Sect Master’s Immortal Journey

Chapter 526: Breaking through

Chapter 526: Breaking through

In a flash, Wu Mingwei and Qi Nanfei released the Formation Breaking Talisman, and Meng Zhang shot out that golden bamboo leaf. By the time anyone reacted, it was all over.

Hearing the earth-shattering sound not far away, witnessing the collapse of the Third Rank mountain-protecting great formation, Blazing Flames Overturning Earth Great Formation, Zhu Liangyu found it hard to accept.

"How, how is this possible? This is the Third Rank mountain-protecting great formation."

"That's right, an attack with such power can only be the work of a Primordial Spirit True Monarch. A Gold Core Daoist Master couldn't accomplish this."

Zhu Liangyu pointed at Jin Li Daoist Master and said, "You cheated, you tampered with things behind our backs."

Jin Li Daoist Master sneered, "Didn't you do the same? You can do fifteen, so don't blame others for doing the first."

Zhu Liangyu struggled to accept the reality. In his eyes, the Blazing Flames Overturning Earth Great Formation was absolutely impenetrable by a mere rabble, yet it was easily broken.

In reality, even if Meng Zhang discovered the formation's core, relying solely on attacks at the Gold Core Daoist Master level might not have been enough to break the entire great formation in one strike, especially by directly hitting the core, the vital point.

The seemingly inconspicuous golden bamboo leaf contained the unique power of True Monarch Tian Zhu. In terms of sheer strength, it already exceeded the limits that the Third Rank great formation could withstand. Moreover, Meng Zhang's strike directly hit the core, striking at the heart of the matter.

With the loss of the mountain-protecting great formation's protection, Fire Cloud Sect cultivators were now directly exposed to the enemy.

The sudden collapse of the great formation not only caused many Fire Cloud Sect disciples to suffer significant casualties, but even those who were not affected by the blast were in a state of chaos, unsure of what to do.

Wu Mingwei and Qi Nanfei, who had already rushed into the great formation, charged inside first, followed closely by Fei Shi Daoist Master. Only Meng Zhang was recovering his True Essence slowly.

The morale of the three allied forces soared, and they fiercely attacked Feihong Mountain, engaging in battle with Fire Cloud Sect cultivators.

Ever since Meng Zhang severely wounded Daoist Master Fiery Cloud before, he had not fully recovered. Despite trying various methods and consuming numerous elixirs, he couldn't get rid of the injuries inflicted by the Spirit Snake Spear.

Daoist Master Fiery Cloud couldn't participate in the battle. Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud mustered their spirits and temporarily set aside their shock and doubt, leading their disciples into the fight.

As the defenders, Fire Cloud Sect cultivators couldn't set up a proper formation due to the sudden disruption of the great formation. The allied forces, coming from diverse origins and being busy charging forward, also couldn't form a proper formation.

As a result, both sides of cultivators were scattered and forced into a chaotic melee.

Although it appeared to be a melee, well-trained elite cultivators managed to quickly form small teams, cooperating and covering each other.

Among them, Taiyi Sect cultivators stood out on the battlefield.

Taiyi Sect had risen to prominence recently and had a shallow foundation. Precisely because they were a new force, Taiyi Sect cultivators exuded a thriving aura, without the taint of bad habits and the stale air of veteran sect cultivators.

Even after suffering heavy losses and setbacks in previous battles, when confronting Fire Cloud Sect cultivators, they displayed high morale and formidable combat strength.

The formation of these small teams seemed simple but was the result of practical formations passed down by Taiyi Sect over the years, refined through thousands of trials and real combat experiences.

Almost all Taiyi Sect disciples had undergone training in the Formations Hall, under the guidance of Hall Master Wen Qiansun, who had often directed them in rehearsing various commonly used formations.

In this battle, Taiyi Sect's Foundation Building cultivators served as the backbone, leading groups of Refining Qi stage disciples. Like sharp knives, they inserted themselves ferociously into the ranks of Fire Cloud Sect cultivators.

Especially the three Guardian Spirit Generals - Deep Earth Spirit General, Extreme Sword Spirit General, and Shocking Thunder Spirit General - easily disrupted the organization of Fire Cloud Sect cultivators.

They slayed the leaders and dispersed the ordinary disciples, moving through the battlefield virtually unhindered.

Fire Cloud Sect's Gold Core Daoist Masters couldn't free their hands, and surprisingly, there was no one from Fire Cloud Sect capable of stopping them; they were left to wreak havoc among the enemy.

Even the Gold Core Daoist Masters in the heat of battle couldn't help but glance at the three Guardian Spirit Generals, who were demonstrating their might on the battlefield.

This time, Qi Nanfei no longer held back, coordinating with Fei Shi Daoist Master and Wu Mingwei, suppressing Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud, preventing them from supporting the lower-level Fire Cloud Sect cultivators.

The battle had been going on for a not-too-long period of time, and the allied forces of the three factions began to gain the upper hand. Under their fierce assaults, the Fire Cloud Sect cultivators were showing signs of weakness and seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Zhu Liangyu, who was observing the battle not far away, had an increasingly unpleasant expression on his face.

After a brief recovery of his True Essence, Meng Zhang regained most of his strength. Instead of joining the siege against Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and others, he disregarded his status and started attacking the lower-level Fire Cloud Sect cultivators, killing them.

If the Fire Cloud Sect cultivators could form a formation and pool their strength, they might have been able to barely exchange a few moves with Meng Zhang. However, amidst the chaotic battle, they had lost their best means of countering a Gold Core Daoist Master. Even the most outstanding Foundation Building cultivator couldn't withstand a Gold Core Daoist Master under such circumstances.

Seeing Meng Zhang wreak havoc, Zhu Liangyu couldn't bear it any longer.

"Taking advantage of the weak, relying on strength to bully the weak, this is shameless! This person is a disgrace to Gold Core Daoist Masters and a disgrace to cultivators!"

He berated Meng Zhang while raising a flying sword, intending to fly over and slay him.

The flying sword turned into a streak of light, about to strike Meng Zhang, but Jin Li Daoist Master flew up to the sky and blocked its path.

The flying sword couldn't change direction in time and directly stabbed Jin Li Daoist Master, but her True Essence deflected it gently.

Jin Li Daoist Master showed no sign of anger due to the accidental strike. Instead, she had an excited expression on her face.

"You fat pig, how dare you take the initiative to attack this Daoist Master? You truly don't know any better."

"Since you attacked first, this Daoist Master can only retaliate."

Jin Li Daoist Master laughed proudly and attacked Zhu Liangyu.

"It's been a while since I had a good fight. Today, this Daoist Master will surely make you bloom with peach blossoms all over your face."

Zhu Liangyu yelled in frustration; he had unintentionally given Jin Li Daoist Master a reason to strike back.

In just a short moment of exchanging blows, Zhu Liangyu found himself falling behind.

"You fat pig, aren't you smug? Aren't you quick-witted with your words? Why, now you've become dumb?"

Jin Li Daoist Master was not the kind of person with a magnanimous personality. Being a woman, she wouldn't lack the petty nature even with a Gold Core-level Cultivation Base.

With a bitter expression on his face, Zhu Liangyu found himself caught in a storm of attacks.

On Feihong Mountain, the battle raged on.

Zhu Liangyu being entangled by Jin Li Daoist Master left Fire Cloud Sect without any support and lost their final chance of victory.

As time passed, Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud gradually fell behind, and the low-level Fire Cloud Sect cultivators suffered heavy losses, leading to a collapse.

Many surviving Fire Cloud Sect cultivators forgot the strict orders of their sect and the lives of their fellow disciples and started fleeing for their lives.

Daoist Master Fiery Cloud, who was heavily injured and unable to act earlier, had been observing for a while and could clearly see the situation. Regardless of whether others accepted reality or not, he knew that the overall situation was lost, and there was no turning back.

The best option for Fire Cloud Sect at this point was to withdraw from the battle as soon as possible and escape. Especially for Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud, they must escape immediately to preserve the vitality of Fire Cloud Sect.

However, Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud were still in the midst of the battle, and they didn't see the situation as clearly as Daoist Master Fiery Cloud. They also harbored some illusions and were unwilling to believe that the situation had completely deteriorated.

As an elder with a Gold Core level of cultivation in the sect, leaving so many low-level disciples here to die while only focusing on their own escape would not only be unacceptable to them but also cause them to lose face both inside and outside the sect.

Moreover, even if Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and the others wanted to break out, it was not an easy task. Fei Shi Daoist Master and the others had them tightly surrounded, leaving no room for escape. Meanwhile, Meng Zhang, who was slaughtering the lower-level Fire Cloud Sect disciples, also had a significant portion of his attention focused on the battle between the Gold Core Daoist Masters.

Knowing that the situation was hopeless, Daoist Master Fiery Cloud's face showed a decisive expression. He took out a pill, about the size of a fingertip, entirely red in color, and swallowed it. Then, he activated the True Essence within his body according to a secret method.

After a moment, an unusual flush appeared on Daoist Master Fiery Cloud's face, and his aura began to rise steadily. Despite his severe injuries that had left him exceptionally weak before, he not only largely recovered but also greatly improved his Cultivation Base.

Daoist Master Fiery Cloud took the initiative to fly toward the battle between the five Gold Core Daoist Masters. While secretly sending a voice message to Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and the others, urging them to retreat quickly, he also helped them fend off Fei Shi Daoist Master and the others.

Seeing Daoist Master Fiery Cloud looking so vigorous and lively, both Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud showed grief on their faces.

Daoist Master Fiery Cloud's quick recovery of combat strength came at a cost. Using a secret technique to activate the sect's secret medicine, he would lose his life irretrievably after a brief burst of power due to the medicine's effects wearing off.

Daoist Master Fiery Cloud was risking his life to preserve the vitality of the Fire Cloud Sect.

Understanding Daoist Master Fiery Cloud's intentions, Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud gave up all unrealistic fantasies, disregarding all concerns, and prepared to break through.

Meng Zhang had been monitoring the battle between the Gold Core Daoist Masters. After Daoist Master Fiery Cloud joined the fight, he gave up bullying the weaker opponents and actively flew towards the battle between the Gold Core Daoist Masters.

Meng Zhang had great confidence in the killing power of the Spiritsnake Spear, and he could clearly sense the forced surge in Daoist Master Fiery Cloud's strength.

Based on Meng Zhang's experience, any secret technique or elixir that forcibly suppressed injuries and hastily restored strength would come with serious adverse consequences. It seemed like Daoist Master Fiery Cloud was willing to risk everything.

Having been severely injured by Daoist Master Fiery Cloud, Meng Zhang naturally didn't want him to escape successfully. Since a great enmity had already been established, it was best to take advantage of the situation and eliminate him to prevent future troubles.

Fei Shi Daoist Master and the other two also noticed Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud's intention to retreat and were unwilling to let them go freely. With Meng Zhang joining the fray, the four of them intensified their attacks, hoping to trap Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and his companions.

Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud were both Gold Core cultivators; once the intention to retreat arose, it was difficult to stop them.

Especially when Daoist Master Fiery Cloud knew that his end was near, he desperately delayed the enemy. This tit-for-tat exchange, where injuries were exchanged for injuries and lives were exchanged for lives, indeed presented a headache for everyone.

After a bitter battle, Daoist Master Fiery Cloud managed to hold off the enemy at the cost of his own life. Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud escaped successfully, carrying not light injuries.

Before fleeing, Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud secretly informed a few trusted disciples of the Fire Cloud Sect. However, they did so discreetly to prevent the situation from completely collapsing.

Around the same time as Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud's escape, the Fire Cloud Sect cultivators completely fell apart. Almost everyone had no intention to fight and only thought about escaping in a panic.

The cultivators from the three factions took advantage of the situation and pursued, leaving the escaping Fire Cloud Sect cultivators with no way out.

After Daoist Master Fiery Cloud's death, Meng Zhang and the four Gold Core Daoist Masters continued to chase after Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud. The pursuit continued until the two managed to enter the territory of the Fire Cloud Sect and successfully escape from the Endless Sea of Sand.

Only after Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud successfully left did Meng Zhang and the others reluctantly give up the chase and return.

Even though they all wanted to kill Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and his companion to completely eliminate the threat, they were unwilling to rashly intrude into the territory of the Jiuqu League, a behemoth of an organization. Even True Monarch Tian Zhu would hesitate to provoke them lightly.

Helplessly watching the four Gold Core Daoist Masters escape, they were left with a burning anger inside.

Upon returning, out of frustration, all four of them disregarded their identities and joined the pursuit of the fleeing Fire Cloud Sect cultivators.

These cultivators at most had a Foundation Building-level Cultivation Base, and escaping successfully from the Endless Sea of Sand was by no means an easy task.

In the end, apart from Daoist Master Scarlet Flame and Daoist Master Dark Cloud, who had escaped earlier, almost all of the Fire Cloud Sect cultivators were left in the Endless Sea of Sand forever.

From the initial overwhelming victory to the final crushing defeat, the invasion of the Endless Sea of Sand only took a few years for the Fire Cloud Sect.

The invading army was almost entirely wiped out, and even a Gold Core Daoist Master was lost. This defeat indeed dealt a heavy blow to the vitality of the Fire Cloud Sect. Without long-term recuperation, they would not be able to recover.

It could be imagined that for a long time to come, nobody needed to worry about the threat of the Fire Cloud Sect.

At the same time of the Fire Cloud Sect's major defeat, Zhu Liangyu, the disciple of True Monarch Profound Wind, was also harshly taught a lesson by Jin Li Daoist Master. He left Endless Sea of Sand with a swollen face, looking embarrassed and desolate.

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