Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 833: Tianlong Yun’s Blood Drawback & Cheating!?

Chapter 833: Tianlong Yun’s Blood Drawback & Cheating!?

Since he had the intention of wiping out most of the Royal Dragon Race in the Immortal World, then he might as well think of replacing them completely and making the Royal Dragon Race his own.

Well, that was a thought for the future, as right now there were more important things to think about, like helping the White Snake survive and benefit from the current crisis.

Since he had already cultivated this cultivation manual, it was extremely easy and simple for him to direct the Qi inside the White Snake's body according to the path it needed to follow.

It could be said that he was actually pointing the way to the White Snake and helping it smooth things over on the way.

Even though the White Snake had a gigantic body, the Qi and energy that had entered its body made it look like some sort of balloon.

But appearance didn't matter right now, what mattered was the process of the energy refining, and the conditioning of the White Snake who seemed to be in a state of climax right now.


The pleasure it was receiving was nothing sexual as of yet, but it was something coursing through all his body, so good that it couldn't help but moan unconsciously.

It was at that moment that the White Snake understood there was something wrong with this situation, as its body temperature was raising extremely rapidly.

Not only that, but a weird itch was starting inside its body making it feel even weirder than before and taking his attention from what she had to do.

With each passing second, she couldn't help but start having weird and strange thoughts about Tianlong Yun, as he was the only alive male in the surroundings.

How could Tianlong Yun not notice and understand the condition, but also the situation of the White Snake!? In fact, he also knew the reason why she was like that, and it had a lot to do with him.

A dragon's blood was sacred, but most importantly was a great aphrodisiac that no one could actually calm down without wasting quite some time doing what their body wanted to do.

Even more so for the White Snake who was an inexperienced beast and had actually taken such a great amount of his blood.

The situation would just get more and more intense with each passing moment from now on. There was a great chance that if Tianlong Yun didn't actually do something, the White Snake would try to attack and ra*pe him.

Now that would be quite a loss of face for him, especially since there were two beauties by his side, with one of them being his real wife, while the other being a bride in mortal law's name.

Without wasting time, he sent another message to the White Snake,

"Transform in your human form, you should be able to understand what's to come!"

The White Snake's eyes turned a bit blurry and unwilling for a moment, but the next one she quickly did as she was told.

In a matter of seconds, her gigantic body started shrinking, and gathering towards a point, transforming and taking a more humanoid shape.

Even though there were still some discrepancies with her new appearance, like her totally flat nose, or her scaled skin, she was still able to transform the important parts correctly.

Her eyes were still yellowishly pierced through by black slits, and her hair was almost fully white, having only a small cuff of black hair in the middle.

Her melons were big, big enough to compare with those of Tianlong Xia, and that demoness Yu Qing, but still standing proudly above, making one wonder how were they able to defy the gravity law.

Her scaled skin was white just like whipped cream, even though those scales looked extremely solid and strong, to Tianlong Yun those were just like soft sweets.

Going down her body, his eyes were shining like two lamps, even though he had seen many beauties naked, every new one was just like a new priceless work of art added to his collection.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly the carpet matched the drapes, as the white field was diversified by a small black triangle right above the secret cave's entrance.

The White Snake, or to be more accurate the transformed White Snake was a great beauty. Even in his harem, she would fall below Top 10 at present.

Still, despite the stunning view in front of him, Tianlong Yun didn't lose his concentration upon guiding her to refine the energy inside her body.

After all, if he dared to make the smallest mistake, then the White Snake would end up exploding even worse than a nuclear bomb.

He had no intention of creating more trouble for himself or even potentially killing himself in the process.

For that reason, even if he wanted to, he couldn't allow himself to lose control and concentration.

The White Snake didn't know what to think of what was going on, and what was about to happen, but she wasn't able to think much either way.

After all, her mind, eyes, and senses were fully blurred and taken over by the aphrodisiac effect of Tianlong Yun's blood.

She felt like her own blood was boiling at this moment, her whole body had suddenly been thrown into a boiling pot, that was seeping through every pore of her body.

She felt a bit ashamed being completely naked in front of Tianlong Yun, but she didn't cower or flinch. This wasn't a moment to be indecisive and create trouble.

Tianlong Yun was actually doing his best to keep calm and control to help her out, she couldn't be the one to destroy his efforts.

Not far away from the duo were the two beauties Qin Bao and Tang Li who were looking at the scene in front of them with different thoughts and expressions.

One of them was jealous, angry, and ready to explode at any moment, while the other was just looking at the said scene with a pondering look.

It wasn't much of a revelation that the first one was Tang Li, while the second one was Qin Bao. Tang Li could still kind of accept Qin Bao's position and presence.

After all, whatever was said and thought was still hypothetical, and she hadn't seen it happen with her own eyes. Not to mention that Qin Bao seemed to know him for much longer than herself.

But the White Snake beauty was actually something she couldn't even think about. Tianlong Yun hadn't even known the lady for long and there were even less feelings between them.

To the current her that was supposed to be married to Tianlong Yun, whatever he was doing was actually betrayal and cheating, she couldn't accept something like that.

With thoughts of disbelief in her head, she turned her face towards Qin Bao who should have been much more angry and enraged than she was only to find that weird look on her face.

It didn't look like she was jealous, it was just a bit of envy that unfortunately, it wasn't her instead of that White Snake beauty.

Unable to believe her eyes, and this situation Tang Li couldn't help but the question in a solemn, hoarse voice,

"Are you jealous!? That man is cheating on both of us right now with that bi*tch! How can you accept and bear with this!?"


Hearing that question Qin Bao couldn't help but start laughing out loud as she had just heard one of the greatest jokes in her entire life.

Even though she knew that her laughing was making Tang Li only more confused and angry, she couldn't control herself for the time being.

She could only stop laughing and actually answer when she saw that Tang Li's patience was running out, as she said in a weird voice,

"You call this cheating and betrayal, and that woman a bi*tch, I guess in some kind of way you are right!

But weren't you in the same position not long ago!? After all, even though you have actually married him in the public's eyes, didn't you come after me and the others!?

Furthermore, do you think that such a great man, with such a great potential like him, would actually be satisfied with just the two of us!?

Even if he did, do you think that the two of us can actually bear his prowess!? Honey, I know that you have grown with the idea and thoughts of a great romance, or at least a monogamous happy life.

But if you want to actually follow that man and be by his side then you have to completely forget about that.

The number of women in his life is way beyond what you can actually think of, he is a monster in bed and outside it."

Tang Li couldn't believe her ears, as she had never expected something like this. Even though she had yet to properly explode, she had thought that her only opponent would be Qin Bao.

Still, she was extremely confident in herself that she would be able to take that number one spot in Tianlong Yun's heart, and if possible take Qin Bao out.

Yet, right now her dreams, thoughts, and ideas had been totally burned to ashes. Everything had been destroyed.

"I know that this is far from your expectations and that you might feel terrible right now. In fact, it's my fault for telling you sooner than he did, but this is reality.

He treasures, and greatly values you, otherwise he wouldn't have given you a place in his life and heart, but there is no way you can monopolize him!"

Unfortunately, the beauty in front of her had managed to only hear the first part of her statement which made Qin Bao a bit dispirited.

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