 12: Chapter 3: The Girl with Her Injured Left Hand

After the orientation, when Monica went to the student council room, the other student council members were already seated at the meeting table. Although she wasn't late, she felt a little embarrassed arriving last, so Monica lowered her head and took her seat, apologizing to the other members.

Student Council President: Felix Ark Ridill

Vice President: Cyril Ashley

Secretaries: Elliot Howard and Bridget Graham

General Affairs: Neil Clay Maywood

Treasurer: Monica Norton

With these six people assembled, Felix opened his mouth with a gentle smile.

"I am truly delighted that these six are gathered here in this place. As we enter the new year, may the blessings of the Goddess of Light, Serendine, shine upon our academy."

Starting with Felix's words, the first student council meeting of the new year began.

The term for the student council members is already about halfway through at this point.

The term had about six months remaining. Due to the extended vacation period from early summer to the end of summer during the social season at Serendia Academy, it would actually pass in the blink of an eye.

During the remaining six months, there are several events, relatively small in scale. Various clubs host their own small events, like the Hunting Club's hunting-gathering, the Equestrian Club's horse riding event, or the Chorus Club's performance. The scale is about the same as that of a chess tournament.

The major events include the Student Assembly held in early spring and the graduation ceremony held just before the long summer break in early summer.

When Felix roughly explained the schedule for the latter half of the term, Elliot looked at Monica and smirked.

"The Student Assembly is where Treasurer Norton really shines"


"Representatives from each club come forward, pressuring for increased budgets. Oh man, last year was something else. The treasurer was summoned to tea parties day after day"

According to Elliot's account, a budget meeting is held before the Student Assembly, during which the budgets for each club are mostly decided. However, it seems that a behind-the-scenes battle among the club leaders ensued before this budget meeting even took place.

As club leaders, it's only natural that they want their budgets increased. However, making a direct appeal to Felix, the Student Council President, goes against the etiquette of the nobility.

In the noble society, it's customary to seek an audience with the Chancellor of the Exchequer before appealing directly to the King.

Therefore, the club leaders first try to persuade the treasurer and make arrangements behind the scenes during the budget meeting, so that their clubs can receive favorable treatment.

As the budget meeting draws near, it's a yearly tradition for the treasurer to be invited to tea parties hosted by various club leaders. It's not difficult to imagine what takes place during these tea parties.

"If it were just a reception under the guise of a tea party, that would still be on the milder side. Some individuals even go so far as to offer bribes, or they use their family backgrounds as a shield to make veiled threats."


Monica let out a small gasp as her face turned pale, and Felix gently admonished Elliot in a soothing voice.

"You're the one who dislikes such customs the most, isn't that right? Please refrain from scaring her too much."

"But it's the truth, isn't it? Last year's treasurer was easily swayed by bribes, but it's clear that Norton Accounting doesn't accept bribes and when it comes to that, there are quite a few who think that threatening is the quicker way."

Monica's predecessor, the heir of Count Stale, Aaron O'Brian, was a person who embezzled the student council's budget. Not content with that alone, he apparently went as far as accepting bribes at tea parties.

As Monica trembled, Felix cleared his throat and chuckled softly, then glanced at Elliot.

"You're certain that Monica wouldn't accept bribes?"

"You can tell by just looking."

"Yeah, you're right. It's as you say."

Initially critical of Monica, Elliot now appreciated her fairness. Felix was teasing Elliot about this, but Monica was no longer paying attention to such banter.

In Monica's mind, the scene of her being threatened by the club leaders at the tea party spun around and around like a whirlpool.

Oh no, scary, scary, scary, I'm scared of the budget meeting 

Tears welled up in Monica's eyes as she trembled. Cyril raised his hand and spoke up.

"In that case, how about we completely forbid inviting Norton Accounting to tea parties until after the budget meeting?"

Monica found a glimmer of hope in Cyril's suggestion and nodded eagerly. However, Felix promptly rejected Cyril's proposal.

"I can't agree to take away her social opportunities."

Monica's true feelings were more like, "Feel free to take them away," but she couldn't say that.

Apart from the personal tea party with Lana and classes, the only other tea party Monica had attended was the one that had turned into an attempted poisoning incident. Yet, it seemed that Felix's objection wasn't solely due to that.

"Even though it's a precaution for the budget meeting, being too overt about it might cause the club leaders to push back."

"I've been thoughtless. I apologize," Cyril yielded to Felix's words easily.

Oh, what a promising suggestion it was Monica felt disheartened. From now on, if she received invitations to tea parties from anyone other than close friends, she could almost certainly assume it was related to the budget meeting.

In theory, Monica could just firmly decline all of them, but when the invitee was an upperclassman, it wasn't that simple. Most of the club leaders were seniors compared to Monica.

Lost in her thoughts about what to do, Bridget, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

"If that's the case, I have a suggestion."

It was unusual for Bridget to interject when it came to matters involving Monica.

Despite the attention of everyone present, Bridget calmly shared her opinion without a hint of expression.

"How about having me accompany Monica Norton to any tea parties she's invited to? It would be easier for me to attend than gentlemen, and it might serve as a deterrent against any misconduct."

Indeed, if Bridget were to accompany Monica, the club leaders might think twice before acting too boldly. Bridget hailed from the prestigious Marquis Sheilburry's family. If they tried any veiled threats against her, they might end up putting a noose around their own necks.

Felix looked at Bridget as if searching for something, and in return, Bridget responded with a graceful smile.

"What do you think?"

"Not a bad suggestion," Felix remarked.

While Monica was still flustered, the conversation seemed to be coming together.

Monica knew that Bridget didn't hold a particularly favorable opinion of her. Yet, she couldn't fathom why Bridget had made such a suggestion.

Was it purely out of consideration for the Student Council, or?

To keep an eye on me, to make sure I don't embarrass the Student Council during tea parties

It was quite plausible.

As Monica was lost in thought about reviewing the tea party protocol for class, the conversation appeared to be settling.

Felix looked at Monica and asked, "Is that okay?"

With that kind of question, Monica couldn't possibly refuse. Besides, having Bridget with her would be much better than facing the club leaders alone probably, even though it might still be an uncomfortable situation.

"Y-yes, please"

Monica lowered her head to Bridget, who responded with a gentle smile on her beautiful face.

"Well, don't mind it too much. After all, we're both members of the same Student Council."

The moment Monica heard those words, a shiver ran down her spine. Why was that?

Bridget's flawless, beautiful smile somehow resembled Felix's.

Feeling the chill, Monica discreetly rubbed her arm as Felix muttered, "That should be enough for today."

"Let's just limit today's discussion to our future plans. Regular tasks will start tomorrow Oh, and this is a personal request of mine."

Felix narrowed his azure eyes and glanced around at the Student Council members before continuing.

"I'm looking for a girl with a certain situation; she has an injured left hand. If you find her, could you let me know?"

Monica's heart pounded so loudly it seemed almost audible.

Suppressing the twitching of her facial muscles and maintaining a stiff expression, she was as rigid as a statue when Neil, sitting next to her, inquired.

"By girl,' do you mean a female student in the senior division?"

"It might even be someone from the junior division, or perhaps a student assistant. One thing is certain: she's not a staff member I've already looked into that."

He'd already investigated staff members!?

He worked so quickly it's scary. Monica couldn't help but stare at Felix with a look as if she were seeing something terrifying.

Next, Cyril spoke up.

"Are there any other distinguishing features? For instance, height or hair color"

"Unfortunately, I don't have much of that kind of information. But, well she's quite petite. Maybe about the same height as Monica."

Monica struggled to stifle the voice that almost slipped out. Fortunately, her nervousness was nothing new, so no one noticed that she was on the brink of collapse. Still, she was drenched in cold sweat under her uniform.

Cyril remained silent for a moment but then cautiously asked Felix.

"What kind of person is this woman to His Highness?"

"More like a benefactor, I'd say. Yeah, I really want to meet her no matter what."

With those words, Felix's sweet smile momentarily appeared. It was a smile he directed at the Silent Witch.

Oh, Felix was undoubtedly convinced that the Silent Witch was indeed at Serendia Academy. He was determined to find her.

Unconsciously, Monica withdrew her left hand under the desk and held it with her right hand.

What should I do? Should I forcefully use my left hand and try to show that my left hand isn't injured? But somehow, that might look suspicious Aaaah

Monica was lost in her turmoil, while across from her, Cyril wore a contemplative expression.

Elliot lightly teased Cyril, "You're acting strangely. The usual Cyril would probably say something like, If His Highness desires it, I'll do everything in my power to find this woman!'"

"Even without saying it, I'll do everything in my power if it's His Highness's desire."

Cyril retorted with a confident tone, yet he still seemed somewhat distracted.

Amidst the slightly awkward silence, Bridget casually inquired, "By the way, isn't Monica Norton falling under those categories?"

Monica felt like her eyes were about to pop out and screamed internally.

Of course, it is! If anything I'm probably the one His Highness is looking for!

Monica's diaphragm had been spasming oddly for a while now, and it was making hiccup-like noises. Despite that, Monica managed to muster all her strength to maintain her expression and voice.

"I, um, my left hand isn't injured"

Monica said, pulling off her left-hand glove and demonstrating by clenching and unclenching her hand. This action was actually quite painful, but she desperately endured to keep her composure.

Felix stared intently at Monica's raised, petite hand.

"Right, you're not her."


"So, you'll help me find her, won't you? Oh, now that I remember, Monica, you're pretty good at finding people, right? You could tell a person's size just by looking You should have measured their size beforehand."

What in the world!

With that muttered aside, Monica felt like she was about to collapse entirely. Still, somehow she managed to navigate through this situation.

Oh wow, I didn't faint this is amazing!

Feeling moved by her own growth, Monica didn't notice that Cyril was gazing at her left hand, which she had been clenching and unclenching for an extended period, with a serious expression.

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