Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 64: I love learning even more

Chapter 64: I love learning even more

Xu Zhi was sitting in the yard, eating melons while browsing the forum on his phone. When he saw these pictures, he was speechless. "This guy managed to take pictures? And now, hes even showing off in the forum?"

All the players were shocked. Of course, they didn't know the truth behind this sensational story: this other world was nothing more than a miniature sandbox world that Xu Zhi had built in his orchard.

At this moment, Grantham was gauging everyones reaction. He knew well that his story would make great waves on the net. He had been just as shocked back then.

He took a deep breath and waited for everyone to relax before getting to the point: He started telling them of his wonderous adventures in the other world.

Of course, he left out certain details, like how his Slime species had been captured and bred to become sex toys in the other world. He would never tell anyone of that shameful past even if he died!

"Though one hundred years has gone by in the game, only one day has passed outside. This is not something that could be achieved with modern technology. But thats not the issue here!"

"I will briefly talk about what has happened to me in the past one hundred years I spent more than ninety years in the other world climbing the tech tree. I devoted myself to research, and after two of your lifetimes worth of hard work, I succeeded in creating the art of alchemy using my Slime engines as a basis."

Everyone was stunned.

"Worth two of my lifetimes? So cruel! Are you saying that Ill only live to the age of forty five?"

However, Granthams flunkies instantly leapt to his defense. They did not want to anger the boss. "So what if its two of your lifetimes? Are you over forty five years old right now?"

"Wow, look at you all kissing his ass. Dont you know that no one will respect you if you keep doing this?"

As the two sides argued, others also decided to join in: "But, ninety years of research is indeed a really long time. Thats equal to a person's entire lifespan!"

Grantham got serious, and posted a few more pictures.

They were the schematic diagrams of the alchemical airships internal structure, and photographs of the airships interior. Also shown were the positions of the ten thousand engines.

When they saw the actual pictures, the crowd was thoroughly excited. After all, who doesn't dream of riding a mecha?

"F*ck, this size is equal to a modern day aircraft carriers"

"You couldn't make cannonballs because you don't have metal in the other world. So you used circuit diagrams to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, and electrical energy into latent spiritual energy, then fire spells instead of cannonballs? Amazing!"

Next, Grantham showed off his crowning masterpiece "Grantham". Once again, countless exclamations of awe filled the screen.

"I used these to defeat the reigning Empress of Death Medusa and unify the Magic World

I introduced science and technology to this primitive civilization, and showed the natives how to greatly boost their productivity with modern techniques. For that, Im renowned as The Great Emperor who reigns over Alchemy and the Gates of Truth. But my seven little wives will die soon, can anyone help me think of a solution?"

He finally revealed his true objective.

He also posted pictures of the seven beautiful little witches. The girls were youthful and lively, some of them were romantic and silly, while others were cute and naughty; each of them had their own unique charm. These were the seven lovely little witches of Elizabeths Coven.

Over the years, these seven cute little witches have become his closest family members. He loved them deeply and couldnt bear to part from them.

Everyone was surprised to find out that he had been telling the truth the whole time.

Hands Off: "Wow! To think the dudes opened a harem in the other world. Hes the Emperor of Alchemy, couldnt he do whatever he wanted to any of the witch ministers of the royal court? Or any woman in the world for that matter?"

Cute Girl Wholl Evolve Into A Dragon: "Youre joking, right? Don't forget that the bossman is just a Slime. He does not have the necessary equipment. (?)"

Akinas Speedster: "Hahaha, that's true! And didnt he just say that orthodox witches must abide by the Three Iron Laws of Witches? They cannot do that anyway, and even if they fall in love, itll only be a pure love. The bossmans relationship with the Seven Little Witches is definitely pure love. Well, it's not like he could do anything even if he wanted to (?)"


Grantham felt a vein pop in anger.

These bastard netizens were always messing around like this.

If only he wasnt so short on time! He knew a famous medical professor and wanted to get his help, but that could not be done in a single day.

He could only live for another one hundred years, which was one day in reality. He only had twenty four hours to work with.

In these twenty-something hours, he had to mobilize the vast online community, with its countless expert doctors and medical scientists.

By gathering the wisdom of the masses and collecting their ideas, he will find a way.

I Love Learning: "Boys, you are all too much! Theyve lived together for more than a hundred years, and are a happy family! Don't worry boss, you have my support! Is there a medical student who can help? But can anything even be done in ten hours?"

"It wont be a problem."

Grantham immediately said: "As you all know, I am a builder. In order to prolong my life, I've built a microscope and studied medicinal herbs in my alchemical laboratory. It took me a long time to develop an Elixir of Longevity, but I was too late

I found that modern medical principles such as cells, molecular structure, target cells, and receptor cells can also be applied in the other world. Its just like earth in a sense

Ive taken photos of my notes on the traits, types, effects, medical properties, and molecular structure of the other worlds medicinal herbs. Can someone who studies medicine help me find a way to process them?"

Everyone was stunned.

This guy was awesome!

As expected of the science and technology whiz! He has even made a Compendium of Herbal Medicine in another world!

All of them were excited now. Since they had the herbs molecular diagrams and knew their medical properties, they might be able to

"Medical student here. We can do it if we have the relevant information! This is equivalent to studying the pharmacological effects of a newly discovered plant."

"Hahaha! Let me join you! Before today, its always been those shitheads majoring in biology who get to show off, and evolve all sorts of crap in "Spore Evolution" thanks to their knowledge of evolutionary theory. But now, this hardcore game has finally given us medical students a chance to show our worth!"

"Medical students are the strongest!"

"Its time for another all-nighter, whos joining me? Well gather together thousands of medical students and form a research group. Within ten hours, we will complete the prototype medicine! We must prove ourselves!"

"I'm joining too! Who said that we game nerds do not understand familial affection? When my grandma passed away, I cried for a long time (?). After living together for more than a hundred years, theyre Future Skywhales closest family. I can understand his urgency."

"We medical students all understand the pain of having to part from your loved ones! Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this sacred profession."

"Brothers in the medical field, lets show them our worth! Everyone shout with me: "Fight on, medical students!"

"Fight on, medical students!"

"Fight on, medical students!"

All of them were full of enthusiasm.


"Aren't you guys embarrassed?"

"You medical students are too much. Why are you so proud of yourselves? (?)"

Many people couldn't help but groan.

"Hahaha! You guys are just jealous. I predict that in the "Third Open Beta", people will have to write a medical paper instead of a paper on evolutionary theory. Its time for us to shine!"

In just one hour, countless medical students mobilized with a never seen before passion. They poured into their college libraries and started looking up the traits and medical properties of plants while discussing things with one another.

Suddenly, the college libraries and public libraries were crowded with students.

This sudden activity attracted the attention of the media. On certain TV channels, experts were trying to explain this phenomenon, solemnly saying:

"As peoples quality of life increases, many will begin to seek spiritual satisfaction by pursuing knowledge. This is a positive development following the recent learning craze brought on by the game Spore Evolution. As for why they are only borrowing the most difficult medical texts? The answer's obvious: Besides the study of Evolutionary Theory, the study of Advanced Medicine is the most challenging subject!

This was a familiar scene.

The host was smarter this time. He hurriedly interrupted the professor, and offered his own hypothesis: "Professor Yuan, is it possible that this has also been caused by Spore Evolution?"

"Thats impossible."

Professor Yuan smiled complacently.

This time, he has done his homework and had a comprehensive understanding of this game. He confidently said: "As we all know, that game is a casual sandbox game for learning about evolution; its focus is The Evolution of Species'. While this is very interesting, it has very little to do with medical studies. Naturally, thats impossible."

But very soon, he had to eat his words again.

Because in the TV program, on-site reporters had begun to interview certain college students who were sitting in their chairs and diligently studying.

One of the hot-blooded students had a red bandana with the word FIGHT tied around his head and spoke with an eager expression: "This is the red bandana I wore when studying for my postgraduate entrance exams! Since then, Ive become absorbed in games, and have failed many subjects But unexpectedly, Ive put on my battle scarf again and have returned to the time when I struggled with all my might and passionately studied."

"May I ask why youve decided to once again"

"Of course, it's because of "Spore Evolution"! Its made me love learning again!"

Reporter: "."

Next, she interviewed another student from a well-known medical college.

This medical student was very haughty. He gave her a cursory glance, then continued reading his book. He carelessly said: "Fight on, medical students? Please don't waste my timeWhen it comes to playing games, I'm dead serious! "

What? ? ?

Everyone who was in front of their TV was stunned.

Countless experts: "???"

Wasn't this game all about evolution? Why was everyone suddenly studying medicine now? !

Has the game expanded into a new field?

This phenomenal game has rekindled peoples love of learning. Everyone had been busy learning "Evolutionary Theory", but now, they suddenly turned around and were all learning "Medicine"?

"Its a good game."

"If I'm not wrong, in this game, in the future, you will have to learn all subjects one by one, starting from evolutionary theory, then moving on to modern medicine, and then chemistry and physics after that"

"This game is amazing! As expected of the game that allocates 600,000 yuans worth of learning resources to each player. This game is the hope of children everywhere! Why is my son such a deadbeat that he can't play this game?"

Parents everywhere approved of this game.

Soon, the headline "Spore Evolution has led to a great revival of medical studies, and renewed nationwide interest in the medical field" topped the search engines. Everyone excitedly discussed this topic, and Spore Evolution has once again become a national phenomenon.

"You see this, son? If you don't study hard, you can't even play games!"

"You deadbeat. You love games so much, but you cant even play this game! If you can't do that much, what are you going to do when you grow up?"

"Daughter, don't fuss about makeup all day long. You dont like to study, and now you won't even play games. How will you become a top student in the future? How will you get ahead in life? Youll end up doing menial labor!"

Parents everywhere berated their children in front of their TV.

In the past, they all frowned on their children playing "games".

But "Spore Evolution" was too hardcore. Now, parents couldnt praise it enough, and everyone was extremely proud when their children could play this game.

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