Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 146: “However……”

Chapter 146: “However……”

Minutes later, Jake found himself at the door of a books room in the same inn.

He knocked on it and received a loud shout, "Get in."

Not taking any offense in the rude words, Jake walked into the room.

The room wasn't quite big like his. It was enough for just one person to live in, comfortable at that.

At least, the owner of the room won't have to pay the large number of coins Jake pays.

Jake stopped his thoughts from trailing further and focused on his mates waiting for him at the table to the left.

At the end of the small table was a tall and slim crooked man with olive skin. Jake knew it the same 'dainty' man that voice out those hose harsh words. 

Eyeing him, Jake took his seat among the rest.

As she observed them, one of Jake's teammates teased the slim man, "Oooh! Archer, he doesn't like your words."

The way she moved her mouth accompanied by her loud dress style made her a tempting figure. However, all the males here were inexperienced enough to control their lower halves.

Perhaps, that was why she was comfortable with them.

"Mind your own business, River. If he has a problem, he would talk," retorted Archer.

His cold azure eyes met with Jake's fierce icy blue ones and cowered for a second.

"Ooooh! Now, you are intentionally provoking him. You know he can't talk," joked River.

She was only able to make a jab like that due to Jake's silent nature. The latter didn't care about the joke.

He continued waiting for them to finish it so the group could start their meeting.

In fact, it could be said that he was used to it. Every time they met, as a very young individual, Archer would try to see what makes him tick.

Currently, Jake was very far from being annoyed.

'What are these,' he reasoned in his mind.

Surrounding him was a colorful world, a world filled with myriads of colorful lights. Some were blue. Some were red. Some were violet.

However, they all had a similarity. They shine with a dreamy hue as if it was an illusion.

It didn't take him long to understand what was happening to me.

Before, he had thought it strange that he hadn't unlocked an ability from the [Akashic Eye] after the breakthrough, as that seemed to be the trope.

However, he now understood that it just took longer to unlock, since he didn't really focus on unlocking any ability.

'Hmmm, let's see. What is this?' hummed Jake.

He looked at all his teammates and lights shining in them, 'Could it be a [Soul scouring] ability.'

Shaking his head, he analyzed, 'No, I can also see lights around us. This should be an energy vision, something akin to the true sight that [Realm 4] warriors activate. Hmm.this is convenient.'

He made a mental note to experiment on this ability later on their journey.

For now, he had to focus on what was in front of him.

Fortunately, he had been just in time as Eden had begun explaining.

"This is it. Our last mission," smiled Eden.

He was also dressed in his heavy armor suit, which when highlighted with his spear made one understand that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Bringing out a map from his [Spatial Ring], Eden led, "This is where the bounty mission is located...The Weeping Town."

Chills went down the spine of the group, even Jake.

The Weeping Town wasn't exactly a place one would wish to see in his entire life.

Plainly, the town was the most dangerous place on this island. It was on par with the Dark Forest of the main southern continent when it came to danger levels.

This could be best understood by the origin of its name!

At nights, when the people of this settlement sleep..or at least try to, they hear the loud wails of females and even males! 

It becomes haunting and no matter how far one is, they would still be able to hear it.

Hence the name, Weeping Town.

The origin of the town was also quite dark. During one of the Nether wars, the island was used as one of the forefronts of the planet's portion of the war.

Countless blood was spilled on the island, particularly the center of the island, where the town was situated.

One thing led to another and when the hidden conditions were met, the entire island turned to a special breeding ground for apparitions undeads.

It was only by the intervention of the strongest warrior to ever exist on the southern continent that the situation was controlled.

Despite that, the 'situation' could only be contained into the town, which led to the birth of the Weeping Town.

Decades later, the issue had not been remedied and was a constant resting place for those that wanted to commit suicide.

The Weeping Town, a place to shed tears. That was what the bounty hunters called it.

Nonetheless, some have ventured into it and survived.

It wasn't strange as countless efforts had been put into it by their predecessors.

In truth, Jake had no idea of how bad this island was when he washed up ashore.

What he knew of it was only the basic stuff. For instance, the only habitable place on the island was the edge of the island, the same place Jake was at.

The only profitable profession was bounty hunting, completing missions gotten from the other islands.

Most of them were high-risk, but the hunters could not complain.

They had a choice to leave the island, yet they didn't. The other islands weren't as free as this one..this pseudo-no man's land.


Jake listened to Eden's words, " As we all can sense, we will face death if we continue to stay here. Every week, the corpse of zombified demonic beasts wash up ashore and we have to kill it. We are living on borrowed time, heh."

"That is why we have to stake our lives on this mission given directly from the Astral Sect. Last month, they had started shipping most of their members to the central continent, and now very few ships remain. If we can complete our mission, we can keep our puny lives."

Midway to the end, Jake sensed a 'however'. There was always going to be a however with hopeful situations like this.

"However, we all know how dangerous this mission is. The [Queen Spriteheart], heh...." Eden spat out the rest of his speech.

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