Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 115: Second World: Scum Brothers Losing Face

Chapter 115: Second World: Scum Brothers Losing Face

The two half-brothers one alpha one omega logged into the simulator ready for war but the battle only lasted fifteen minutes with Zhao Lazhie being ruthlessly suppressed time and time again. Wen Qinxi knew this brat had nothing on him and just like the underdog in a sports series he emerged victorious stunning the entire audience. Prince Lazhie was just too naive thinking this omega had used some form of cheat causing him to arrogantly approach the game underestimating his opponent.

Today was the day that the scum brothers lost face in front of the Marshal. Wen Qinxi got out of the simulator with a sly grin patiently awaiting his prize. That unsightly grin brought about a sense of panic in Prince Lazhie, he didn't want to call Zhao Xieshu older brother but a bet is a bet. 

"Da-.....ah l can't say it," he whined looking so defeated. 

"Come on, l don't have all day," said Wen Qinxi enjoying the sweet taste of victory. None of them had ever called him older brother constantly addressing him as Xieshu this Xieshu that with no ounce of respect and now they were forced to say it. Qie Ranzhe's heart settled as he sat down on the couch enjoying a good show. He had never noticed Zhao Xieshu's interesting personality despiting having known him since childhood or maybe he was too blinded by the irritation of the prince's constant pursuit of him making him unable to grasp Zhao Xieshu's good points. 

The veil covering his eyes had finally been lifted unable to resist the impulse to watch Zhao Xieshu's actions with genuine fascination. Zhao Huangzhi sitting next to the Marshal couldn't help but feel neglected, wondering how Zhao Xieshu could be so good at this game her stupid brothers used to train. She was undoubtedly seething with jealousy.

"Ran-ge, can you teach me how to use the simulator," she said in simpering tone rubbing his arm with her palm. Qie Ranzhe's attention was partially caught as he glanced over saying, "I don't have time but l will look for someone to teach you."

Zhao Huangzhi's eyes drooped seeming too piteous whining, "Ran-ge, you barely spend time with me these days. I know you are busy but you used to make time for me even if it was only for a short time l cherished it. 

Qie Ranzhe finally held her gaze though curious to know how Zhao Xieshu and Zhao Lazhie's disagreement would end. "I am not promising anything but l will try," he said with a meaningful expression just as Zhao Xieshu said, 

"Even Xie-dage will do just fine. Come now, l don't have all day," lazily crossing his arms over his chest.

Both boys finally yield muttering while gritting their teeth, "Xie-dage."

"Sorry can you say that again," he said leaning his ear close pretending not to have heard them.

"Xie-dage!" they reiterated a little louder this time. 

Satisfied, Wen Qinxi reached out patting Zhao Lazhie's head saying, "Good boy," before strolling away with a beaming smile.

'Boss, didn't you go too far patting his head like that? He looks angry,' asked the system judging from Zhao Lazhie's flustered face.

'Just like a puppy, he needs to be trained otherwise he will run rampant,' replied Wen Qinxi heading for the exit but soon halted his steps when he saw a little cute dumpling blocking his path with a priceless smile.

She came out of nowhere, appearing like a ghost saying, "Xie Xie, l am leaving. I came to say goodbye," but as soon as she said that the two boys behind Zhao Xieshu mumbled inaudible complaints about the little girl not being respectful but the glare he gave them instantly shut them up. That omega's poisonous black eyes were extremely terrifying frightening the two alphas. 

Wen Qinxi reached out and hugged the little alpha saying his goodbyes, the kind of warm embrace that made Qie Ranzhe a little envious averting his gaze from such a sweet scene that left a sour taste in his mouth.

Qie Sunxie walked past his brother with a snare, "My omega is so much cooler than yours," before sticking out her tongue and running off.

"He not yo-," he said before swallowing down his words, "never mind."

Zhao Huangzhi felt a painful twist in her gut hearing that little brat praise Zhao Xieshu. This script was all wrong, she was the nice sweet omega that everyone loved but failed to fool this little alpha girl. Qie Sunxie was really troublesome. "She doesn't like me much," whined Zhao Huangzhi seemingly wounded but secretly hopped Qie Ranzhe would reprimand her but his next sentence proved it futile.

"Don't take it personally, she doesn't even like me," he said noticing Zhao Xieshu walking out without even a goodbye.

Qie Ranzhe wanted to follow after him and clear things between them but couldn't. In order not to seem too obvious he lingered a little longer impatiently trying to get rid of Zhao Huangzhi. The clingy omega finally left due to her mother's order thus the Marshal dashed towards prince Xieshu's pavilion hoping to catch up with him. He did in fact catch up with Zhao Xieshu who seemed to be leisurely strolling towards his place of residence.

He reached out and held his elbow calling out, "Xie Xie can we talk?" 

Startled, Wen Qinxi instinctively threw a punch at the person who had snuck up on him. Naturally, his arm was caught by Qie Ranzhe who praised him for having good reflexes with an enchanting smile. Wen Qinxi creased his brows in confusion as to why Qie Ranzhe was here. 'Why the fuck would this guy follow me here?' he thought with his gaze fixed on the hyperactive Qie Ranzhe.

"What no-," he asked in annoyance that he was being touched with the same hand Zhao Huangzhi was constantly touching all throughout dinner and in the entertainment room. Wasn't Zhao Huangzhi enough? He noticed they had clung to each other during and after dinner so what did Qie Ranzhe want from him? 

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