Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 113: Second World: Sweet Confession From A Cutie

Chapter 113: Second World: Sweet Confession From A Cutie

Wen Qinxi was forcibly dragged out of hibernation by the constant notifications pinging on his communicator. "Ah, why the fuck," he swore with only his dishevelled hair peeping out of the quilt. He lazily stretched his right hand out of the quilt feeling around for that irritating thing making ping noises. But before he could even find it, Jolie spoke up first.

"It's the Empress, she wants you to get ready and join the dinner party. Boss you have to wake up as the Marshal will be attending as well," said the system wishing it could push him out of bed.

After a minute of no movement, Wen Qinxi suddenly peeked his head out of the quilt with lidded eyes and pouty lips. "Why should l go when l am not part of their family? Won't I be setting myself up for trouble? Plus after that embarrassing Livestream how do you think this dinner will end?" he said looking for excuses. The Emperor and Empress had made their cute family of five with Zhao Lazhie, Zhao Tiazhi and Zhao Huangzhi excluding him from family time so why the instance this time? 

"Firstly, if you don't go, you will surely be setting yourself up for trouble. Secondly, you are so thick-skinned and y-" said the system trying to make a point but it was cut off by Wen Qinxi.

"Okay, okay l get it. I will go if you let me pat your head, you are just too cute," said Wen Qinxi reaching out but the system dodged yelling,

"Cute is for fuckin puppies!"

Wen Qinxi chuckled as he got up saying, "So cheeky," before languidly ambling to the bathroom. Ever since he entered this character's body he easily got tired and slept a lot which was concerning but there was nothing he could do to change it as it was an unfortunate omega pre-set.

After dragging his sluggish body around for an hour, he emerged out of the pavilion looking like a lethargic beauty but was jostled awake as though struck by lightning when he saw a short person standing by his door with expectant doe-eyes. Confused, he scanned around and glanced back at the little girl then looked around again.

"You ar-," he said but she suddenly spoke.

"I saw your Livestream a few days ago," she said with her hands behind her back as though hiding something.

'Jolie, who is this cute minion?' he curiously asked the system unable to recall who this person was.

'It's Qie Sunxie, Qie Ranzhe's little alpha sister,' said the system while comparing who between them looked cuter.

Almost dying of cuteness overload he said, "Qie Sunxie you shouldn't have watched it. a lot of bad words in that Livestream," whispering the last part while partially covering his mouth with a mobile expression.

"No need to worry. Mother censored my communicator so whenever you said a bad word it was replaced with a beeping sound. Oh, please call me Su or Su Su as everyone else does," she proudly said while tucking away a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Alright, Su. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said as he shook hands with the cute dumpling.

Qie Sunxie suddenly revealed what she had been hiding behind her back with a radiant smile. A pink heart-shaped origami while saying, "You said in the Livestream that you were interested in dating a girl alpha so Prince Xieshu will you be my omega?" with a sincere tone that would make one think her very survival was dependent on Zhao Xieshu's answer.

Wen Qinxi almost coughed out a mouthful of blood. What kind of situation was this? A kid twelve years his junior had confessed to him and on top of that, she was Qie Ranzhe's sister. Wen Qinxi didn't laugh crouching down to her height instead before explaining.

"I appreciate that you like me but if l say yes to you l am afraid l will be taken to jail in a matter of seconds. Even the prince title won't be able to save me," he said while pinching those cute little cheeks. Looking downhearted, Qie Sunxie drooped her head while nervously pursing her lips.

"Then, if you still haven't found your alpha in eight years l will be sixteen and can legally be your alpha," she said in a stern tone that made Wen Qinxi smile.

"Deal," he said making a pinkie promise, "would you like to hitch a ride to the banquet hall?" 

Qie Sunxie's lips arched in a bright smile while stretching her hands towards him. Web Qinxi placed the origami in his pocket before reaching out and carrying the mini version of Qie Ranzhe to the banquet hall. "You smell nice," said Qie Sunxie with her arms draped around Wen Qinxi's neck gazing at with innocent fascinated, "l love your blonde hair."

Wen Qinxi couldn't help but feel his insides melt, this kid was just too cute. "Thank you."

They soon arrived at the banquet hall with everyone already seated with the exception of the Emperor and Empress. Qie Ranzhe was already sitting next to Zhao Huangzhi whispering to each other in an ambiguous manner making Wen Qinxi's heart rise up to his throat but he swallowed it down urging Qie Sunxie to go sit next to her mother. Mama Qie's eyes bore into him making Wen Qinxi feel nervous vanquish the compulsion to run.

"Su, would you like to come and sit next to me?" asked an enthusiastic Zhao Huangzhi tapping the seat next to her with a brilliant smile but who knew Qie Sunxie wouldn't save her face saying,

"No, l want to sit next to Xie Xie and don't call me Su."

Qie Ranzhe who had been avoiding Zhao Xieshu's line of sight suddenly raised his head coincidently locking eye contact with him. Zhao Xieshu immediately withdrew his gaze but Qie Ranzhe's heart was already in chaotic. He nervously bit his lower lip wondering if Zhao Xieshu was still angry with him as this was the first time they had met ever since the Livestream incident. He was about to take his eyes off Zhao Xieshu when he saw his sister pull out a chair for Zhao Xieshu despite the prince's countless refusal. Mama Qie didn't even interject occasionally stealing glances at Zhao Xieshu in an obvious daze that her husband had to shake her thigh under the table while scolding her, "Stop staring." 

Wen Qinxi gave up trying to convince the kid and sat down but a new problem arose when it came to pushing the chair in. She eagerly pushed but the chair was just too heavy. The Zhao family boys couldn't help but laugh at this scene. A pained Qie Ranzhe couldn't watch anymore and stood up to help his sister push the chair in but who knew his hand would get smacked the next minute. "No, he's mine," said Qie Sunxie before pushing her brother away. 

Wen Qinxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry coaxing Qie Sunxie to let him push in the chair himself. Only then did the two siblings sit in their respective seats giving each other intimidating glares with neither of them willing to back down.

"Ai.....our family's Xie Xie is so charming even attracting kids now," said Zhao Lazhie while laughing with his younger brother Zhao Tiazhi but the omega half-brother of his gave him the middle finger right in front of everyone making his laughter instantly die down with an expression that seemed to say 'I will make you fuckin pay' but Wen Qinxi didn't seem to care.

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