Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 169: Avion Versus The Kings and Queen

Chapter 169: Avion Versus The Kings and Queen

After Darea relented on Avion's terms, the assassin gave a satisfied smile while the Conqueress a defeated wry one.

"Hmph! Try not to die first!" she snapped, "But if you're wrong and the Romen Family didn't get reinforcements instead, no matter how much you stall time, it will yield no result."

"Urgh... if I reach my limit then I'll just run." the black-masked then continued, "But the agreement is that I don't die, right?"

"I know... no need to mention it, I'm aware of it." Darea then stepped into her Immaterial Body.

"... okay..." Avion deeply breathed in. He stared at what in front of him, 'What should I do? I still have no idea what's their power is. If I'm caught, guarded or not, I'm dead. I'm just an ant in front of them.'

After a few hesitations, he walked towards the King of Karan. As of now, he should be the weakest out of the three here.

He didn't doubt Darea's words about them being weak right now. After all, he had killed them already. If they were able to revive without compensation, wouldn't that be too unfair?

'Wait... I can revive too...' he then shook his head, 'Yep, everything is fair.'

Now that the thin barrier was gone, he could finally come out of the outre elesp battlefield. Although it was a thin barrier, what was Avion again? A mortal. That border wasn't actually a barrier in the first place. In the first place, no one can move freely in it, much less get near the border once locked.

"If only I can Overclock the knife and just throw it at them, that would've been nice." so he have no choice but to only get near them and do it himself.

Avion then stretched his body outwards and pulled in the knife with a large stride, time resume but before his the knife could dig in the king's neck, time stopped again.

"Figures..." Darea thought which Avion heard.

However, he didn't have time to react or think about it since he was wheezing. It was as if no amount of air could satisfy his lungs. Beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

Besides the king, the Rank Ey Elementalist Queen Teresa had already locked her eyes onto him, her hand reaching forward towards his neck. Colorless vines were sprouting out of her forearm and wrist.

'Not even a second had passed!' Avion horrifyingly thought. He looked again and could see the speed and force the Queen was intending to clutch her hand.

"... so this is a Rank Ey Elementalist, already weakened..." he muttered to himself, seemingly in kind of doubt and amazement.

"Yep, this is how strong they are. Don't even think about going against Rank Es Elementalists in your state." Darea said in her Immaterial Body.

"I never said that I would go against one."

"Haliviana is one and is already ascending Rank Eses though." she giggled.

Avion sighed at this. His mission, after all, was to kill Haliviana. However, he knew that has the most preparations so it shouldn't be as hard as killing the Queen, right? Haliviana is only on her soul form by then.

"In your estimate, how much time do I need to stall?"

"Hmm..." Darea pondered, not paying attention that Avion just kind of ordered her, "If they are really going to get reinforcements then they should've been trying to create a distance from the Queen and the Kings so that they can perform Communication Elesp. As Rank Cees, that would take them two minutes or so, assuming that they are going at their top speed. After that, Galion must be at least ten kilometers away to avoid the queen's senses. All in all, it should be five minutes. Since they disappeared from here, you've already used one minute."

But before Avion could reply, she intercepted, "Ah, but that's considering the best situation."

".... this is hard..." Avion muttered.

"Yep, try not to get caught instead."

He nodded.

In the normal world, Queen Teresa reached out her hand towards the King with a lightning-quick response.

The three Rank Bih Kings were already about to act. The kings knew that the queen wouldn't hurt them but Guild Master Gon just wanted to create some distance, bringing Mettany with him.

When the Queen stopped and the wind blew did the Rank Cee nobles realized what happened.

The kings didn't complete their reaction as they could only jerk.

"He escaped again." the queen muttered before retracting her hand in a composed manner.

King Isero felt pain in his neck and saw that it was bleeding which soon healed.

Behind them, the Rank Cee nobles did see a glimpse of a black figure but it just flickered. They didn't even have time to realize it, much less react.

Seeing that the queen was the first to react, the Rank Cee nobles sipped in a cold breath.

'She's the real deal!' they have doubted her aura at first. If she was that strong from the beginning, why hide it?

But what now? Is the power distribution in Haliviana going to tilt? The appearance of a Rank Ey Elementalist will surely tilt the whole island!

These were just quick thoughts when they saw the queen jerk her head towards the sky on the left before they heard a loud swooshing sound.

There's only one word to describe it, it was fas- BOOM!*

Another tree was erected before it was blown away to shreds and pieces. Right after that, another sharp swoosh could be heard from behind them. But it was the King of Karan's turn to redirect the projectile's trajectory, making it hit the courtyard beside them which created a large crater.

"Get out of here! You will just become burdens!" King Gregor shouted at his subjects as the Queen tried to reach her hand towards him when the black figure flickered to him, making his neck bleed.

"Tsk!" the Queen clicked her tongue before they heard another sharp swoosh from another direction!

'This is insane!' they unitedly thought. They didn't think that the black figure has companions since they could only sense one presence, 'Meaning, only one person, Avion Teller, is doing all of this by himself!?'

Guild Master Gon took Mettany away. The projectiles that were coming at them seemed to be far enough to only catch them in the perimeter of its blast, not damaging them.

'Avion is still thinking about us... we need to get away.'

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