Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 62

Episode 62. Library of Andras (2)

[5-3 Library of Andras: Twist the contents of the book.]

The sun looking at the library reflexively frowned.

“Ugh, it’s a book.”

– Spinal Cord Reflex Legend.

-Ah lol Is this the rubber mallet or something?

– Hahaha Conditioned reflex.

– I get a little dizzy when I smell books.

The library was large and at the same time had a warm atmosphere.

Yellow lanterns were warmly illuminating the old wooden table, and numerous books were not like knives, but neatly placed in their places.

Excluding Taeyang and his party, numerous players had already settled in the library.

Andras took out a book from the bookshelf and explained it to Taeyang.

“These books are records of other players. In this one volume, a player enters the dimensional labyrinth and describes the stage and how he got through it. It contains all the records of the 14th floor, which were just below the records of the 10th floor. hmm. Judging from the title, the main character of the record was ‘empty air’.”

At the word empty, the eyes of Taeyang and other users were focused on the book.

The leader of the S-rank Clan “Astronomy”, which has only 3 spaces.

Of course, the reaction was limited to the user, and NPCs, including Ran, did not have much inspiration because they did not know how great Heo Gong was.


Andras put down the book and continued.

“All you have to do is choose one book, one stage, from among all these books. Then go into that stage and make the main character’s mission fail.”

“Make it fail?”

“okay. To put it simply, it’s about killing. But it’s good to think carefully about when to kill. At the point of killing the target player, you can also get all the achievements that player earned.”

“The more you kill in the early stage, the less achievement rewards you get, and the more you kill in the later stages, the more.”

one player murmured.

According to Andras’ explanation, the players’ faces haven’t deteriorated yet.

If you kill only one player, you succeed.

Because it didn’t seem difficult.

Of course, Andras’ words did not end here.

“Killing a player doesn’t mean the stage is cleared. You guys have to kill the players and clear the stage.”


Several players drool.

There was an aspect where the level of difficulty increased dramatically when the condition of ‘clearing the stage’ was attached.

It’s because you have to control the situation after the murder.

-but. It’s so easy when you just kill it.

– You can choose a stage. Clear stage + kill 1 player. vs just a stage.

– It seems to be a bit of a yellow ball.

-If you pick a weak player, isn’t it just a piece of cake?

-ㅇㅇ It’s not a very comfortable stage, but it’s the best stage for users to suck honey on the 15th floor.

Andras continued.

“The number of options to choose from will decrease in proportion to the accumulated achievements. A trial that is too easy is not fun to watch.”

Andras’ gaze lingered on the sun for a moment.

“Are you saying I’m a bit of a loser?”

-… … uh. It’s rather beneficial for ordinary users, but it’s a loss for you. The question is, how much damage is it?

You must have accumulated quite a lot of achievements.

Of course, Hyun-hye was also not aware of the ‘Library of Andras’ stage, but this was an irresistible problem.

Because of this one stage, I couldn’t slow down the pace of my achievements.

One player raised his hand and asked a question.

“Can I get separate achievements while progressing through the stages? Aside from killing the target player.”

“Of course.”

“Are you going in with your friends?”

“It is not an impossible story. You can enter by targeting different characters on the same stage. But it’s going to be pretty daunting. As you can see, there are a lot of books.”

Sun scratched his head at that explanation.

“It’s complicated like this.”

There are only three users that Taeyang needs to take.

In other words, if you combine Ran and Taeyang, you have to find a stage that overlaps five times.

“This explanation is probably enough. I hope you find a good stage.”

After Andras finished talking, the players went into various parts of the library.

-Ha, the original library stage is honey.

“Is it that much to regret?”

-You can choose. There are several stages that users unconditionally choose.

It was only natural that the moment the choice of environment was given, it became an overwhelmingly advantageous environment for users.

This was because users had an overwhelming tool for exchanging information called the ‘real Internet network’.

In particular, stages such as the ‘Library of Andras’ are the kind that can benefit greatly from the accumulation of information without any other variables, so there was a lot of information that viewers watching the broadcast could easily search for.

– You get a lot of achievements, but your body is weak and there are many easy options up to the stage.

“Can I choose that option?”

-I’ll have to look for it. But honestly, I don’t know. I can’t count.

Hyeon-hye thought for a moment and sighed.

-I think it would be better to empty your mind on an easy route. The question is, how terrible are your options… … .

Currently, Taeyang’s achievements are 107.

It was obviously an overwhelming number compared to other players.

“Let’s look for it first.”

“okay. After all, finding a book is the first priority.”

Taeyang and Ran talked. And Messiah and the three users each scattered.


[You can’t look into the history of player Archman.]

“How is the sun?”

“not good.”

The sun shook its head.

Messiah Lan Stefan Thompson Hyun.

Most of the books in the library, as well as the books brought by the five players, rejected the sun.

-So, if you look at it so far, there are three books you can enter.

“therefore. It’s ridiculous. really.”

three volumes.

Only three books in a library with thousands of books piled up!

-Even two of those three books are Heo Gong and KK hahaha.

-KK’s heart really becomes magnificent…

-It was also a record when KK recorded the highest score, so it was a time when they started tearing everything apart from the 5th floor. thief.

– Having KK is a legend. lol.

-In the meantime, even the more legendary KK can’t enter unless it’s on the 14th floor stage. lol.

Space KK Yuri Maximov.

Heo Gong was a strong man, and Yuri Maximov was also the clan leader of an A-class clan.

Yuri Maximov was, in a sense, a man greater than thin air.

This is because her clan ‘Yuri Maximov’ was a one-person clan.

“Is KK the correct answer?”

– No no. The stage conditions are too bad.

The name of the stage on the 14th floor that KK experienced was ‘Find the Criminal’, and it was a typical mafia game type mission.

-Regardless of force, it is difficult to use your strengths because it is a rule that can kill players through politics and trickery.

“Then I’ll have to look for more.”

“Then we… … .”

The three users noticed Taeyang.

Because the situation has completely changed.

On the 14th floor, I followed the sun and cleared the stage comfortably without getting a drop of water on my hands, but that was only then.

Right now, I was in a situation where it was difficult to go the easy way because of the sun.

“Wouldn’t it make sense to go separately?”


The three users gulped down their saliva while looking at Taeyang.

‘If we go on like this… … .’

‘You don’t have to give out equipment and cards, right?’

‘Because if we go separately, we won’t be responsible for us until the end.’

They had no intention of climbing the dimensional labyrinth any more, but to be honest, losing their equipment and cards was something they didn’t want to do.

Even if they stayed at the shelter, they needed a minimum living expenses.

It was all the more so because most of Dantalian’s senses, except pain, were embodied at over 70%.


Even if you didn’t climb the dimensional labyrinth, you had to think about living in an inn in an integrated shelter.

Rather than eating only barley bread every day, a life where you can eat some of your favorite items such as pasta and steak is more prosperous.


As Taeyang’s concern deepened, the three players’ expressions brightened.

Then the Messiah came out.

“I will take responsibility for clearing those three.”

“You, the Messiah, will do it?”

“Didn’t you say you would help? I know enough routes that are easy to clear.”

The three users suddenly looked at the Messiah.

[‘King P starts from the beginning of the 4th year’ sponsored 10,000 won!]

[What is this bastard?]

– Hahahahahaha Exactly that expression.

-Your expressiveness is insane. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

-It’s funny. lol.

-Look at Stefan’s eyes. lol.

Messiah smiled at the three users.

“Of course, as I said before, you take the price they pay.”

“That kind of thing! If this is the case, I’d rather move separately!”

One of the three users, Stefan, protested.

The sun frowned.

“That doesn’t work. One floor already… … .”

“for a moment.”

The sun-dried Messiah asked with a relaxed expression.

“Can you handle that now?”


It was true that the rumor that the ‘Library of Andras’ stage was an easy stage for users.

In fact, there were plenty of cases where even users with relatively low skills benefited from Andras’s library and moved on.

‘But that’s only when logout is possible.’

The reason why users could benefit from the ‘Library of Andras’ stage was that they could find information after logging out.

“I don’t know how many routes you know, but are you sure you can find them? In this vast library?”

Messiah or Hyun Hye-level dead person.

In other words, the library was so vast that people who had invested most of their lives in ‘Dantalian’ went through stages without looking for information.

And the three users were not at that level.

I knew it well because the person who persuaded and brought them from the shelter was the Messiah himself.

“If you are confident, move alone. But once they leave, they don’t accept them.”

“That… … .”

Seeing the charismatic Messiah for the first time, Ran murmured softly.

“… … He always cracked up in front of us.”

“Shh! Shh! Facts are assault!”


Even while the three users and Messiah were looking for a suitable route and collecting all the books to go into that route, Taeyang couldn’t make up his mind to enter the stage.

Still, the search through the library was not entirely futile, so the number of routes the sun could enter had now increased to five.

A long book in the air of the S-rank Clan ‘Cheonmun’.

Ranker KK’s book.

Books by Yuri Maximov.

A book written by Minerva, leader of the A-rank Clan ‘Witches’.

And the book of Cain, the leader of another S-class clan, the Knights of Agrippa.

“… … really. Does that make sense?”

“surely. I am not an ordinary player.”

These are characters that Ran, who has no background knowledge, would recognize just by reading the book.

[‘KKTheBest’ sponsored 1,000,000 won!]



– It’s great, but it’s not great. Ha ha ha It was a career that could be entered even with 100 achievement cuts.

– Lol lol.

-There is only one 14 stages that can be pierced, but haha.

Hyeon-hye grumbled in a weak voice.

-What can I do? It’s because you’ve been doing so well. you have to choose from this

There were no easy-looking stages, but in the end, these five were the only options allowed.

“Hugh Lan. Which of these do you think is better? Well, except for KK and Minerva for now.”

KK’s stage was too heinous, and Minerva was a mage-type player, so it didn’t work well with Taeyang.

-It feels like a new thing, but it’s fortunate that there are few wizard-type players.

“If you use dogs or cows, is magic magic?”

-That’s right too.

After thinking for a while, Ran touched a book.

“I have this.”

What Ran chose was a book by Yuri Maximov.

“Not bad.”

– Yeah, not bad.

Yuri Maximoff was a magician style player.

However, most of the magic used was ‘buff’ type magic.

A style that boosts one’s stats and then presses down based on strong physical abilities.

In a way, it could be said to be similar to the sun.

At this point, the player ‘Yuri Maximoff’ who broke through the 50th floor or higher could use other magic, but at least Yuri Maximoff on the stage did.

“Yuri Maximoff would be better than the void or Cain.”

– Although it looks like that.

The sun picked up Yuri Maximov’s book.

“Then let’s go.”

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