Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 71: The Creator himself is also confused!

Chapter 71: The Creator himself is also confused!

"This Akina's Speedster is nuts." Xu Zhi did not know whether to laugh or cry, and he was dumbfounded for a long time.

That guy really had an overactive imagination.

Xu Zhi had never paid much attention to the smaller sandbox. It was only 30 square meters; he developed it with minimal resources and then left the players alone to evolve as they pleased.

Xu Zhi had focused all his attention on advancing the Magic Worlds civilization.

Who knew that these hardcore players in the smaller sandbox would come up with such a grandiose background setting!

These masochists grew ever more passionate the more he mistreated them.

What Beginners Village?

There is no Beginners Village, this place is all that you will get!

Xu Zhi was speechless.

As for the Magic World, breaking through the dimensional barrier and crossing the passage between worlds was not something ordinary people could do.

The difficulty was too high.

Even after all this time, only two people have gotten an Achievement Award, and not everyone could be like Grantham. Most people wouldnt last more than a few years after crossing into another world with their species

Grantham was a unique case.

He had a really cute appearance and was weak enough to be considered harmless; thats why even though he was discovered in the early stages, people only treated his species as X-rated Items and bred them for sale. His species was also valued for their exceptional reproductive capabilities, that was why they could survive long enough to prosper. Furthermore, although they were weak, they could act as bio-engines and had great potential.

But you guys?

Once youve crossed over, your King would only last a few years at most.

The stronger the monster, the more likely it is that it would get captured or killed!

Do you think that youre all Gary Stus who would immediately become legendary Epic Wizards the moment youve crossed over into the Magic World? Its far more likely that youd get dissected for experiments!

The Magic World was not friendly towards monsters.

Ever since the tribal era, theyve suffered at the hands of monstrous species, and were very hostile against non-humans. Even the Emperor of Alchemy had to wear a human appearance and did not dare reveal his true identity as a Slime. Furthermore, he could not overtly favor his species and had to protect them in secret.

"However, if this will make them work even harder, then Im all for it."

Xu Zhi smirked like an unscrupulous boss, "I love you guys! Even though I dont pay you, you work like crazy for seven or eight hours per day, going bald in the process; and even under these terrible conditions, youre happy and only want to work even harder"

Theyd keep on working until they dropped dead.

Such employees are the dream of any boss.

Xu Zhi was very satisfied. This was a great development. "Its good that youre evolving new species and advancing my worlds civilization As for your dream of living a century of life in another world in a day Well, you can keep on dreaming! Obediently stay in the smaller sandbox and work hard, guys!"

He smiled brightly.

It felt like a great weight has been lifted off his chest. It turned out that they werent trying to screw him over; they wanted to screw themselves over!

You masochists want to work until you drop dead?

Feel free.

Its not like I have to observe labor laws anyway.

Xu Zhi stood up, went for a glass of water, then returned to the chair and continued to look at the comments. He wanted to see what that guy would do next.


At this moment.

Akina's Speedster was in high spirits and feverishly kept on posting. He didn't know that a certain Creator was now stalking him. An invisible battle of wits between Creator and netizens has begun.

"Amazing, right? So hes the Creator, the One Above All who has destroyed an entire world with the Great Flood. And I tried to challenge someone like that? (??)

Everyone, look at the last pageThe Age of Magic. Its only half-written and should correspond to the Magic Worlds current era.

But according to the Magic Worlds history, the natives only know about the Sumerian era, which corresponds to The Age of Genesis. They do not know that before the emergence of mankind, there had been three long epochs, each tens of thousands of years long. Meanwhile, human civilization has only lasted over a thousand years; if they knew, theyd be terrified, right?

Hahahaha, I kinda want to see their expressions when they find out!

One more thing! In the past, the people in the Magic World had searched all over for the Creator known to them at the time as the Great Beast of Wisdombut could not find where he lived

Now that I think about it, the place where the Creator resides is here with us.

The interstice between dimensions!

One day in this higher dimension is equal to a hundred years outside!

So here's the question.

What do we spores in the yard mean to the Creator?

If I am not mistaken, this games full background setting should be something like this: The Creator creates worlds and evolves the species of the multiverse using the spores in his yard. We the "players" are those spores.

After weve evolved a species with potential, the Creator will move us to one of these worlds.

This is what happened to "Future Skywhale", which means that we have to evolve new species to leave the Beginners Village!

This game has such an awesome setting for its Beginners Village!.

I cannot praise it enough! (?)

And, there is one more point that can be verified. According to Mr. "Future Skywhale", the Evil Eye that I evolved beforethat is, the eyeball monster I've told everyone about in the pasthas already appeared in the Magic World long ago!

Whats more, it has advanced the development of civilization in the Magic World, leading to the "Blood of the Evil Eye" incident with the Three Witches centuries agowhich gave rise to Magic!

Without the eyeball monster I evolved, there wouldnt be any witches or wizards!

I feel an amazing sense of accomplishment when I think about this.

My species has left an indelible mark in this world. It has become the cornerstone of the Magic World! You cannot feel such an amazing sense of accomplishment in any other game!

There is also the Pallbearer Chicken species that I evolved before. They have also appeared in the Magic World and are now living in the desert. Theyre also considered one of this worlds indigenous monsters, and have been used in magic experiments where people were forced to take in the Blood of the Pallbearer Chicken and turned into poisonous harpies.

And thus, the Beastmen Kingdom appeared in the Magic World!

Damn, when I heard about this, and saw the amazing screenshots of the Beastmen Kingdom that the bossman sent me, I felt ecstatic! I felt like this was the highest point of my life.

The Pallbearer Chicken that Ive worked so hard to evolve had given birth to the Beastmen Kingdom and an entire new race in the Magic World. Each species we evolve and each move we make here would make waves in the history of the Magic World, and perfect its vast setting.

If Im right, perhaps its not just the Magic World but the entire multiverse!


After Akina's Speedsters detailed analysis has been posted, the forum exploded.

After all, the amount of information contained in the post was huge. It overturned all they thought they knew about "Spore Evolution" and everyone was super excited.

"Wow! It turns out that we haven't even left the Beginners Village yet!"

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! If it weren't for his analysis, we wouldn't even know that the background setting of this game is so vast! So detailed and perfect! This game is too amazing."

That's right! This game is too amazing!

Xu Zhi had blended in with the other netizens and was also nodding frantically.

Before I read your post, even I didn't know that my game had such a grandiose background setting!

At this moment, after reading such a meticulous and well-thought-out post, even the Creator himself was stunned!

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