Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 227: Blood Evolved

Chapter 227: Blood Evolved

Dragonian Sheran's strange behavior had become a natural occurrence that no one else bats an eye whenever she does what she usually does.

'Well... being a leader mean being wise. It is wise to know who is above you...' Gamon tried to justified her actions as that. At least, she doesn't do it to everyone else.

Days have passed.

"There are still no messages from Old Maytan, I wonder how he had been doing?" he muttered as he looked at the strange atmosphere.


"The Legendary Might of Torge, I didn't think that I would see like this, helpless! However, you reap what you sow. You have a very thick-skin to intrude the Danhan Family alone! Do you think that you have the strength to go against us all?"

Hundred of Rank Ey Elementalists surrounded a lone old man in the middle. There were broken pillars and structures that had formerly touched the sky in the surroundings.

Statues of the Wind Elemental Origin that was worshipped had been broken down.

Almost every person originating from the Danhan Family would be enraged to see their holy sanctuary be so devastated!

However, the cadres of the Danhan Family were not enraged, but instead, they were sweating in fear. One of them could blow a whole mountain apart but in front of this one old man in the middle of an army, hovering between clouds, they were taking passive positions.

"Danhan Patriarch..." but even in front of all this, the old man that looked unharmed said with a calm voice, "I'm all asking is where you have brought a white-haired teenage boy..."

"I've already told you already, we have no idea what you are talking about!" the Patriarch shouted loud and crisp.

"Yes, I've heard that already. So why are you treating me like this?"

"Why!? it's because you did" the Patriarch spread his arms, showing their sanctuary in ruins, "THIS!"

"Danhan Patriarch, I've had enough of your excuses. Even though you already reached Rank Es, it doesn't mean that you could do something like this to an old man."

The Patriarch gulped. Even though the old man spoke with calmness, there a hidden pressure behind it.

"I don't like being played around. I know that Cojier is here."

Sensing danger, the Patriarch waved his hand, "All of you, move away! He's going to do something!"


'Haysss, after I lose my position and confidence, my seniority and authority had been partially demolished. Avion Teller is fast at adjusting or that he just does not care. Of course, it should be the former.'

On the cloud, the state had been switched. It was Gamon and Dragonian Sheran who was always silent while Avion and the girls had been nonchalant about it. 

Of course, his power was still evident, and if forces it, no one is there to stop him.

'However, I don't know how to act towards Avion Teller...' he sighed as he was sitting in front of the cloud, meditating.

In the back, Dragonian Sheran was silently sitting behind Avion as he talked with Tamya and Mettany.

'He's like a gigolo.' Galion bitterly gritted his teeth.

Meanwhile, the princess slept while Edora guards. Although she no longer has obligations towards the princess, she sided with her since she's one of the weakest there.

They were nearing the Crome Family in the Reruon Mountain Land. Wherever they look, they just saw mountains and mountains.

"After he challenged the God of Parallels, he was banished into the void. However, the God of Parallels has already achieved his goals. Even though he almost died from the Undying, he heaped to the higher dimension and met with Evil Incarnate."

"Woah..." Mettany and Tamya had been listening to Avion's stories.

All of them were bored after their blood evolved. The process of the trials was mysteriously smooth that Gamon almost fainted.

"But what are these dimensions?" Tamya raised a hand, immersed.

"The dimensions are something that is above the parallels. Just like there are more worlds out there, there are also more universes out there called parallels, right?" Avion explained when the listeners nodded did he only replied, "There are also more parallels. The Evil Incarnate dispersed and by the flow of nature, he should've died. However, he reached the higher dimension which is the fourth dimension, and integrated himself with nature. That is why, at birth, all have a fraction of evil within them."

"That's very complicated!" Mettany shouted in awe.

After being blood evolved, she, Tamya, Edora, and Princess Alisera all have the potential to reach Rank Ey, meaning, also Rank Es.

Edora had the hardest time completing the trial while Alsiera had the easiest since she is already Rank Bih.

However, if compared to the standard, Edora had an unholy growth.

So after taking swearing to protect Arcansas from the Conqueress's forces, Edora was personally guided by the Penta Elementalist towards ranking up.

She was not doing nothing, Edora was either meditating or training her sword skills.

'I think I'm going to reach Rank Cee soon.' she thought in excitement. Edora had always thought that she will be forever Rank Dih due to her bloodline but after surreal encounters, she now have the potential to reach Rank Ey.

Therefore, she couldn't help but be smug when Galion looks at her with contempt and envy. Since she is basically under the Penta Elementalist's protection, Galion have no chance against her.

Not just her but Tamya and Mettany had been working hard too. Only the princess had reached Rank Ey right after her blood evolved. That was why she was sleeping, waiting for the natural enlightenment that will open the doors towards Rank Es for her.

Just like that, days passed again and they have finally reached the Crome Family.

But when they got there, something that neither Dragonian Sheran nor Gamon had expected.

Galion laughed, "That's for underestimating me!"

In front of them was not just the cadres and Matriarch of the Crome Family but other Supreme Royal Families as well.

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