Sect Master’s Immortal Journey

Chapter 556: Dispute

Chapter 556: Dispute

True Monarch Tian Zhu is currently at a critical moment in his true form, where he cannot tolerate any disturbance or allow any unexpected events to occur.

True Monarch Tian Zhu is not only wary of True Monarch Profound Wind but also Qi Mingyuan True Monarch and Qi Mingyun True Monarch.

In his eyes, True Monarch Profound Wind is like a vulture that immediately swoops in and seizes any benefits without any fundamental conflict of interest.

His actions so far have been aimed at taking advantage of the situation and seeking benefits. Qi Mingyuan and his brother pose a threat to True Monarch Tian Zhu's fundamental interests.

The peculiar state of the two brothers, Qi Mingyuan and Qi Mingyun, has many advantages in cultivation and battle before reaching the Primordial Spirit stage or even in the early stage of the Primordial Spirit.

However, after reaching the mid-stage of the Primordial Spirit, the state of their combined souls becomes inconvenient. Their original physical bodies have become increasingly unable to accommodate two Primordial Spirits.

A cultivator in the mid-stage of the Primordial Spirit can condense a wisp of soul and refine an external avatar. In the case of the Qi Family brothers, they should be able to refine an external avatar to accommodate one of their Primordial Spirits. However, there are two hidden dangers that have caused them to abandon this plan.

Firstly, both Primordial Spirits are main Primordial Spirits, not ordinary wisps of soul. The Primordial Spirit's power is too strong, and an ordinary external avatar cannot bear it.

Secondly, the external avatar is artificially refined and far less compatible with the Primordial Spirit than a naturally born physical body.

If one of the brothers chooses to house their Primordial Spirit in an external avatar, their cultivation base will be unable to progress and will remain in the mid-stage of the Primordial Spirit indefinitely.

The Qi Family brothers come from a prestigious cultivation clan and are true geniuses. They are proud and have long had the ambition to reach higher realms.

How could they accept the result of their cultivation base being unable to progress? Later, by coincidence, the two brothers arrived in the Deadly Sea of Sand and discovered the existence of a Fifth Rank Earth Spirit.

The body of the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit is a rare heavenly material in the countless realms, and it would be of great benefit to accommodate one of the brothers' Primordial Spirits. Unfortunately, this Fifth Rank Earth Spirit was targeted early on by True Monarch Tian Zhu and became his intended prey. The two brothers couldn't even defeat True Monarch Tian Zhu's external avatar, let alone fight against him.

Fortunately, True Monarch Tian Zhu was entangled with the Fifth Rank Earth Spirit and couldn't break free. His external avatar was also unable to completely expel the Qi Family brothers, so he had to tolerate their presence.

In the Endless Sea of Sand, the situation became chaotic due to the troubles caused by the Purple Gold Sect. The Qi Family happened to have a branch that was exiled near the Jiuqu League. The Qi Family brothers relocated this branch to the Endless Sea of Sand and supported them wholeheartedly. This branch of the Qi Family settled in the Endless Sea of Sand and became pawns in the battle between the Qi Family brothers and True Monarch Tian Zhu.

True Monarch Profound Wind, the troublemaker, further instigated the Fire Cloud Sect's invasion of the Endless Sea of Sand. Logically, True Monarch Tian Zhu should compromise with True Monarch Profound Wind and deal with the Qi Family brothers first.

However, for some reason, deep in True Monarch Tian Zhu's heart, he has always been deeply wary of True Monarch Profound Wind. At the level of a Primordial Spirit True Monarch, especially as a late-stage Primordial Spirit True Monarch like True Monarch Tian Zhu, even if not a Diviner, he has a certain ability to sense fortune and misfortune.

Although he appears to disdain True Monarch Profound Wind, he secretly raises his guard and treats him as a major enemy. He would rather compromise with the Qi Family brothers than leave enough strength to deal with True Monarch Profound Wind.

In order to temporarily stabilize the Qi Family brothers, True Monarch Tian Zhu made a demonic oath, vowing that after his great achievement, he would spare no effort to find a body capable of accommodating the brothers' Primordial Spirits, regardless of the cost. Although he temporarily stabilized the Qi Family brothers and turned them into unreliable allies, True Monarch Tian Zhu has never truly trusted them.

Even if the Qi Family brothers later instructed the Northern Desert Qi Family and the Flying Swan Sect to join forces several times to fight against the common enemy, the Fire Cloud Sect, and eliminate the Deadly Sea of Sand, it still couldn't put True Monarch Tian Zhu at ease.

A Primordial Spirit True Monarch can already wield the power of the Grand Dao. The most reliable way to make a binding between them is to make a Grand Dao oath. With the supervision of the power of the Grand Dao, those who break the oath will suffer backlash from the Grand Dao, resulting in the destruction of their cultivation base, if not death. Due to the strong demands of the Qi Family brothers, they made a demonic oath with True Monarch Tian Zhu.

The demonic oath indeed has a strong binding force on a Primordial Spirit True Monarch, but many Primordial Spirit True Monarchs have ways to bypass the demonic oath if they pay a sufficient price. Not to mention the demonic oath, even many Gold Core Daoist Masters fear the ghost oath, but Primordial Spirit True Monarchs also have ways to bypass it.

The Netherworld's Ghost Deity supervises the ghost oath and punishes those who break it. In the Netherworld, the Netherworld Ghost Deity is powerful, but in the mortal realm, a Primordial Spirit True Monarch has many ways to resist it.

Because the balance of power between the Qi Family brothers and True Monarch Tian Zhu is not strong enough, True Monarch Tian Zhu appears to temporarily ally with them, but in reality, he is not at all lenient towards them. Therefore, True Monarch Tian Zhu's external avatar is unwilling to confront True Monarch Profound Wind at this time, to avoid giving the Qi Family brothers an opportunity to take advantage.

True Monarch Tian Zhu's attitude towards True Monarch Profound Wind has been noticed by everyone. Qi Mingyuan smiles and says, "Yue Feng, don't be arrogant. After all, True Monarch Profound Wind is a senior in the Jiuqu League."

"Qi Family, spare me your nonsense. Do you really think I don't know what you're up to? What, do you think inciting the fools from the East River Branch can cause trouble for me?" True Monarch Mountain Peak is equally straightforward with the Qi Family brothers. The East River Branch of the Yellow Lotus Sect has been suppressed by True Monarch Mountain Peak and has almost become subordinate to the Mountain Branch.

How can the Gold Core Daoist Masters in the branch accept this? To break free from the control of the Mountain Branch, they must have the power to resist True Monarch Mountain Peak. Therefore, the East River Branch is searching for support.

Hong Siming Daoist Master of the East River Branch has a close relationship with Qi Nanfei Daoist Master, and they have colluded with each other. Hong Siming Daoist Master's goal is to contact Qi Mingyuan True Monarch and seek his support to resist True Monarch Mountain Peak, in order to free the East River Branch from its current subordinate position.

True Monarch Mountain Peak has seen the East River Branch's actions all along. He has not acted because he believes that everything is under his control and that the East River Branch cannot escape from his grasp.

However, the Qi Family's interference in the internal affairs of the Yellow Lotus Sect, attempting to cause trouble for him, has made him very annoyed. He has long been dissatisfied with Qi Mingyuan True Monarch and Qi Mingyun True Monarch.

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