Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~

Chapter 167: The Way The Wind Is Blowing

Chapter 167: The Way The Wind Is Blowing

Still during the same evening, at the same inn…

Elena reunited with First Princess Silvia and proceeded to inform her of all that had happened in her lady’s absence, including how she had examined Rio right at the town gates.

「That person is a fugitive? … Was it Reis who told you about this?」

「Yes, my lady. He also told me we need to be extra careful if we don’t want to lose our most important thing. 」

「Hmm… What kind of person is he, again?」

「He’s incredibly calm for someone of his age. Although his appearance resembles a noble from a well-bred family, he isn’t ignorant of the ways of the world. When I examined him, he was quite collected. I believe he’s a skilled fighter as well since I couldn’t find any gaps in his guard. 」

Silvi was surprised when she heard Elena’s impression of Rio.

「He doesn’t look like a fugitive, in my opinion. 」

「I also think so. He’s more like an escort to that girl he’s with. 」

「I see…」

(Although Reis is a very suspicious person, he doesn’t seem the type to say something without reason. What did he mean by “our most important thing”? He may be trying to goad us into facing against that young man…)

[TL : Your life, idiot]

Silvi averted her gaze to the corner of the room, pondering about that possibility. Her gaze fell on Kikuchi Renji sitting on the sofa with creased eyebrows.

Perhaps a different opinion might help her.

「Renji, what do you think about this matter?」

「Why do you ask for that man’s opinion, Silvi-sama? Why is he even in your room?」

Elena spoke in a discontent tone, not even giving Renji time to get a word in.

Her disdainful questioning was not well received by her princess.

「I don’t recall giving you permission to speak, Elena. Be silent. I was the one who invited him here since those men didn’t allow us to have a proper conversation in that deserted village. 」


With her advice thrown back on her face, Elena retreated with a very sour expression.

The only target available was Renji, so she glared at him in irritation. It was his fault she was scolded!

However, Renji couldn’t care less about Elena’s troubles and merely stared back with a bored look on his face.

「What’s the matter? Still refusing to answer my question?」

「… Why are you asking for my opinion? I’m the reason you’re in this situation. 」

Renji did not hold back when replying to Silvi.

The princess could only sigh seeing his behavior.

「If you still have even a smidge of self-consciousness inside you, try thinking of a way to do something about this situation. 」


「… You didn’t think about it at all, huh? I suppose we’re not that worthy in your eyes. When we met for the first time during the demon subjugation, I was completely elated when I saw your fighting style. Who’d have thought you would turn out to be such a coward?」

Silvi’s words were straight and unyielding, piercing right through Renji’s heart.

The pressure was so intense that Reji averted his gaze from staring into the Princess’ eyes.

「Still have nothing to say? I wonder where the man who dared to talk to me, a princess, went to…」


「When we first met, you told me you were ignorant of the workings of the world and that was why you didn’t even know how to speak to me properly. Normally, even nobles would try to hide such a thing. But not you. You were almost disrespectful with your crude attitude. And when I tried to scout you, you rejected me by saying “I have no intention to obey anyone’s orders. “… Despite my subordinate’s complaints, I respected you for your prideful nature. 」


Silvi continued to speak while Renji stayed silent. He felt extremely uncomfortable but made no move to stop her tirade.

「Do you remember that you said my kingdom had nothing to do with you? Since you refused to work for me or assist my people, why did you poke your nose into our affairs in the first place?」


「… You’re still not going to answer…」

Renji’s embarrassed silence disappointed Silvi, and she sighed tiredly.

「It seems I’m terrible at judging a person’s true character. Whatever. Please leave this post- no, leave this kingdom immediately. You’re just an eyesore. 」


Elena exclaimed in a shocked voice.

She didn’t like this man being close to her princess, but… Didn’t the princess like him?

「What? You and the royal knights don’t have a good impression of him, right? It’s the perfect chance to get rid of this nuisance. 」

「T-That is…」

「Renji, take this as my last act of compassion to you, and also my last piece of advice. You’re an antisocial person who hates to be tied to something while living in society. You try to force your raison d’etre onto society despite not wanting to be a part of it. Don’t you think it would be better if you let go of that raison d’etre?」

Renji could only grit his teeth in frustration.

His very existence was being denied by this princess. To Renji, being dismissed by someone who didn’t have even a smidge of respect for him was the most humiliating situation. Days ago, he might have looked down on her for saying so. But the current him couldn’t do that.

Silvi spoke even more without even trying to hide how irritated she felt.

「There will always be people stronger than you in this world. You lost because of your arrogance. Even if there isn’t anyone stronger, do you believe that numbers can’t beat you? A while ago you turned the Rubia Kingdom into an enemy. You caused great damage to our kingdom by acting recklessly. You can’t live here anymore. If you show your face around here again, prepare to be hunted down. If I ever see you again, I’ll cut you down myself. 」


「That’s all, now leave. I’ll explain your disappearance to that man. 」

Elena shut her eyes and maintained her silence, not wishing to deteriorate the situation even further with unnecessary disruptions. The other royal knights followed her example.

If Silvi said she didn’t want to see him ever again, then he might as well go somewhere else. Preferably far, far away from the Rubia Kingdom. The reason was simply that they had no energy to spare to care about Renji.

Renji didn’t get up after Silvi commanded him to leave.

He just sat there on the same spot while clenching his fists, a frustrated expression twisting his face.

Silvi’s voice became even colder with his lack of movement.

「What’s wrong? Why haven’t you left yet? Or would you rather I cut you down right here?」

「… -As…」


Silvi almost didn’t hear his voice with how low he was whispering.

But she was curious to know what he had to say.

「… Sorry. It’s as you say. There is nothing I can say to justify my actions. 」

「That is why I asked: what are you talking about?」

「I want to help you… Help you save your little sister. I’ll do everything I can to help. You can consider that as me making reparations for the mess I have caused. 」

His tone was honest and proper, unlike how he had behaved in the past.

It stupefied Silvi for a brief moment, then she snickered at him.

「… So you’re able to make such a face. 」

「… Silvi-sama. 」

Elena rebuked her princess lightly, a complicated look on her face.

Silvi just smiled wryly at Elena.

「Oh, my apologies… Well, although I’m happy you’re so determined, this is where we part ways. 」

「… Why?」

Her tone was gentle, the complete opposite of a couple of minutes ago.

It deeply irritated Renji.

「Honestly, a part of me wants to rely on your power. But I just realized that you’re still just a brat. I don’t want to involve you in our troubles. 」

「I’m not a brat, I’m 17 years old already!」

Renji unintentionally retorted to her in a vexed tone. Leaving Japan’s customs aside, he was already at an age where he should be treated as an adult.

Coincidentally, Silvi’s 18th birthday was on that year.

「Indeed. That’s just how irregular you are. Your birthplace is a mystery and, despite your power, you lack comprehension of the laws of the world. Although that defect was what made me attracted to you, now it’s become a deterrent. 」

「No! Absolutely unacceptable! If I back down now, I’m going to regret this for the rest of my life! I won’t be me anymore!」

The princess’s smile was very self-deprecating.

The way she spoke to him made Renji very flustered.

He did not expect her to throw back at him the same words he had said to her so long ago.

「Those are your own circumstances. They have nothing to do with me. 」

「… !? Don’t you need my power!?」

His face had warped as if he couldn’t imagine her not needing him.

That was Renji’s true nature. Even if the other party didn’t allow it, he unconsciously believed it was allowed. He unconsciously believed himself to be someone special.

「You saying so justifies why I treated you like a child. Do you think I will trust you now?」

Renji’s confidence was completely shattered by Silvi.

That did not stop him from appealing to her again.

「I absolutely won’t fail you next time! Please trust me!」

「You truly think there’ll be a next time?」


Renji swallowed the words he wanted to say once he heard Silvi’s cold words.

Her mind, however, was not as icy as she portrayed herself to be.

(Honestly, we have enough trouble on our hands for now. We have no composure to take care of a child. But if we keep this passionate boy away from us, I’m afraid he’ll poke his nose into our troubles again. After all, all he has is his power. )

Silvi hesitated in her decision. Should she rely on Renji or not?

So far, she had kept her fascination with his power a secret. If he had a fault, it was his lack of knowledge about society…

「A single mistake could cost you your life. This moment might become a point of no return to you. By the time you realize it, it would be too late for you. After hearing that, do you still have the resolution to bet your life?」

「… I’m prepared for it. 」

Renji nodded at her. The flame of determination burned quietly inside his eyes.

Silvi stared at Renji. She thought it would perhaps be better to reject him, but in the end, she just sighed and prepared herself for the worst-case scenario.

「… I understand. 」

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, Arein and Lucci were summoned by Reis around the same time Silvi and Renji were talking.

「What are your orders, Reis-sama?」

「… I’m more worried about which one I should entrust this to. Lucci, you should be able to handle this guy, right?」

Reis suddenly pulled a sword out of nowhere and placed it on the desk.

Arein and Lucci were shocked. The sword’s appearance was familiar to them.

「T-… This sword?」

「This is the sword used by that person. 」

Reis chuckled at the look on the two men’s faces.

「This is… For me?」

「Yes. After all, you’re the one with the aptitude for it. 」


「It’s a demon sword. Its abilities are a little special. However, you need to have a certain level of aptitude to wield it. That makes this sword a bit more special than other demon swords out there. 」

Reis patiently explained to them about the sword, but his last line had a hidden meaning.

Lucci tilted his head, confused.

「And I… I have this aptitude?」

「Yes. Your disposition closely resembles that person. 」

「Even so, receiving our leader’s memento… Did the other members of our group approve this?」

Lucci asked Reis, but his eyes watched Arein’s movements.

Arein only sighed, resigned.

「Well… It should be okay, I guess. It’s a little complicated, but you – in some ways- resemble the leader. Leave the other members to me, I’ll explain to them. 」


Lucci nodded and, with a complicated look on his face, stretched his arm to grab the sword.

「By the way, you should carry the sword with you at all times. Keep it close to your skin, for now, so you’ll get used to it. 」

「Of course. It’s our leader’s memento. I won’t let it go even if I die. 」

Lucci laughed as he spoke.

Reis did not laugh with him, he only showed an eerie smile.

「Good. Now, let me tell you about tomorrow’s plan. Ven and the others will bring the second princess, while Ester has already arrived in this town. All pieces are set. 」

「So that means we can finally get revenge on that magic swordsman. 」

「No, that’s not our main goal. 」

Lucci was chuckling happily, but Reis quickly denied his assumption.

Both Arein and Lucci were now staring at Reis.

「What do you mean!?」

「Of course it would be better if we managed to dispose of him, but that will depend on the situation. There’s also the fact that Princess Flora survived, she’s worth more alive than dead. 」

As Reis explained it all to them, his eyes were vacantly staring at nothing.

◇ ◇ ◇

Early the next morning, Rio and Flora left the inn.

Before their departure, Flora bowed to Rio.

「Please take care of me today too, Haruto-sama. 」

「Please, take care of me as well. I believe we’ll be able to cross the national border this morning. Let’s get going, our destination is the next city. 」


They planned to leave the post town through a different entrance than the one they entered through. It was located in the opposite direction of the previous day’s gate, and that’s where they were headed.

「By the way… Are you a morning person, Flora-sama?」


Flora, who walked beside Rio happily, tilted her head in confusion.

「What I mean is that you’re always lively in the morning, without any trace of drowsiness. As if you haven’t been fatigued during this journey at all. 」

「Ah, no… Come to think of it, it’s not like I’m a morning person. I mean, you’ve been carrying me around for most of the journey. 」

「I see. I’m glad, then. 」

「The same goes for you too, Haruto-sama. Aren’t you tired of running with that kind of speed every day?」

Rio smiled at Flora, watching her flip his words back at him.

「It’s fine. I’ve never neglected my training. Moreover, strengthening my body with my demon sword also increases my stamina. 」

Rio and Flora headed toward the opposite entrance as they continued their light-hearted chat.

After leaving the post town, they arrived at the crossroad that branched off into two paths: one to the southeast and one to the southwest.

They picked the southwest one as it headed towards Rodania, their destination. The other road headed to the Kingdom of Galwark, which meant a detour.

「Uhm… Isn’t that… ?」

Rio quickly noticed someone blocking the road ahead of them.

The crowd gathered in the middle of the highway and, amongst them, they saw the female knights who tried to apprehend them at the town gates on the day before.

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