Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 139: Second World: Obsessed Pirate King

Chapter 139: Second World: Obsessed Pirate King

Admist the dark gloomy mist his mind filed with confusion, Wen Qinxi found himself back into the real world walking through the nostalgic city streets heading towards GameX. But something was different, the streets were still as grey as ever like a real urban jungle but this time it was devoid of people. It was as if he was the only one left in the world.

A feeling of loneliness overwhelmed him as dragged his heavy footsteps towards the GameX office building, a place that could be called his second home. For some reason he felt everything would be okay once he reaches the comfort of those walls. Maybe it was because he spent a considerable amount of time within those walls or because he hoped Qie Ranzhe was there. Whatever the reason, nothing else mattered to him but to get to that building like his very existance dependant on it but with each step he took it seemed to go further and further away. In a panic, he tried to run but it was futile he couldn't  reach it regardless of how hard he tried or how fast he ran.

With his body growing weaker by the minute he was about to abandon hope when he spotted a familiar figure. His eyes glowing like the morning sun, Wen Qinxi ran towards him calling out in excitement. This was his hope, this was his escape, this was Qie Ranzhe the man who was close yet far. He wanted to see him, he wanted to spend time with him but Qie Ranzhe's face wasn't so welcoming.

His expression was distant, he didn't know him neither did he love him. They were strangers from different statuses. Of course, how could Qie Ranzhe know him. He was foolishly engaging in flights of fancy but reality had struck his face hard in a gruesome way. Anxious he reached for his arm to try and jog Qie Ranzhe's memory. Maybe if he told him everything they won't be strangers anymore. Wen Qinxi wasn't greedy, even if they can only become friends he was willing to take it so he explained. But it didn't work, Qie Ranzhe kept on asking, "Who are you? I don't know you. Don't touch me."

Pained, grim, hurt these were some of the words to describe Wen Qinxi's feelings as he watched Qie Ranzhe walk away. Qie Ranzhe was really going to leave him alone in a deserted street. Wen Qinxi watch his disappearing figure with bloodshot eyes blinking away a tears. "I can't cry. Man shouldn't cry," he said to in deep exhales soothing himself. He just wanted to go home. Yes, all he had to do is go home and everything will be okay.

Following a warm source of light, Wen Qinxi finally woke up from this depressing dream. His eyelashes trembled as he struggled to open his heavy eyes.

Every part of his body was sore. His arms, his legs, his eyes nothing was spared feeling like he had been hit by a steam train.

"What the fuck?" he muttered to himself trying to get up but he couldn't. Admist his struggle, he felt a soft cloth at the side of his face wiping away the tear streaming down his cheek. "Stay still, don't move too much otherwise you will get hurt. I would hurt if your delicate wrists get bruised," said a gentle soothing voice but he couldn't make out the person's face as his vision was blurred. Wen Qinxi was a person who could barely conceal his true feelings so he dodged the cloth with a perplexed expression asking, "Who are you?"

A joyous chuckle soon followed as the man said, "Xie Xie, I finally know your name. Don't you remember me? The last time we met you blew up two of my spaceships."

This recollection made Wen Qinxi's back stiffen when he realised who it was. It could only be Haidao the pirate king for the infamous Outset. "No, no, no don't worry. I am not upset with you at all. It's just that I finally found you. Do you know how hard to was for me to find you?"

Wen Qinxi felt his spine tingle with his face deadly pale recognizing what kind of situation he was in. The kind of situation Zhao Huangzhi put him through in the first world just to get Qie Ranzhe's attention. It was a similar situation involving a psycho but now the perpetrator was obsessed with him. His vision finally cleared up and he could now clearly see the pirate with a radiant smile. His eyes were dreamy with a deep shade of blue staring at Wen Qinxi's face.

It was only after the shock had worn off that he said, "What the hell are you thinking?"

"I wanted to bring you home so I did. What, you don't like it?" asked a disheartened Haidao.

The pirate had actually kidnapped him and brought him to his house. Wen Qinxi was stunned by the man's stupidity. Wouldn't it be logical to transport the kidnapee to a secure location rather than his own home?

"Let me go," said Wen Qinxi violently tugging at the ropes binding his wrists, "I don't have time to fuckin play house with you."

The pirate king seemed unfazed with a malicious grin that spoke volumes. "I have in my possession part of the spaceship you were looking for. I suggest you stay put otherwise you will never get it back. Just stay here with me and I promise that I'll treat you better than that Marshal," he said brushing away the stray strands covering Zhao Xieshu's face

Wen Qinxi was scared shitless wondering what else this man knew. His entire wealth was in the hands of this pervert, a rookie at kidnapping, an idiot who would stupidly go against the entire Xianxi just to get his hands on him.

This situation was too embarrassing, how could his sophisticated AI and all his technology be infiltrated by this guy. "AAAAHHHH! So fuckin troublesome," said Wen Qinxi feeling so ashamed. He had not seen this coming and according to the character's memories the two never crossed paths so why the sudden change?

"Oh, don't be like that. I am actually a great guy. Will get to know each then you will realise I am a much better option than an alpha. I promise you won't regret it," said Haidao with a look of determination on his face. From the first time he laid eyes on Zhao Xieshu his desire to plunder flourished within him. He wanted him so he brought him home he just couldn't wait to make him his and have sweet beta and omega babies.

Wen Qinxi was both angry and frustrated. He wanted to beat the pirate to death but couldn't because of the restraints, he could only glare it him with the most fierce glare he could come up with but it was of little effect on this beta. In fact, Zhao Xieshu looked more alluring that the pirate dared think of taking a bite.

"Ah! Too tempting.... You hungry? You must be hungry, right? I will go get you some food. Be good and I will bring you your favorite dessert, okay?" he said before hurrying out of the room with a flushed face.

As soon as he heard the clicking sound of the door being locked, Wen Qinxi began to look around the room for something he could use to free himself while calling for the stupid system. "Jolie, what the hell is with you? Why didn't you warn me before this psycho captured me?"

Jolie had been messing with Xia Bai and Hei Bao earlier that it didn't realise when that brazen pirate attacked Wen Qinxi. It couldn't wait for its dear CEO to come and rescue the damsel in distress so they could fall in love and live happy ever after like in romance series.

"Don't be mad me. I can't be watching you all the time. I have other things to d-," said the system but paused when it saw Wen Qinxi bound to a chair. It decided to placate him otherwise its dream to have a companion would be flushed down the drain.

"Okay, okay. I am sorry. It was my fault. Good news though the Marshal is turning the universe upside down looking for you," said the system hoping to get a reward but none came. Instead, Wen Qinxi was even more panicked searching the room for something anything to cut the restraints but before he could find something to use the door was unlocked with his captive strolling in with a cloaked man.

Wen Qinxi's heart dropped faced by the man who almost killed Captain Rueda. This jerk that almost exposed his entire operation. Such an annoying cannon fodder. Wen Qinxi's level of hostility rose from zero to a hundred in an instant.

Feeling the shards of ice being shot towards his direction the cloaked man walked over with a bright smile. He was determined to get Zhao Xieshu under his wing but didn't dare sort him out with the Marshal following the prince around like a love struck puppy. He patiently waited for the right opportunity which only came when Zhao Xieshu left Valim.

After some extensive research and his knowledge of the late Empress, he figured were Zhao Xieshu was going. While Xianxi was searching on the other two planets, the cloaked man was lucky enough to find the thing Zhao Xieshu was looking for first and successfully set a trap for the prince. Why Zhao Xieshu was looking for debris of an old spaceship? He had no idea. All he knew was that it was important to Zhao Xieshu and now he had leverage against him.

He already had an alliance with the pirate organization so he contracted them for this job but who knew the pirate leader actually had a thing for Zhao Xieshu and had been hunting him down for while now. Because of this he didn't have to pay the pirates for their service as long as he let their leader do whatever he pleased with the omega.

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