Scholar's Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1539 - Close to Victory

Chapter 1539: Close to Victory

On the edge of Guanghan City, a temporary safety zone was set up by East Asia Energy engineers.

A man in ragged clothes hesitated for a while, walked in the direction of Xie Tian, and stood in front of him.


After hearing the sound coming out of the side, Xie Tian was stunned for a while. He then looked aside and saw a man about 30 years old standing next to him with a guilty expression on his face.

Even though he didn’t quite understand why this person suddenly apologized, Xie Tian smiled and asked casually, “Have we met before?”

“Half a month ago... We met on the Moon Palace,” the man said with a wry smile. “Although you may not remember me...”

After hearing these words, Xie Tian finally remembered where he had seen this person.

He didn’t expect this world to be so small.

“That was the past, like you said, it was half a month ago.”

Seeing how Xie Tian was willing to let go of the past, the man hesitated for a while. He then couldn’t help but ask, “Why...”

“No particular reason.” Xie Tian interrupted him, as if he knew what he was going to ask, and said naturally, “Because we are compatriots, that reason is enough.”

The expression on that man’s face went from stunned to quiet, to finally ashamed.

He wanted to say something, but he didn’t say anything in the end. He silently nodded at Xie Tian to express his gratitude and respect. He then turned and walked away.

Right afterward, Jia Siyuan came over.

He glanced at the man walking away and spoke.

“That person didn’t bother you, right?”

Xie Tian smiled and said, “Why would he bother me?”

Jia Siyuan shrugged and said, “I still don’t quite believe those lunar people. There are robots all over the world, why is there trouble with robots only on the moon?”

“I don’t approve of this approach of victim-blaming. In theory, similar things can happen anywhere in the world, but it happens to be here.”

Having said that, Xie Tian paused for a moment. He then suddenly smiled and continued, “As for the issue of trust, we will gradually get used to it in the future. We will have to interact with these lunar people for a long time in the future.”

At this time, the dark sky suddenly became a bit brighter.

Everyone silently stopped their work and looked up at the vast cold night.

No one spoke.

But everyone knew what was about to happen.

Xie Tian looked up through the transparent dome above his head, at the light spot that separated from the starship, as he muttered to himself, “They’re here.”


An azure blue light flashed in the sky.

A long shuttle-shaped heavy landing craft pierced through the endless cold night in silence, piercing through the space compartments and transportation hubs of Guanghan City like a dagger.

The heavy landing spacecraft that crashed into the space capsule was like a highly explosive armor-piercing projectile. When the front end penetrated the armor, it launched deadly high-temperature metal droplets into the space capsule.

In the gravity-free environment, the metal droplets were like deadly projectiles, raging and spreading in the space cabin, and most of the robot soldiers leaning on the back of the bunker were instantly destroyed.

The metal droplets cooled down after they touched the surfaces of the cold walls, the aerospace paratroopers in the landing craft immediately came out from the front opening before launching a fierce offensive attack under the cover of drones.

Unlike the Seventh Armed Brigade, which used light police weapons, the Third Orbital Airborne Brigade armed to the teeth were not only equipped with a heavy mechanical exoskeleton, but they were also equipped with power armor that acted as a mobile shelter.

As for the robot rebels, although they had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and were not afraid of death when attacking, their weapons and ammunition were limited.

As the Third Orbital Airborne Brigade completely cut off the retreat route of the robot rebels, the frontline robot force lost the support of its reserved forces, and they immediately began to retreat at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the landing of the Third Orbital Airborne Brigade, the stalemate that had lasted for a whole week was instantly broken.

Many soldiers of the Seventh Armed Brigade watched the enemy recede like a tide.

Just when they were discussing whether to continue to attack, everything was over.

After crossing the smoke-filled traffic pipeline, Li Gaoliang, dressed in exoskeleton armor, came to the position of the Seventh Armed Brigade and met the commander of this unit.

After the two did a military salute to each other, Li Gaoliang spoke succinctly.

“From now on, the front line will be taken over by us. Thanks for everything.”

“No worries... But I have to say that you are here just on time. If it were two days later, we would all have to consider exploding the traffic road leading to the air purification center,” the commander joked. He continued, “If you need help anywhere, please ask us. Although we are not particularly good at attacking, we can defend pretty well.”

Li Gaoliang shook his head and said, “No need, the battle will end today or tomorrow, and they won’t have a chance to breathe. If you have extra energy, please help us clean the battlefield and help the wounded in the war.”

The commander of the Seventh Armed Brigade sighed secretly in his heart.

They are indeed the trump card of the Pan-Asian aerospace forces.

The battle will end today or tomorrow. I am afraid that only the Third Orbital Airborne Brigade has the confidence to say this.

But that was true.

The combat units of the Third Orbital Airborne Brigade had dismembered the frontline forces of the robots and surrounded the main force of the robots in a siege.

There was no suspense for the rest of the battle. With the continuous advancement of the airborne brigade, in the end, all the robot rebels would be squeezed into a small area.

At that time, whether they summoned orbital weapon strikes or armored forces, the choice was in the hands of the Pan-Asian First Fleet.

For this reason, the war was already over.

A soldier wearing an exoskeleton suddenly crossed the smoke-filled tunnel and walked quickly towards Li Gaoliang.


Looking at the soldier, Li Gaoliang asked, “What?”

“When our second infantry was advancing to the Xicheng District, a rare earth refining factory found in the A113 area were occupied by robots. According to the intelligence collected from the front line, there is a civilian munitions production line there...”

Li Gaoliang: “Did we take over the factory?”

“It’s not so much that we took over, it’s better to say... We didn’t encounter any effective resistance at all.” A look of hesitation appeared in his eyes. The soldier hesitated for a long time.

He finally gritted his teeth and said, “There, we found 1,024 residents of Guanghan City who were captured by the rebels...”

Li Gaoliang frowned and asked cautiously, “Did we save them?”


The soldier lowered his head and spoke in a heavy voice.

“By the time we found them, they were all dead...”

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