Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 40: Tamya, the Kind Noble Girl

Chapter 40: Tamya, the Kind Noble Girl

On the back of the shortest line, there was a brawl and when a man with thicker arms than the others was able to escape the people's grasp, he was the one who was next in line.

"Ah, he's too strong!" some complained.

"Etor just keeps getting stronger and stronger every single day."

"We are too late on suppressing him."

"He eats a lot of Saint Tamya's soup and bread. She really is divine making us this strong."

Etor, the one who escaped the others was about to stand in line, "HAHA! Weaklings!" however, as he turned his head back, he suddenly saw a boy half his age.

"Eh?" his rough voice coupled with his haggard look was enough to scare the little kids away if they saw him.

"How did this kid get in front of me?!" he sharply murmured. He was sure that he was next in line and there was no other person that was about to race with him.

The crowd was too densely-packed that it was hard for anyone to notice the boy who just suddenly appeared. Only Etor was suspicious.

There are currently two lines and it was surrounded by the turmoil of the people. But inside that turmoil, the two lines were peaceful and the people in that line were the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, or the luckiest of them all.

These people watched others fight each other, pull and push, already greatly reducing their energy for the day. However, they know that once they ate Miss Tamya's magnificent breakfast, they would be filled with energy.

If only they get to eat a few pieces of the meat within that pot then more than just their energy will be restored.

When asked how is this breakfast so delicious and energy-restoring, Miss Tamya only answered, "Well, we put in something like a secret ingredient there give you all energy for the day!"

Many speculated that the ingredients were reaped from a farm where the elemental energy is dense. Some said that the meat must be from an Elemental Beast, while some said that Miss Tamya must've given encompassing love to her cooking.

In the end, it was all just a rumor. But they didn't care, it's free food that gives them lots of energy. What else do they need?

They couldn't just pressure the kind Tamya in questioning. Even if she wasn't from a noble family, they wouldn't was to discomfort her. It would make their heartache.

Miss Tamya is the daughter of a baron living in the slums. Of course, their family is not literally within the slums but just near it. However, they are kind enough to take care of the hungry people there that is why they were so liked by the people.

From generations to generations, the family of the baron had been giving them free breakfast so whatever the baron needs, they will give.

Etor looked around inspected the boy closely, upon seeing his face, he was momentarily stunned, "Ah..."

Avion obviously noticed this and asked, "What?"

With a blushed face, Etor shook his head as he held his racing chest, 'Oh, he is a boy. I thought for a second that he's a she and I, a pedophile.' he sighed in relief.

"Nothing," Etor said in a tough voice to hide his embarrassment as he tried to calm himself. Internally, he was getting angry, 'This boy almost made me want to cheat on my wife, create a crime, and become a disgusting person at the same time!' then envious, 'If only I have his looks, even though I am a poor man, the queen would want to marry me!'

While he looked calm from inside, the simple look earlier made him spiteful inside.

After a few minutes, several more people were lining up behind him with their stomach grumbling. Etor asked the guy on his back, "Hey, do you know this boy."

"Hm, who?" a guy with squinted eyes looked at Avion's back and shook his head, "I haven't seen him before." his voice squeaky.

"I haven't either, that's the problem," Etor said. The slums never changed and even though the people beat up each other, they knew there was nothing personal. They knew each other since they were just children and they know everyone within that slums.

"Judging from his clothes, he must be from the same family as Miss Tamya." the guy with a squeaky voice said."

"Maybe... I shouldn't bother him, then." Etor calmed himself down internally. Thinking about it, the boy didn't do anything to him. It was his own fault for thinking such indecent thoughts.

When the line moved another step forward, the noble girl who was everyone's goddess in the slum, Tamya was just another young girl, maybe a little bit older than Avion.

"Oh..." Tanya with darkish blonde hair and deep green eyes, her body a little bit skinny reacted upon seeing Avion a little bit closer. If compared to Princess Alisera or even if she was compared to Memi, she had no chance in terms of beauty. However, if compared to the women there, she was the most beautiful.

Seeing Avion, she wasn't that surprised. Since a few minutes ago, Avion's bright complexion had already caught her eyes and she couldn't help but stick her eyes to him.

Now, standing in front of her, taller by a few inches, Avion asked for breakfast.

"Who are you?" Miss Tamya asked while her eyes fixated on Avion.

Now that she asked, many people heard this and had their eyes on the new kid.

Meanwhile, outside the crowd, the three couldn't get in and when they found that Avion was nowhere to be found, they began to search for him, not knowing that he is already inside, in front of the table.

"Avion! Where are you?!" Naron began shouting after not seeing any Avion outside.

"Avion!" Fobo followed.

"Do you know where Avion is?" while Temon asked a child who was already eating bread.

"Who's he?" the child asked.

"Yeah, who is he?" now Temon adjusted his frame glasses as he began to question and be in deep thoughts, "You're really asking a deep question here. We couldn't figure that out last night too."


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