Silent Crown

Chapter 479 Rebuilt Moon

Chapter 479 Rebuilt Moon

In the past, the sword that Ye Qingxuan created with the Sword movement was just an insubstantial shadow. But now, with the support from the grandmaster level Bell Tower, Heaven Ladder instantly crossed an unimaginable distance and extracted power from the depths of the aether sea without creating any ripples or waves.

Ye Qingxuan now held a heavy sword of a few meters long. Once connected to the Heaven Ladder, the music score Ye Lanzhou had created released incredible power. The sword was created by solidified moonlight. Like crystal, it was clear and translucent. However, heart-shaking hallucinations flashed past. After integrating with Ye Qingxuan's own music theory, the Abstinence music theory framework of Moonlight was combined with the essences of Illusion and Mind. Finally, it used Revelations to lock onto the enemy's location. Even if he was thousands of miles away, Ye Qingxuan could aim precisely using Heaven Ladder to lock onto the sound of heart.

This was the first time Ye Qingxuan experienced the power given by the Bell Tower. He greedily sucked at the power. After all, with the Philosopher's Stone, he did not need to worry about the pressure. If he had the Chapters of Golden Victory at hand, he could even cast Kingdom Come.

With Ye Qingxuan's urging, the moonlight sword's power increased again. Under the crisp sound of crystallization, the moonlight on the blade thickened. Finally, it was like flowing mercury that radiated with metallic light and murder.

That instant, the purple-eyed griffin in the ruins sensed something. He looked up.

Soon, he saw the abnormal moonlight. He could not tell what happened behind it but the change in music theory he felt sent warning bells ringing.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan smiled and let go.

Silently, the moonlight sword fell from the sky! Moonlight was not solid, only the grouping of spirits, but anything with a consciousness heard a strange, abnormal, and loud screech!

Merely the whistle of breaking through the air was hair-raising.

Mercury-like moonlight rushed down the crystallized sword, projecting the sight of a rainbow piercing the sun. In an instant, all the murderous intent in the blade came at him!

The purple-eyed griffin shook. Rather than escaping, he extended a gloved hand and pointed at the falling sword. Tremendous waves crashed in the aether sea!

In the air, there was the sound of metal clashing and colliding. The cacophony grated everyone's ears. The sound that was impossible to analyze unexpectedly began to construct a music theory. It swept the aether into a score that Ye Qingxuan did not understand.

It was that strange cacophony again!

Ye Qingxuan remembered the last failure clearly. After thinking it through, he finally understood what it was. Naturally, he had a solution for it.

Subconsciously, Ye Qingxuan used the interpretation method to hear the noise. The music notes it was made up of were reordered in his mind. Their original appearance was revealed!

Gregorian chant!

It was a Gregorian chant!

The purple-eyed griffin used a strange music interpretation method to extract the essence and structure of the music score. Removing the original chant, he replaced it with the strange noise. He had reinterpreted it with a musician's understanding of the score. It was like how a talented musician could just whistle without performing to reach a level that regular musicians could never reach.

But what the griffin used was a cacophony that encroached and attacked all music theory. If Ye Qingxuan did not understand this or could not guess what score was used, he could only get beaten and dragged into the griffin's rhythm.

In a blink, Ye Qingxuan found the music score hidden within.

Its format was…Passion!

His pupils constricted. Passion was definitely one of the highest of the highest level Abstinence scores. Only musicians above the Distortion level could attempt it. None of the scores created with the theme of a saint's passion were simple!

The original meaning of passion was to be tormented in place of someone else. In the School of Abstinence, its deeper meaning was to replace the world's rules with one's own music theory. It would wipe all common knowledge, disturb all laws, and turn the music theory into the spindle of the material world. It would create a space like the aether world in the material world.

Simply put, it was legendary!

In an instant, powerful music theory rushed out of the griffin and swept in all directions. Then, the moonlight sword landed silently. It pierced his palm, his face, and fell, coming out of his feet. However, his body was undamaged like a hallucination.

The sword went through his body and buried in the earth. Finally, it crashed onto the patch of light that Ye Qingxuan saw with the Eye of Silence. It suddenly shattered and shook. However, the strange thing hidden in the Judgement Tower was undamaged.

In the sky, Ye Qingxuan's expression twisted.

It was nature disturbance!


Different from the stubborn self-preservation of the Shadow Cereus, the griffin used disturbance to change his own nature. This way, the moonlight washed over his body like true moonlight without any power.

When Passion was unfolded, he became insubstantial. He was right there but so far away. In the School of Abstinence, this type of 'vacuum' was a state that all musicians dreamed to reach. Once at this level, only Abstinence musicians at his level could touch him. Everyone else could only get beaten. Therefore, it was comparable to incredible techniques such as 'element incarnation' and 'illusion realization.' This did not mean that the 'vacuum' was undefeatable. It also had its weaknesses and solutions. Sadly, Ye Qingxuan could not do any of it.

The most common was to find a musician from the School of Destruction. The vacuum was nothing before destruction…

Faced with someone who used their attainments so rudely, Ye Qingxuan was pissed but had no counterattack solution for the time being. The simplest was to clench his jaw, stomp his feet, and close his eyes.

He would enter the Dreamscape.

The Wrymrest Enchantment was known as the prototype of the Ultimate. It was the nemesis of all music scores and aether. Unfortunately, it could not distinguish between friend and foe. At that time, the griffin would be powerless but…Ye Qingxuan was still in the sky! Would he try to kill the griffin by crashing into him?

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was powerless, the griffin's eyes were still emotionless. He reached out and smashed the air before him. The grating cacophony rose and turned into something that broke down one's sanity.

The counterattack was starting!

But then he saw Ye Qingxuan shake his head.

In Ye Qingxuan's eyes, countless streams of moonlight swept. No, it was not an illusion… It was a reflection!

Under the griffin's feet, deep underground, above the strange territory created by the piece of aether, the mercury sword began falling apart. It was like a spring being dug in the ground. The crumbling sword erupted with endless moonlight. Like water, it turned into a flood and rushed in all directions. It whistled from the earth into the sky.

In an instant, it was like the seas breaking barriers. Countless floods of moonlight seeped from the ground. They grouped into a whirlpool that charged forward. The moonlight sword had pierced the material world and opened a crack that led to the aether sea. So much aether assimilated into the moonlight, turning into a tide that crashed forward.

In an instant, the moonlight swallowed everything, turning into a sea.

It was a sea of moonlight.

Looking down from the sky, the powerful moonlight sea grouped in the ruins of the tower. It instantly went from angry waves to something as calm as a mirror.

On the sea, the griffin looked down in confusion at the calm and deep moonlight underfoot. He seemed to hear the crashing waves at the bottom of the sea.


In a blink, the ruins became beautiful. Under the pure light, the moonlight sea was as still as a mirror. It reflected everything in the world. Inside it, he did not know if he was on the ground or in the sky. Compared to it, everything became as significant as dust.

Even himself.

All ugliness and unrest disappeared. Everything was immersed in the quiet and beauty. It was an eerie and cold beauty. It had no emotions or directions. It would never change for anyone, merely existing for itself.

It cared not for the audience's acknowledgment or criticism.

Thus, it was terrifying in its beauty.

"This is what Moonlight is," Ye Qingxuan murmured. He reached out and Jiu Xiao Huan Pei played an intense melody. The silence was shattered.

Something began rising from the sea. The shockingly large thing emerged bit by bit from the aether sea. It quickly reached the 'water surface' with strong undercurrents. The wild waves and terrifying boom shattered the mirror-like sea of moonlight. It danced frantically with beautiful light and shadows.

The moonlight was evaporating. Countless fleeting illusions dissipated in the sky. In the last moment, so close, the object that had risen from the sea finally revealed itself.

It was a giant moon!

Like an ancient legend replayed, the large white moon would fall into the sea at dawn and rise up again at dusk. It was a cycle.

Thus, a quiet and serene star broke from the still moonlit sea and rose into the sky. Amidst the wild aether waves, countless music theory changed. Some sublimated, others fell apart. The territory created by Passion was destroyed.

It was utter destruction.

The sky and earth, top and bottom, far and near, everything became a blur. Did the rim of moonlight rise up from the sea underfoot? Or had it fallen from up above?

There was no way to think carefully because the moment they discovered it, it was already before their eyes.

There was nowhere to run or hide.

This was the pure white moon that Ye Qingxuan created. Integrated with the sub-originator as the core, he created a vast entity in the depths of the aether sea.

Thus, Ye Lanzhou's symphony of predestination was reborn.

The Moon Above the Sea!

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