Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 131: Second World: The Marshal Is Dating?

Chapter 131: Second World: The Marshal Is Dating?

The sentence 'I will be his alpha' and 'I marry him' were bouncing around Wen Qinxi's blank mind. He couldn't believe it pacing back and forth in his room. When those words escaped Qie Ranzhe's mouth, Wen Qinxi broke into teary laughter thinking the Marshal was making a joke but the alpha repeated his words with a stern face. That's when he realised the Marshal wasn't joking around with his laughter instantly dying down. He remembers saying one word after which was, "Fuck," before walking out in hurried foot steps heading towards the pavilion.

Two hours later he was pacing back and forth making the system feel so dizzy that it had to say something.

"Boss pacing won't solve anything you know?" said the system intending to make Wen Qinxi see the bright side of the moon.

"I fuckin know that Jolie but I can't help it," he said pausing for a second, "Why do I feel like this issue followed me from the first world? There Qie Ranzhe got an imperial interdict to get us married now his doing it again. It's like some kind of deja vu or something. Does our CEO really want to get married outside the game?"

This was a reasonable question considering that almost everything Qie Ranzhe does in the game reflected a part of his personal life. He got dumped right after proposing which left a deep impression on him and a void he desperately wanted to fill. One would think he would fulfill his wish in the game by pursuing Zhao Huangzhi as that was his ex-girlfriend but for some reason he kept coming after whatever character Wen Qinxi was in the game which didn't make any sense.

"Yeah, he actually did but we all know how that turned out," said the system wondering if it should congratulate him or not.

"Let me guess besides helping him succeed we can't pass this World unless his wish is fulfilled, right?" asked Wen Qinxi as he sprawled onto the bed feeling defeated.

"Most likely. In the first world part of his consciousness was only satisfied thing you did together. Only then did you pass that world so let's just set that as a standard," replied the system not wanting to think how Qie Ranzhe was going swallow Wen Qinxi whole in this world. It secretly lit a candle for it's boss.

"Ah! Why does it have to be me? I won't be surprised if I turn out bent after this game.  Qie Ranzhe is such a je-," he said when his beeping communicator interrupted him. He casually opened the message not thinking much of it that until he saw an exquisite news bulletin announcing their engagement. He jostled up in shock while cursing, "Why the fuck is he too enthusiastic? Its only been a couple hours and he already wants to announce to the entire universe?" While babbling a second message came through after which read,

SexyDaddyRan: Do you like it? I will get the news broadcasters to make the announcement if you like it?

Wen Qinxi felt his entire body quiver at his words. This was definitely happening whether he wanted to or not. It was either Qie Ranzhe or some random alpha from a stupid database. Convincing himself that this was the only way to keep a close eye on the Marshal, Wen Qinxi made a decision. He was going to marry his boss in the game but given how overzealous Qie Ranzhe was he had to come up with some conditions otherwise the Marshal would screw him to high heaven. He had to put a leash on him or this husky will run wild.

SexyDaddyRan: How is your cheek? Is it still sore? Can I come take a look at it?

A string of questions followed behind in the same message that wasn't enough to disrupt Wen Qinxi's thought process coming up with terms and conditions. Another beep followed with a new message,

SexyDaddyRan: Why are you not responding? Are you upset with me again?

Though it was simple message Wen Qinxi could sense a tone of desperation in it. He couldn't help but imagine Qie Ranzhe looking at his communicator with a sense of hopelessness impatiently waiting for a response.

Well, he actually underestimated the Marshal as he was far worse than he anticipated. Qie Ranzhe was attending a military briefing with six generals while messaging Zhao Xieshu at the same time. At first, he was discrete about it sending messages to the prince while pretending to listen but as the meeting progressed Zhao Xieshu didn't reply though it clearly showed that he had read his message.

Agitated and anxious, he sent another message this time some of the generals could see something was up with the Marshal. This behavior was abnormal a complete deviation from his usual self. The man was annoyingly strict when it came to meetings, a sneeze alone could earn you a deadly glare from the Marshal what more sending messages. And now Qie Ranzhe was the one fiddling with his communicator during a military briefing. By the third message, Qie Ranzhe didn't even bother pretend to be listening with his head lowered and brows knitted together nervously biting the inner lining of his mouth.

This was like a 'what the fuck' moment to the generals that they decided to private message each other gossiping about the Marshal in his presence.

General 5: Do you fuckin see that? Hell most likely froze over today.

Even though he was messaging in the group chat his face remained still and unmoved in a proper posture. You wouldn't be able to tell he was messaging someone. This was a skill these generals acquired after years of having such meetings with the Marshal. This was after the third general was caught fiddling with his communicator and was made to share what he had been messaging to the rest of the attendees. It would have been okay if he was sending messages on work related matters but in his case he was busy discussing last night's rendezvous with his wife. From the contents of that message thread there was one take away from this which was if you want sex advice, the third general was your man.

General 2: Maybe it's urgent work matters. You know how stuck up he is. The guy is wound up tight l am sure fun was intentionally excluded from his DNA.

The third general saw the string of messages in his peripheral view and wanted to express his opinion as well but having earned the title of 'Minister of bedroom affairs' he was reluctant too.

General 1: Fuck no. That look on his face is so familiar. Sixth general looks like that when she's talking to her girlfriend.

General 6: Keep me the fuck out of this discussion l am trying to present you assholes.

General 4: How can you still type while presenting? Shit  thats some mad skills

General 5: Stop changing the fuckin subject. Is he dating or not. Should we congratulate him?

The third general couldn't take it anymore, he immediately chimed in which he would come to regret in a second.

General 3: His definitely dting and I think it's Princess Huangzhi. Haha no shit, I thought he will remain single for life.

Just as that message went through a loud bang on the table jolted everyone. Qie Ranzhe had slammed the table with his fist causing the small crack from that last time he did this to extend five inches more. The expensive thick grenadil table had survived a century but two fist slams by Qie Ranzhe was all it took to drastically lose value. 

"I am not dating Zhao Huangzhi!" said Qie Ranzhe unable to hold off any longer. These men and woman were one of the smartest minds in the universe but actually forgot he was in the group chat. "Also, how are you able to be keep a straight face while texting?" He asked wondering how many meetings they secretly messaged each other without him knowing.

The Marshal said so many words but all they could focus on was 'not dating Zhao Huangzhi' so in actual sense it meant he was dating. The expression on their faces were complicated caught between a mix of curiosity and shock. If it wasn't Zhao Huangzhi then who else would grasp the Marshal's attention.

"So you are telling us that you are actually dating someone? You...are actually dating?" asked the disbelieving sixth general. The Marshal's attitude towards dating was resolute. He found it extremely troublesome. From what they knew he was probably going to marry Princess Huangzhi if not then find a good omega or beta from a nice family to settle down with and love would naturally follow after. But now the impossible had happened and he was actually dating.

"Oh crap...," mumbled the Marshal having divulged too much information. He was busy thinking of a way to reverse this when a message came through from Zhao Xieshu taking all his attention. Everyone else faded into the background leaving only him and that message. At that moment, nothing else mattered as he hesitantly tapped on the message icon with his palms sweaty due to nervousness.

NaughtyPrince: Give me three days then broadcast.

The Marshal's lips quirked up into a foolish smile that had the generals in frenzy, that smile creeped them out so much so they thought the apocalypse was coming. Their fears didn't last long because that creepy smile was soon replaced with the usual blank expression. This was due to the second message that read,

NaughtyPrince: I will accept with the following conditions.

As Qie Ranzhe read through the conditions, there was one in particular that caught his eye causing a sudden outburst. "What the fuck?" he said before leaving the boardroom without even saying a word.

Generals, "..."

" we go? Is the meeting over?" asked the third general unable to comprehend what just happened.

"Of course, the fuckin meeting is over..... sheesh," said sixth general before disconnecting the from the conference call. The other generals followed suit but opened a new group chat soon after spectaculating on who the Marshal was currently dating.

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