Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 216: The Might Of Torge's Speech

Chapter 216: The Might Of Torge's Speech

"If that is everything, I will leave my Might Troop here to help these people get to their safety. I feel Rank Ey Elemental Beasts in the surroundings." Old Maytan said.

"Then I'll leave my disciples as well. This volunteer work will be helpful in nurturing their real-life skills." Gamon added, "And, those beasts should be from Haliviana. My guess is that, although they were passive due to her, she could not further control them in her state. Now that she is in our hands, those beasts will return to their natural behavior."

Old Maytan nodded before he appeared in front of the masses. Immediately, he garnered their attention before he even speaks.

"Citizens of Haliviana," he called with an amplified voice.

"We are sorry for what happened to your homes. None of you expected this and have suffered this much. Some of you didn't deserve this but this catastrophe will still change your life for the worse. But worry not, we will help you get to your respective kingdoms and have a permanent settlement."

Everyone looked at him with awe and gratefulness while Old Maytan returned it with compassion. But at the next moment, his face became solemn. Although it could not be seen by ordinary people, his voice was able to transmit it.

"However, do not rely on us for everything from now on. It is just a coincidence that we are brought here to help you."

"What if we decided not to come here? What if someone else does instead of us? Do not think that everyone will help you. None are as kind as we are. I am not saying this in the expectation that you will return our kindness. You don't have the strength for that."

"Yes, this tragedy happened because you all lack the strength."

Instantly, the atmosphere became heavy. Hearing it from such a might person makes them believe it with their full heart.

"You can say that you are limited by your bloodline but are Elements the only source of power in this world? You should know the answer for that!"

Old Maytan paused his speech as he looked around before continuing.

"This world is not as peaceful as it seems. You are all very lucky that you are born in this peaceful country. Beyond the seas, there are never-ending wars. You can not blame them for this as this is part of nature. Look at you, do you even know how to hold a sword or a bow? This is what happens after enjoying your life. Remember, the reason why you are all still alive right now is just luck!"

"At any moment, at any place, some accidents may happen, are you ready to face such catastrophes again?! You are not! After this, beasts that were hidden before will come to the surface. Many are Rank Ey Elemental Beasts, I am sure none of you can even escape one and that is why we are here to help. But what about after that?"

"So learn how to stand on your own feet, rely on your own head, and train to defend your own life... We are not always here. If you could do that, even if I throw you in the middle of a war between monsters, you will survive!"

"You may say that it will never happen again in your life but that is being naive. I say it again, You are all very lucky! How!? Because the Conqueress, Darea Irdona have been here without any of you knowing!"

His words created shocks and confusion. While they were all terrified from what they heard, the ground shifted but there was no trembling to suggest that it does. They could say that they moving as a whole when the surroundings were all moving to one side.

"We, under the leadership of Dragonian Sheran, have gathered to stop the one who had caused this terrible catastrophe. We don't know if she is still here but all we know is that the Conqueress is not someone we can defeat by just our power."

While he was speaking, the ground stopped shifting and another wall opened right in front of them.

"People of Haliviana, with your power, do you think you can escape this such power?" he turned to direct their attention to where he opened the walls.

Sunlight passed through as every eye that it shone was devastated.

"This is the level of power, maybe even above, of the person who wants to conquer the world. The whole world includes you. In the future, she will come back again, and at that time, do you think you have the power to even escape from her?"

His voice was not strong but upon hearing it, everyone had their hearts fell, feeling a cold hollow inside their chest.

No matter how confident they are with themself, they could not say yes to the Might of Torge's question.

In front of them was their home, split into half. This split is wider and deeper than what a riverbed can be.

"M-monster..." many muttered under their breath, probably traumatized by what they are seeing.

Is that truly the capital they were standing on just yesterday? It is as if God played with it.

'You're putting the blame on Darea?' Avion slightly frowned but he knew that the Conqueress herself wouldn't care. He clearly knew that she could do this too, 'For them, Darea is the ultimate enemy. So by making the whole world against her would unite us...' he thought of Old Maytan's intentions.

Everyone could only take a deep breath at this sight. Even Galion was stunned at weakened his state.

Seeing these reactions, Gamon widely smiled. As if that was a signal, Old Maytan continued, "However, I am not saying that it is the Conqueress herself that did this. This level of power is the minimum requirement if we want to go against her."

Everyone then asked themselves, then who?

"I'll introduce you to the one who caused this. Everyone, meet one of your heroes," without permission from the person himself, Old Maytan brought him in front of the audience, "Avion Teller!"


Almost everyone thought that they heard a familiar name. Meanwhile, there are some who had their eyes widened in fright.

Is what he is saying the truth?

King Isero's wrath and vengeful thoughts were extinguished at that moment, 'How could I go against that?'

The princess on his side had a darkened face.

'That's my beloved! He's the strongest!' Mettany inwardly cheered.

'So this is Avion Teller's true power!' anyone who knew him all thought of this.

Meanwhile, Avion who garnered all the attention had a very cold face.

'So they are binding me in another way... They will publicize my name and image so that in the future, I cannot escape. These people... haha... playing dirty on me while at the same time, I can't call them out for bad intentions. Very smart!' his face twitched in annoyance.

'So then my show-off is too much, huh... now they are pretty set-on making me one of them without even my consent. They are this confident after seeing what I've done.' but he stayed calm and thought of the next move he should do.

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