Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 115: The rubik’s cube’s gene distribution.

Chapter 115: The rubik’s cube’s gene distribution.

Xu Zhi felt that there was no reasoning with them.

Fine, I know I cant mess with super big-shots like you! I cant fight you! Youre amazing, youre always right, Ill leave you alone. Its not like your modern science and technology can cure my cancer anyway.

Xu Zhi shook his head and looked towards the large sandbox. My goal is to get my cancer cured by using the Magic Worlds alchemy.

Those spies were still weak, and were only Level Five at most, which was why they had to hide and bide their time. They couldnt acquire the Blood of Immortality and could only grab some insignificant documents to send to the research institutes outside, which had very little effect on his overall plan.

Meanwhile, as the Evil God started reassembling itself, Ermin and Medusa had realized that their world was in mortal danger and put the Three Great Kingdoms to work. Countless Magic Academies, Sects and Magic Societies were now immersed in research.

Civilization always advances in desperate times of war! Let me see if the might of the entire Magic World will be able to cure my disease. Xu Zhi felt that this was the ideal opportunity, and had even deliberately created this situation.

Ive sowed the seeds, now Ill have to see what kind of harvest theyll give me Since Ive taken care of the most pressing matters, its time to take a look at the forum. Xu Zhi thought.

He took out his phone to check the forum.

The small sandboxs Giant God had entered the magic world yesterday, and a night had gone by. The forum was filled with heated discussion. Everyone was furious because most of them didnt last even an hour; some didnt last even a dozen minutes!

Even if an hour outside was equivalent to four years in the Magic World, enough for an amazing journey in another world, many of them were still not satisfied.

I only took a 3 weeks long vacation inside!

It was a month for me.

3 months here.

Many couldnt help but curse out loud.

But for the most part, they were all shocked and amazed.

The difference in time flow was truly unimaginable.

Long months went by inside the game, and they had an amazing journey in another world, but once they logged out, only a dozen minutes had passed, and their mother was still preparing their late night meal!

It was so awesome! So exciting!

They were stirred into a frenzy, growing ever more excited as time passed, and couldnt wait to experience this again.

But they had all died and could only start over as spores in the games sandbox. How could they possibly not hate the ones who killed them?

What? Two more people got kicked out?

Those PKers inside are really fearsome. There are only four players left: the big-shots Learning is a Waste of Time and Akinas Speedster who controls the muscles, and two ordinary players Cerebral Bluff and Hands Off.

Everyone wanted to know what happened to the last two players who got kicked out, and demanded that they start talking.

Dont ask. We had a super miserable end!

We were caught, seasoned with herbs, placed on the grill and then eaten after having our heads removed. That Pell the Butcher is simply terrifying!

These two were the ordinary players who had followed Akinas Speedster back then. They loudly poured out their grievances while describing the PKers brutal antics.

5-6 hours had passed with no news from inside, so everyone couldnt wait to find out what happened when these two exited the game. But, they did not want to reveal the hidden location of the remaining 4 players, and only gave a rough overview of the Magic World current state.

What? Theyre now killing one another, and the 7 PKers have been reduced to 5? So whos gonna last till the end and get the Chicken Dinner?

After all that happened, they discovered the tomb of Gilgamesh, the ancient King of Heroes?

WTF! Weve started the expansion The Blood of the Creator. The Magic World will enter a super chaotic era! Everyone wants to ignite their divine spark and become a Demigod! Itll be an age of fierce competition, those PKers must be feeling eager.

As they discussed, this quickly became the hottest topic in the forum. Under these conditions, how would the other players and the two Empresses deal with the PKers?

It was a world of infinite possibilities.

Say, the Blood of the Creator is super valuable, right? And were living in the interdimensional courtyard, and are loved by God, so why dont we

If the above poster wants to die, then dont try to drag me down with you! Dont you remember how the Pallbearer Chicken ended up? (Pic of a Pallbearer Chicken Stew.jpg)

No, thats not my intention at all. Ill use an unconventional method and start kissing his ass. Ill kiss and kiss and kiss until some of his skin flakes off, giving me the divine equipment: The Creators Flaked Skin. Im sure itll be super valuable.

To the ass-lover above, can you be any more of a pervert? (?)

Im a girl, so its OK! (?)

So scary! Im trembling in fear! Isnt this yandere fangirl just looking for an excuse to molest the Creator?

Ass-kissers are no good!

Xu Zhi silently browsed the forum. These guys may be joking around, but they were all determined to grow stronger. After they died and returned to the small sandbox, they were now working hard to evolve their species, creating many kinds of plants.

Furthermore, the quality of the plants kept improving as they grew more skilled at this.

From the Paleozoic era to the present, various fantasy creatures have appeared, but plants have been relatively neglected. Its high time some fantasy plants appeared. Xu Zhi thought. He then turned to his flying island, which was still lying on the ground and eating, and complained: This dumb thing only knows how to eat!

Hive Mind, show me the diagram of its biological structure!

The Hive Mind quickly complied.

A blue, half-transparent virtual screen appeared. With its over 10,000 components, it was like an intricately made Gundam.

Here, here, and here These creatures that form the muscles will take in a second genethe Slime gene, to increase muscle tension. Xu Zhi pointed.

There, and on this side too, the creatures forming the skin will assimilate the Evil Eyes gene, and train until they become magical skin!

A mechanical voice confirmed his commands:

Assimilation in progress

After some time, the aura of the aggregate rubik's cube creature changed completely. While it didnt grow stronger per se, it now radiated endless potential.

After all, the Evil Eyes gene was the all-important gene which would let each of the bodys cells practice magic.

For the rest of them, Ill leave blank spaces for when I get more genes in the future. Ill complete this aggregate creature then. Xu Zhi thought. He then whispered: Disassemble yourself.

The aggregate rubik's cube creature instantly fell apart, turning into a bunch of scattered components on the ground.

From among them, Xu Zhi picked up a small rubiks cube with Evil Eyes gene.

Ill carve the requisite magic patterns on this rubiks cube with the Evil Eyes gene, and make it train to become a Magic Box while continuously expanding its internal subspace

By his most conservative estimate, he needed to create over 1000 magic boxes and make them train in magic.

This project will take a very long time.

Carving the magic patterns will be part of my Alchemical training. After all, Im a Wizard who needs to polish his spiritual power; Alchemical training is a must Once I no longer have to worry about my cancer, Ill be able to focus on growing stronger and go all-in with my magic training. Xu Zhi thought. He sat down on his chair, picked up a tool that was slightly thinner than a needle, and began to carve.

Thanks to his impressive spiritual power, he had an easy time, no matter how much precision was required.

From among the 17,000+ cubes, Xu Zhi gave over 7000 cubes the Gene of the Evil Eye, the Slimes Gene of Giant Strength, and the Magic Boxs Spatial Magic Pattern.

After all, spatial manipulation was an essential ability for the exalted Land of the Gods.

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