Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 825: Possessed!

Chapter 825: Possessed!

Just as he was in mid-air Tianlong Yun's gigantic body twisted in an incredible way and sent his tail spear-like towards the White Snake's head.

At first, he wanted to attack the weak spot of all snakes, its heart, but for some reason, he changed his target and attacked its head.

In fact, to be more exact he targeted that black spot on its head, as that seemed to be an extremely particular spot for the opponent.

The White Snake was already in an internal fight and was even less expectant of Tianlong Yun's follow-up attack, so despite its best efforts to block the attack with its tail and dodge, it was still too late.

'Baanngg Booooommmmmm~!'

The attack landed squarely on the target making a truly loud sound that spread in the surroundings, but not only, as the next moment the White Snake seemed to have lost its strength and fell to the ground.

This was quite unexpected as, despite his physical attack being powerful, it shouldn't have been enough to make the White Snake fall to the ground with just one hit.

No matter how great it looked or sounded, Tianlong Yun knew that there was no way he was capable of knocking out the White Snake in just one hit.

This meant that either the White Snake was playing games with him, or there was something weird with this white snake.

No matter what it was, it certainly worked to his advantage so he couldn't complain about it. Unfortunately, the sudden demise of the White Snake incensed the Black Snake.

Without caring about its own life or death the black snake completely ignored the Life's Regret Blade and came running for Tianlong Yun's life.

Of course, the Life's Regret wouldn't allow this damn bastard to endanger the life of its Master, as it immediately stabbed into the Black Snake's body and started making a beeline for its tail.

The more that the Black Snake ignored her, the more would the sword cut into its body, going even close to splitting its back into two parts.

Surprisingly the Black Snake didn't seem to care what happened to itself, as it continued its path toward the White Snake.

Just as the sword was about to cut more than half of its back though, something weird happened with this Black Snake as well.

Just like the White Snake before it started shaking its head like it was possessed and was trying to break free from the possession, which surprised and startled Tianlong Yun.

"Return back and tell me what did you feel upon contact with the Black Snake!"

All of a sudden, as Life's Regret was thinking of taking advantage of the situation, Tianlong Yun called it back and asked such a question to it.

The druid spirit didn't seem to understand why would Tianlong Yun give such a weird order all of a sudden but she had no other option but to do his bidding.

"This Black Snake is certainly a weird creature, not only possessed quite a frightening body and dark energy, but its core seemed to be completely pure.

I guess this makes sense for a bipolar monster!"

"What did you say!?"

"I said that this Black Snake is weird, he"

"Not that, at the end of your words!"

"Oh, that!? I think that this Black Snake has some psychological disorder like some kind of bipolar monster or something.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have felt two different types of soul power inside him!"

As the druid spirit finished its words, Tianlong Yun was suddenly hit by a strong sense of happiness and excitement, as he started roaring and screaming,

"Hahahah~! Roar~! This is it! That's why! Roar~!"

The little druid spirit couldn't understand why its Master was so happy, as he didn't see what was so happiness-inducing with the Black Snake having a mental disorder.

'Booomm, booommm, booommmmm~!'

As Tianlong Yun was basking in his own happiness and excitement, the Black Snake started shaking and moving around like some kind of possessed monster, hitting the ground with its tail.

A lot of loud explosion sounds and even more clouds of mist disappeared, as Black Snake's tail destroyed the surroundings one after the other.

In fact, the surroundings weren't the only targets, as it suddenly came crushing on Tianlong Yun as well.

Fortunately for him, Tianlong Yun had never lowered his guard, and the moment he saw the tail heading for him, he quickly used his Space Law to dodge, white the Life's Regret took a slanted path and just parried the attack.

Incensed at the situation, the little druid spirit couldn't help but chide at her own Master with a bellyful of anger,

"What the hell are you doing Master!? Are you trying to kill us both!? Why did you suddenly change your mind!? What happened!?"

"You don't understand little thing, these two Snakes are truly poor souls, as they aren't in control of their own bodies!

They are possessed!"

"They are what!?"

"They are possessed!"

"By what!? By ghosts!?"

"While ghosts do exist and are found in quite some places in the vast universe, this time the two snakes aren't possessed by ghosts but by two worms.

I don't know how the Yin-Yang worms appeared in this place, but they have been controlling and feeding upon these two Snake's brains for a long time.

Had it not been for the two snakes' regenerative abilities and their prowess, they would now be fully controlled and used.

Or it would be more exact to say that their souls would be refined, and their bodies would belong to those worms!"

"What!? How is that possible!? How can it happen!? Since when are worms so powerful!?"

"Hehehe~! There are so many wonders and mysteries in this universe little things. Every species has its own traits and way of survival, just like these two worms."

"Even if that were the case, why does it matter!? What are you going to do about this!?"

"Heheheh~! Of course, it matters, it matters a lot actually! I am planning on liberating those snakes from those parasitic worms and putting them under myself!"

"Would they even accept!?"

"Heheheh~! Does it even matter whether they accept or not!? They don't have another choice, they can only surrender in face of strength.

But of course, it would be much easier to have them subdued through soft means!"

With those thoughts in mind, he actually sent a mental transmission message to the two Snakes in front of him. the contents were clear and simple,

'Pledge your loyalty to me for 100 years, and I will help you deal with those worms!'

Of course, it was impossible for his message to reach the two snakes' avatars without passing through the worms first, but he wasn't worried about it.

Now that he knew what he was dealing with, then it wouldn't be an underestimation to say that the situation was under his control.

The two snakes clearly didn't feel like they could trust Tianlong Yun, because just like everyone else even he had come here to steal their treasure.

Still, they didn't have much of a choice and try to fight the two worms themselves, while they were under the constant danger of Tianlong Yun.

It was a choice between bad and worse, either way, they would be on the losing side. Still, there was a big difference as one way lead them towards death and perish, while the other towards 100 years of slavery.

For the two snakes, 100 years of slavery wasn't much, as with their current level they could easily leave for a few more millennials.

Furthermore, while they would have loved to have quite some time to ponder about this issue, they didn't have much time.

'Who are you!? Do you think that you can deal with us!? You are a dead human breathing, nothing more! Don't try to seek for help from these weaklings, as they can't do shit!" x2

While Tianlong Yun was awaiting the response of the two Snakes avatars, he actually received a message from the two worms.

It was quite surprising, even though they were mere worms, they still sounded and spoke more haughtily and arrogantly than even Tianlong Yun himself did!

Something that incensed him quite a bit, but he decided to wait for the two snakes' response first, and only after considering his actions.

As he was thinking like that, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised because the two snakes had given him the best answer possible.

Instead of sending him a message with their answer, they had actually sent him their Soul Avatars, and immediately signed an empty deal which clearly surprised and stunned Tianlong Yun.

But he quickly understood the reason immediately after, as the two snakes' soul avatars bowed in front of him while saying,

"It's an honor for us to serve Your Majesty!"

"Oh~! Are you serving me just because I am a Dragon!? Don't you think it would be a waste if I were just a normal Dragon!?"

"Your Majesty surely jests, how could you be a normal dragon, the Royal Aura around you clearly states the truth!"

"You can see through me!?"

While he made this question Tianlong Yun's face turned a bit threatening and scary, startling the two snakes, but they still managed to answer quickly,

"We wouldn't dare! It's just that we are a bit special after cultivating in this Yin-Yang Celestial Pond, and we can actually sense the special aura around you, Your Majesty!"

"Heheheh~! Very well then, if you serve me well, I promise to help you reach heights that you never thought possible!"

At the end of the day, it was natural and bloodline suppression that convinced the two snakes to surrender this quickly, as half of the battle had been won

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