Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 111: Second World: Mommy Doesn't Love Me Anymore

Chapter 111: Second World: Mommy Doesn't Love Me Anymore

In a highly secure underground bunker, six generals and a Marshal were having an urgent military briefing addressing a pirate group called Outset attacking and pillaging interstellar passenger starship as well as freight starship carriers with essential minerals. While the generals were briefing the Marshal on how they had managed to suppress Outset in their regions, Machu suddenly burst in interrupting the meeting before leaning in whispering something to Qie Ranzhe.

The generals were left with blank expressions as they watched Qie Ranzhe's expression change from stern to panicked in an instant before he abruptly stood up exiting the room without saying a word. The confused men and women wanted to ask what had the General frazzled but Machu pacified them and ended the conference call with no explanation.

In less than five minutes, Qie Ranzhe was at the hospital checking on his parents but all his worries vanished when he saw they were unscathed deciding to question them while the incident was still fresh in their memories. Qie Ranzhe asked them to detail the sequence of events but his father wouldn't speak until the room was clear with only the three of them remaining. Papa Qie took out the pistol and placed it in his son's hand while giving a detailed report of what transpired in the store including the zerg and the mysterious person who saved them. 

Qie Ranzhe's brows creased while carefully studying the pistol that was more technologically advanced than what was currently issued in UPSF fleet. "This person, did you see their face? Did you recognize him?" At the mention of recognizing the person, Mama Qie gulped nervously averting her gaze but the two men didn't notice as they were too immersed in studying the weapon. See his face, no she hadn't but she had almost certainly recognized the person.

"I had my men check the surveillance system but they said everything from yesterday was erased their drives. Was the person alone?" he asked searching around for a plastic bag to preserve whatever evidence was on the weapon.

"He was alone and took down three zergs by himself. I am not sure if he had accomplices," replied Papa Qie trying to recall the events in his mind.

"He must have because all three zerg bodies are gone. Mother, do you recall anything useful other than what father mentioned?" asked Qie Ranzhe before turning to look at his mother who wasn't acting her usual self. The fact that they could have a calm conversation without Mama Qie being a drama queen was a miracle in itself. This was a woman who demanded everyone's attention even for a simple thing as accidentally cutting her pinkie finger with a knife. She wailed on the phone demanding that her son come back from a military base light-years away for a nick on her finger but when she actually had a good excuse to act pitiful, she didn't.

Mama Qie seemed startled saying, "Huh? No.....I don't remember anything. Didn't....didn't see his face but don't forget tomorrow we are having dinner at the palace." The last part was said with a little excitement. She wanted to see Zhao Xieshu once more and conduct her own investigation. She should have known, that omega wasn't simple considering who his mother was. 

Qie Ranzhe and Papa Qie simultaneously facepalmed shaking their heads in disbelief. After such an ordeal she was still thinking about dinner parties. Qie Ranzhe agreed to go before exiting the ward. As soon as he reached the car, he handed the pistol to Machu saying, "Find Weasel to look at this off the books." Weasel was their weapons expert contracted by the fleet but he was also well-versed with weapons on the black market. 

Machu scrutinised the weapon and almost had his eyes balls fall out cursing, "Holy shit! This is some high-end tech. Where did you get it? Ran-ge l want one too," but he was immediately shut down by that menacing gaze searing through his skin. Where he got it was not important but whom it belonged to. It annoyed him to death that there was an organisation operating right under his nose which he had zero information of.


While Wen Qinxi's forgotten weapon was causing mixed waves of emotion in a certain Marshal, he had just woken up from his nap at the base. Actually, he didn't wake up because he wanted to but was forcefully woken up by Teng. He had already slept for four hours but they needed him to interrogate the conscious zerg as he was the only one who could communicate with those highly evolved creatures. 

Wen Qinxi reluctantly rose from his slumber feeling a little ill-tempered from the suppressant. He quickly washed up and comb through his light blonde hair before taking the secure elevator underground. The base was actually located underneath a fully operational hotel spa which was the last place anyone would suspect. This entire time he had been sleeping in the presidential suite reserved for the four omegas all year around. To the rest of the universe, this was where the rowdy omegas spent time pampering themselves effectively masking their operations.

Wen Qinxi stepped out of the elevator while yawning but was soon jolted awake when he saw the crimson mecha standing tall in the hangar of the base. He pursed his lips trying to conceal his excitement as tip-toed past Meng Bianfu before embracing the mecha's leg. "So fuckin cool," he whispered with beaming eyes but he soon heard a voice in his head whining like a spoilt child. At first, he thought it was Jolie but the voice was completely different, more like childish.

"Mummy hasn't seen me for weeks but the first thing he does is hug another mecha's thigh wuwuwuwu...mummy doesn't love me anymore," said a crying mecha that could communicate with him whenever he was in its vicinity.

A vexed Wen Qinxi raised a brow in confusion when he heard Xiao Hua say, "Why are you hugging my mecha? Are you abandoning yours like you abandoned the Marshal?" in a playful tone.

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