Samsara Online

Chapter 254 Sorry girl, but you are still too young(3)

Before, Xie Feng was outside the hall where the birthday banquet was being held so it was impossible for him to know by normal means what was going on or why all these big shots were so agitated. However, since he was always protecting the people close to him even in his sleep, it was impossible not to have a rough idea of what was going on; after all, the wind was practically everywhere and currently, Xie Feng was like the personification of the air and the wind itself.

After knowing what was happening, Xie Feng could not help but scoff when he saw the excited faces of all these people. The reason? Simple, in reality, the bracelet in Lin Tian’s hands was total crap.

The bracelet itself was not crap, but the passage of time had turned it into a piece of trash.

Lin Tian’s thoughts were actually correct, the seven pearls that adorned the bracelet possessed a great amount of power inside; a power so great that it could even defend the bracelet’s possessor from a small nuclear bomb.... Although the radiation would still kill the person’s life by the time the barrier disappeared. But that was how powerful the energy contained in the seven pearls was. However, this was in the past tense.

Currently, Xie Feng had discovered that unfortunately, the energy of the pearls had already been exhausted. Five pearls were completely empty and only two of them seemed to contain some defensive power and a kind of simple but powerful counterattack spell. The only reason Xie Feng knew this was because the small fragments of the seventh pearl still had small hints of magical power that, although useless, he could make his own conclusions after learning about the defensive power of the sixth pearl that had just exploded a few minutes ago.

What made Xie Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry was that Lin Tian didn’t know this. Simply explained, Lin Tian’s "demonstration" had wiped out the last pearl that really worked and had literally wasted a life.

Was it Lin Tian’s luck to survive the previous shot? Xie Feng thought so. Imagine Lin Tian trying to demonstrate on the bracelet with the sixth pearl already destroyed.... By now, his blood would have already stained the entire floor and the birthday banquet would have turned into a horror movie.

Of course, this was something that only Xie Feng knew within the guests. Not even Yao Xiyu knew that Lin Tian’s gift was actually a piece of trash..... Xie Feng couldn’t wait to see everyone’s reaction when they found out.


The sound of a slap resounded inside the hall again for the fiftieth time. The guests were apparently already accustomed to the sound, but they all looked at Lin Tian with wide eyes.

Currently, Lin Tian’s previously handsome and beautiful face, capable of attracting any woman, had practically disappeared completely. His lips were split and several traces of blood could be seen coming out of his mouth, his face was swollen giving him the appearance of a pig and his eyes were almost completely covered due to the inflammation of his cheeks.

Many people looked at him with pity and even Mu Yin, Mu Wuying’s cousin and member of the Mu Family, who had previously had a very good impression of Lin Tian and was even willing to be his girlfriend if he asked her to, had lost all interest in him and now looked at him with pity. But this could not be blamed on Mu Yin either since, after all, when the man she had previously regarded as excellent was mistreated in such a way and a man superior in all respects appeared, it was normal for interest to disappear.

Interest and love were two completely different things. Mu Yin was not in love, she simply saw him as a capable man, that was all.

"How strange." Xie Feng muttered as he looked at Lin Tian, lying on the floor and groaning softly in pain.

Xie Feng ignored Lin Tian’s attempts to try to say something and meanwhile looking at the people, he asked as if he was confused, "Everyone, do any of you know what’s wrong? As I understand it, the super valuable bracelet in little brother Lin’s hands should protect him from all assault, isn’t that how it works?"

People looked at each other and began to murmur. The banquet had repeatedly become noisy and the faces of the people who had bet with Xie Feng became somewhat ugly; they no longer had the same confidence as before.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" roared the first man to accept Xie Feng’s bet. His voice traveled to everyone’s ears and temporarily stopped the commotion that had formed, successfully attracting people’s attention.

The man looked at Lin Tian, who was currently lying on the ground trying to stand up. His eyes flashed with clear irritation, but he did not dare to say anything. After all, the Lin family was too powerful for him to handle and he clearly didn’t have Xie Feng’s nerve.

"Maybe... Maybe, the damage isn’t enough...?" The middle-aged man said hesitantly.

The people’s faces changed noticeably. How could they not understand what the middle-aged man meant? He obviously thought that unless the wearer’s life was in danger, the bracelet would not show its power!

The murmuring resumed.

"Everyone, quiet please!" This time it was Xie Feng who urged everyone to calm down. He looked at the middle-aged man and slowly said, "With your words, it’s as if you want me to pick up a gun and shoot the young master of the Lin family in the head?"

The middle-aged man’s face immediately changed and he quickly shook his head, "No.. No, no, no. Little brother, that’s not what I meant. Don’t be impulsive."

"Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding then!" Xie Feng smiled. His smile was as gentle as the spring breeze and if it weren’t for the fact that they had previously seen him mercilessly slap a person’s face almost unrecognizable they might have thought he was a saint.

In his mind, Xie Feng was scoffing. Clearly, although the middle-aged man was shaking his head, it was only to avoid getting involved in such a big problem. After all, if the Lin family found out that he had suggested trying to assassinate the next successor they would chase him to the ends of the earth for revenge.

"Does anyone have any doubts? If so, please take a gun or a knife and try for yourselves." Xie Feng took a napkin and casually cleaned his hands that were somewhat stained with Lin Tian’s blood.

No one said anything. Everyone had seen how Lin Tian’s bracelet didn’t protect him in the slightest even when someone was brutally beating him. As for trying to shoot him in the head? Few of those present had the courage to do so.... But the loss of a car wasn’t worth it.

A car worth a few hundred million dollars could not compare to the value of going to war against a family as powerful as the Lin family. Besides, what was the point of having something that protected their lives but in exchange for so many limitations? The value of the bracelet practically plummeted immediately.

Xie Feng nodded in satisfaction when he saw everyone silently admit their loss. Without a care in the world, he walked over to the host who was holding the plate with the thirty-five keys.

"Thank you for taking care of my keys." He said shamelessly and took all the keys for himself.

The eyes of Yao Mei’s classmates, who came from a relatively normal background, shone while watching Xie Feng..... Precisely talking, his hands. The total value that was in his hands at this moment was about twenty billion US dollars!

Many noble women were also looking at him in delight. A handsome, wealthy man with strange skills and courage was extremely attractive to these high society ladies who were used to seeing cowardly and delicate men who relied on their families without being able to do anything for themselves.

However, what happened next took everyone’s breath away. Even Xie Yao, Gu Qianxue, Mu Wuying, and Shen Xinya, who knew Xie Feng, did not expect him to do such a thing.

Xie Feng ignored everyone’s gaze and slowly advanced to the stage. An indifferent smile hung on his lips and his eyes shone with a touch of innate contempt.... He was releasing charm and attraction simply fatal.

Even older women were momentarily enchanted by the current Xie Feng. Of course, he didn’t care about all that and advanced towards the stage with the tray in his hands.

Yao Xiyu looked at him with a frown, wondering what this walking fountain of the disaster was up to.

Yao Mei looked at him indifferently, but within that indifference was a small interest due to what had happened previously. Although it was small, the fact that she showed any other reaction than indifference was something incredible in itself. In fact, this was so surprising that if her father knew about it or was paying attention to her right now, he would probably be dumbfounded.

Xie Feng arrived in front of the stage and stopped. His eyes as black as night and Yao Mei’s honey-colored eyes met again. However, only he knew who she was and from her point of view, this was the first time the two had met since she didn’t know that they had actually met in the virtual world and fought shoulder to shoulder a few hours ago.

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