Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc IV Chapter 13

Arc IV Chapter 13



Arc IV Chapter 13


“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”


“Are we not there yet?”

“No ... Yes.”

“How about now? Are we there yet?” The girl tilted her head, tormenting her further without relent. This was Asami's revenge for before, wasn't it?

“NO!” Anko retorted.

“Does that mean we are not there yet?” the girl asked.


The girl continued to tugging on her clothes. “Anko, Anko, Anko, Anko ...”

“What?!” Anko fumed. Why was this assignment so complicated? Did the Hokage want to punish her for something, or what?

The girl named Asami greeted her with a smile full of innocence. “Anko, do you even know where we need to go? Maybe that's why we are not there yet?”

“...” Anko ignored her, which was the right choice. The girl was playing with her. That is why she wouldn't give in to her stupid questions ...

“Anko, are we there yet ...”

“Shut the fuck up!” Anko exploded. Enough was enough. This had to stop. The girl was annoying as hell! The little demon in black tormented her without mercy. Was she some kind of malevolent spirit in human form? 

The girl tilted her head, feigning ignorance. “What's the problem, Anko?”

“You are the problem!” Anko's eyebrow twitched, facing her nemesis.  Her endless questions were driving her insane. Normally, it was her who teased people, and not the other way around. Teasing was her favourite activity.

“...” Asami, however, didn't back down, reciprocating with her own stare.

“...” Anko had to concede, the girl had steel. “Listen, brat, I don't like you, and you don't like me. So shut the fuck up!”

The girl protested, “That's not true, Anko. Contrary to what you might believe, I actually quite enjoy your presence ...”

“...” Anko turned her back on her and simply walked away. Screw this!

The girl panicked. “Hey, stop! Don't run away! You can't do that! Don't you know anything about sportsmanship? I have invested much time and effort in teasing you. You can't just run away now! That's against the rules!”


They eventually arrived at their destination. Anko guided her to a room that served as an improvised office. They entered.

Her eyes were quick to spot Hiruzen. The Hokage was sitting behind a heavy desk, occupied with fighting a mountain of paper, just as usual. A poor chunin was standing next to him, carrying an equally impressive pile of paper that kept growing and growing. The poor soul had her sympathy.

“...” Hiruzen sighed, visibly frustrated. “I think that should be enough for now, Takahashi. Bring the rest into my office. I will go over them later.” The chunin left and Hiruzen turned to them.  

Anko straightened her back, reporting, “I brought you Asami, just as ordered, Hokage-sama.”

Hiruzen merely nodded. “Thank you, Anko. I hope you two didn’t cause any further trouble on your way here, did you?”

Anko glanced at her with mutual understanding. “Not that I know of.”

Hiruzen turned to her with a questioning look. “Is that true, Asami?”

Asami smiled. “It is.”

The Hokage took a pull on his pipe. “Excellent, I am pleased to hear that. Anko, thank you once again for escorting Asami. You are dismissed now.”

“I understand, Hokage-sama.” Anko nodded and left.

Hiruzen smiled, all his attention now focused on her. “Please, Asami, take a seat. We have much to discuss.”

“...”Asami accepted his offer with some hesitation and took a seat, crossing her legs leisurely. “And what exactly, Hokage-sama?”

Hiruzen exhaled a cloud of smoke. “I think you know precisely what I mean ... I have to congratulate you on making it through the preliminaries, though. If you perform well in the tournament, you might even advance to the rank of chunin.”

“...” Asami raised an eyebrow. Was this supposed to be a joke? “With all due respect, Hokage-sama, you are only half as funny as you think.”

“Really?” Hiruzen seemed genuinely hurt.

“...” Asami merely nodded, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

“I see ...” The disappointment in his voice was tangible. “Anyway, unless I am mistaken and as far as I have heard, you appear to have met my former student today. At least, Kakashi told me so. You have met Orochimaru. Is that correct? ”

Asami tensed up slightly. So he knew. News truly travelled fast, much faster than expected. “It is. I faced him today.”

Hiruzen folded his hands. “So, it is true. You also fought him, didn't you?”

Asami nodded. “I did, but unfortunately, he was able to escape.”

Hiruzen took a pull on his beloved pipe. “I was told so. Unfortuante indeed, but on the other hand, you both must consider yourself lucky to have survived to tell the tale. My former student is a dangerous opponent that should never be taken lightly. The fact alone that you had the courage to face Orochimaru in battle, on your own, without fear, without doubt, without hesitation, is impressive to say the least, Asami. Despite your age, you were even able to hold your own. Kakashi didn't lie when he said that he was quite impressed by your capabilities. And so, am I. You have far exceeded all my expectations, Asami. In fact, you have far exceeded everyone's expectations. We all had underestimated you. Back Back then, when I offered you to join the ANBU, I never thought that you would grow into such a formidable kunoichi, but here you are now, in front of me, after facing my former student. How times change ...”  

“...” Asami listened.

Hiruzen continued, “To be honest, I have my doubts whether I still stand a chance against him these days. When I was younger, sure, but now? Not any more. I feel it every night and day, how my body has declined, how my strength has diminished. I am not any more who I once was. So my question now, Asami, do you think you would be able to defeat Orochimaru in combat if necessary?” His eyes studied her, expecting her answer.

Asami hesitated. “Perhaps. Perhaps not. Why does it matter, Hokage-sama?”

Hiruzen leaned back in his seat. “You wouldn’t know, but Konoha is currently facing a major crisis. We are not sure yet, but we suspect that Orochimaru and Sunagakure are planning to attack the village during the final round of the chunin exams. It would calm my mind if the village would be able to call upon you if needed, a kunoichi powerful enough to stop Orochimaru should I fall.”




“I understand ...” Asami took her time. This question required a careful answer. This was not just a question. This was a test. “You ask me a difficult question, Hokage-sama. Strength and power are always relative, and victory is never assured. But should it be necessary, I will do all I can to defeat Orochimaru and defend the village.”

“Hmm ...” Hiruzen folded his hands, studying Asami carefully. “Thank you for your insights, Asami. You may go now.” He smiled, but his smile was weak. It was the smile of an old man on whose shoulders the fate of the village rested.

“...” Asami nodded and left. The door closed and Hiruzen was alone now.

His eyes stared at the file on his desk. The document only needed the approval of the village council, but was this the right step? Could Asami truly be trusted with this kind of responsibility? Only time would tell.



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