Silent Crown

Chapter 411 Sound of Heart Movement

Chapter 411 Sound of Heart Movement

Truthfully, the sudden surprising reunion made Ye Qingxuan feel unreal. His world views did not stop shattering until he returned to his cell. He could only ascribe all this to the senior's righteousness. Ye Qingxuan did not feel touched, but they were classmates, sharing the loot, and now Charles was even imprisoned here to be with him...

He just wanted to know what a big mess his senior had done to be imprisoned here! After a short visit, Bai Xi and Professor had left. They lived in the Embassy of Anglo. There was a shuttle bus for them so there was no need for him to worry about them.

As for Ye Qingxuan… There was still something good from committing such a serious case. At least the treatment was not bad. He was even allocated to a single cell.

There were two prisons in the Sacred City. The one outside the city was where ordinary criminals were imprisoned. Those common criminals were all thrown there. The other one was located in the northeast of the Sacred City. It was a lonely tall tower. Martial law was enacted in the zone of a radius of several kilometers around the steel tower. It contained various military institutions and sensitive departments. There was a heavily guarded roadblock every ten steps. Not even a bird could fly in.

Serious criminals like Ye Qingxuan were imprisoned in the tower.

In addition to those politicians and nobles from the occasional downfall, the major 'clients' here were the arrested dark musicians... There were thousands of dark musicians imprisoned here.

More than half of them were pulled from here to be purified, one-third died here, and the rest were often taken away in a dark night for some unknown reason and never returned. They just totally disappeared.

Since the prison was founded, no one had ever been able to escape.

But compared to the horror stories spread outside, the inside of the prison was quite harmonious. The guards smiled, and the prisoners were calm and polite. They greeted and talked to each other with the elegant retroflex of aristocratic accents. There was nothing hostile in the prison. Everything looked bright. It was like a sanitarium with iron fences. But the harmony here was enough to explain how scary this place was!

Having been here for so many days, Ye Qingxuan did not encounter the 'king' of prisoners from rumors or any provocations. He was not even made fun on. He lived a quite 'happy' life. He could eat meat every meal and have books to read every day. It was just that he had to wear one-kilogram shackles on his feet which prevented him from touching anything related to aether and movements. If he ignored the dozens of layers of enchantments and Abstinence discipline rules, it was like a holiday to him.

However, for any qualified musician, there was no difference between a life without aether and being dead. Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan was not very qualified. In fact, the rings on his ankles that blocked any aether sensing actually helped him.

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, sensing things in his body silently. A long time later, he opened his eye and sighed softly. "I was really...heavily injured..."

Double Snake Timer Meter. This one, engraved with the Faust movement, was the top three instruments Ye Qingxuan had known. When it was detonated, the force that broke out from it was far beyond Ye Qingxuan's expectation.

Even if there was Jiu Xiao Huan Pei's fine control, that power was still too strong. When it converted into lightning, it completely simulated the spirituality of the falling spirits and completely obliterated six grandmasters in seconds. It even broke down the territory of Holy. The aftermath of the frenzy reached the depths of the aether sea.

The price was the complete mess Ye Qingxuan's body was in. The music theory system that had just been constructed with the Philosopher's Stone as the core completely collapsed again.

As he broke the Barrier of Knowledge, the music theory which formed the Philosopher's stone had once again evolved and detached from the body. It fused into his source in the aether world and became a lever for him to pry the aether sea.

The sub-originator that was formed in this way had gone beyond the imagination of all musicians from School of Stone Heart. Ye Qingxuan's vigorous foundation had reached an unprecedented degree.

However, without the repression of the Philosopher's Stone, the injury of his body completely broke out. It seemed to be fine on the surface, but this could only show that the Philosopher's Stone had strengthened his physical fitness to an extent that he could even survive from the music theory's collapse.

But in fact, if any music theory disturbed him now, the chaos in his body would kill him. Had it not been for the suppression of the Philosopher's Stone at the time, his fate would have been like Gavin's dead father, who had sat in his wheelchair with a shattered heart of sound. A bigger possibility was that he would be dead without a complete body.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan enjoyed the peace in prison somehow. Who would refuse this kind of free recuperation opportunity?


The afternoon sun shone from the window with warm gold so that the steel prison became gentler. The air was even fragrant with tea. Thanks to the Sacred City, he could enjoy a good afternoon tea even in prison.

A tray with refreshments passed through the gap of the fence and was placed on the table. In the cell, Ye Qingxuan just stared at the wall rather than responding. The walls had been plastered with pieces of paper written with fine notes. The notes connected across the papers and included traces of revisions and deletions. They somehow formed a large and complex music movement.

This was only a framework without details but vaguely revealed some unspeakable complex and arrogant. It seemed to want to carve out thousands of water systems on a wasteland into rivers and seas to create a lofty tide, to construct mansions and high buildings from ruins and make it better than the past…

However, the complex music theory lacked finesse and details, which made it difficult to be consistent. Four different schools of music theory were independent here. Although there was a vague theme in them, it was difficult to merge them.

Ye Qingxuan silently stared at the messy music theories on the wall. The complex and incomplete movements changed in his eyes like crisscrossing gears fitting into each other. The huge machine ran under the same force and burst with grand power.

However, when it advanced to a certain place, the entire sophisticated system always collapsed quickly. It was like twisted steels under internal stress. When it overheated, the engine would explode.

This was only a paper deduction; there was no danger. But if these theories were constructed in his body, it would cause disastrous consequences.

The combination of music theory and human body was very dangerous. Even the School of Stone Heart, which was good at implanting aether into the body, was very cautious about this. Planning one's foundation again and build a heart of sound movement—the fundamental strength of a Resonance musician—in a prison was even riskier.

After entering the Resonance level, musicians would rearrange the internal music theory to form a movement and create the sound of heart. Then the spirituality of the movement could have their own personalities. By resonating the sound of heart with the source, the musician could get out of the shackles of his predecessors and create his own path. The sound of heart also strengthened the musician's power.

For example, the effect of a certain type of movement could be enhanced. One typical example was Sam. The music theory from the School of Destruction strengthened all types of destructive movements so that he achieved unimaginable attainments in Modifications.

The sound of heart could give musicians certain ability, such as rapid regeneration, tempered bones, or the starry eyes. It also complemented the musician's weaknesses by endowing them with an indescribable sixth sense and mysterious perception of certain aspects, etc...

Every musician could find the best way for him in the sound of heart. Throughout history, there had been all kinds of attempts and breakthroughs in the sound of heart. Some of them had succeeded but more had died during this vital section. Therefore, all musicians of the Resonance level were very cautious when constructing music theories and the sound of heart.

During this stage, each school secretly passed on the secret chants, music theories, and rituals of the first generation of musicians to help musicians complete this stage more easily. It could cause a qualitative transformation, which was why there were so many advanced occupations for musicians.

No one was as bold and silly as Ye Qingxuan who just directly began to do this in a barren prison without caring about his life.

But fortunately, Ye Qingxuan did have something. There was a treasure in him that all musicians coveted—Deva's blood.

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