Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 108: Second World: Saving The In-laws

Chapter 108: Second World: Saving The In-laws

Behind the door was a fully equipped room with hardcopy photographic images of beautiful sceneries hung on the walls but these weren't regular photos. They contained encrypted codes for Mecha designs, sensitive information and interstellar maps. A secure way to keep UPSF cyber network out of Xianxi's business. On the right end was a shelf of neatly arranged weapons ranging from assault rifles, pistols to combat knives. Esthetic beyond measure, Wen Qinxi touched everything like a kid at a toy store. He really wanted to test them out but this wasn't the place nor time to fire weapons. 

Out of excitement, he accessed his weapon skillset disassembling an OS-1 pistol but just as he finished reassembling it, the system suddenly showed up looking as cute as ever in a panicking state. "You might as well take that pistol with you, the emperor made his first attempt to kill the Marshal, of course, his parents are the ones that will die if you don't hurry. You have to go save them," said the system wishing it could push Wen Qinxi out of the door.

"Where?" asked Wen Qinxi while shoulder holstering two pistols and a black combat knife like an experienced army ranger. 

"At the Mendes interstellar market. Qie Ranzhe just cancelled his appointment with his parents but the emperor's people already released crazed Zerg with a DNA targeting chip. They're only after the Marshal and anyone related to him," said the system as Wen Qinxi put on a black slim jacket before grabbing a Japanese Kitsune mask to conceal his identity. Wen Qinxi soon exiting the room using a well-maintained tunnel with an exit inside a high-end barbershop were everyone seemed familiar with him.

A purple-haired barber with a pair of scissors in his hand waved at him mocking him, "Stirred up trouble again?" with an amused expression. 

Wen Qinxi smiled in response, "As per ushe," he said while pushing the main door open with his back before exiting. The barber tsked while shaking his head smiling. Wen Qinxi looked extremely eye-catching dressed in black jogger pants paired with a red t-shirt and white sneakers. His expensive jacket outshined his light blonde hair tied in ponytail attracting passerby's attention.

Some pointed in his direction instantly recognising him as their rowdy prince but didn't get to talk to him as he darted towards the busy mall. 'All l wanted was to play with a mecha but now you have me running aimlessly like a headless chicken,' complained Wen Qinxi as he strolled into the mall not knowing which direction to take while subconsciously rubbing his thumb with his index finger. This place was massive, ten times bigger than the largest mall in his neighbourhood.

'Boss, you need to focus on your true mission not playing with toys,' said Jolie trying to locate Qie Ranzhe's parents.

'Sure, sure mission, not toys,' said Wen Qinxi before dialling an encrypted number on his communicator but before it could connect the system found them.

'Second level shop one two five,' said an anxious Jolie.

Wen Qinxi rushed up the escalator as the call connected but before Captain Rueda said anything, he spoke first reporting his location and the possible threat before abruptly disconnecting the call.

While Wen Qinxi was rushing over, the Qie couple were in a clothing store with Mama Qie dragging her husband along to vent out her anger shopping for unnecessary things. She was angry because her son had once again cancelled their appointment for work reasons. This meeting was extremely important as they had been invited to the imperial palace for dinner. She was hoping to bring up a possible union between her son and Zhao Huangzhi and wanted to discuss it with her son first. Who knew he would cancel last minute. She angrily shuffled through the clothing reck with her husband silently watching from the sideline with a pensive look.

"I know why they are inviting us, its to mend ties especially after what Prince Xieshu said about my son to the entire universe through Valim Network. That omega is trouble with a vulgar mouth," she said before pausing her angry shuffling to look at her inattentive husband, "are you even listening to me?"

Papa Qie, a retired Marshal had survived three interplanetary wars but couldn't last three seconds of his wife's complaints. "Mn, I am listening. Your son doesn't like him so you don't have to worry about him. Why not buy a dress for little Su," he said trying to distract his wife by mentioning their eight-year-old alpha daughter currently at school. 

"Yes, there are some dresses over there l will go take a look. We also need to make a good impression at this dinner an-," she said but paused when she heard blood-curdling screams coming from outside the store.

The crowd of shoppers outside the store seemed fuzzled running away from something. The people in the clothing store weren't sure how to react looking peering through the glass window trying to see what was chasing the shoppers. Just when the manager was about to ask his staff to direct their patrons to the nearest exit and initiate emergency protocols a loud shattering sound accompanied with sinister snarling sounds sent the shopper in a frenzy running in all directions.

Papa Qie knew exactly what that was based on his extensive army experience and reached out to grab his wife but was pushed away by a frenzied crowd. Mama Qie was slow to react as an enthusiastic Zerg dove in her direction exposing its sharp claws and canines. Just as Madam Qie reigned to her fate a flying figure pushed her out the way landing a few feet away. Papa Qie grabbed hold of his wife looking for a place to hide when the figure being pressed down by the Zerg suddenly fired two shots through the Zerg's head. 

Wen Qinxi pushed the zerg corpse that had collapsed on top of him and stood up displeased with his jacket that was stained with black Zerg blood. The Qie Couple saw an average height skinny figure wearing a Kitsune mask wiping his jacket in disgust causing the couple to stare at each other in astonishment.

"Fuck!" said the auto-tuned voice coming from Kistune masked man looking down at his jacket in disdain.

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