Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 823: Unexpected Help

Chapter 823: Unexpected Help

Even though he had been keeping his guard from the moment that he entered this part of the Yin-Yang Celestial Pond, Tianlong Yun was still caught by surprise by the sudden change.

The change had been so sudden and so big that despite his expectation, he had been unable to resist the soothing feeling and had been overwhelmed.

That's right, that sudden soothing and refreshing feeling of recovery, warmth and embrace was nothing but a soft way soul attack with the intention of throwing Tianlong Yun to eternal sleep.

Well, even though it was supposed to be eternal sleep was actually just sleeping until he finally ran out of time.

The refreshing, warm, and embracing feeling that he was going through at that moment, was due to the white mist around him acting as a catalyst to his vitality burning and refurbishing the body.

Even if he had quite the long span of life right now, Tianlong Yun wouldn't be able to live in this place for more than a few years.

The problem was that even his Soul King Realm soul cultivation seemed insufficient to prong him out of his weird condition at the moment and he could only hope for some external help.

Of course, that help would be extremely difficult to find, since his trusted companions might not be able to reach the last layer and even less manage to find their way through the dark area.

One could say that Tianlong Yun's fate had already been sealed, and there was an 80% or higher probability of him dying in this place.

No matter how unwilling and displeased he would be, there wasn't much he could do about it. The only thing he could think about at this moment was the last burst of the potential explosion at death's door.

His only option was to perfectly calculate that moment and make a move, hoping that he wouldn't die immediately as he escaped the damn trap.

As he was thinking like that and trying to find some other way of getting out of his terrible situation, he was suddenly provided external help.

Help that he never thought that it would come for him, as he heard the crazy and loud ramblings of Owl from outside the dark area.

It was a bit unexpected to hear his voice actually pass through the dark area and reach him, but that voice did reach him.

Just that voice wasn't enough of an external incent to help him break through the mental cage that he had been enveloped in, but Owl didn't stop by just screaming at him to come out.

That guy even went as far as to set his eyes, and intentions on one of his women. Dragons were extremely obsessed creatures with their treasures.

For Tianlong Yun the best treasures he had collected until now were his beauties, and women, there was no way he could allow some other layman set his eyes on them.

Whoever it was would have to die under his hands and sword!


Just as he heard Owl screaming that he would do something to Tang Li if he didn't show himself, a loud sound spread through his close surroundings, and he woke up immediately.

'Cough, cough'

If Owl knew that it was precisely his screaming and his choice of words that had helped Tianlong Yun wake up and escape his death, then he would probably spurt a mouthful of blood and die in anger.

Right as he woke up, he couldn't help but spurt two mouthfuls of blood in order to regulate the pressure and energy inside his body, as his eyes immediately concentrated in front of him.


Right as he woke up and stood up, the place started moving and shaking a lot as two big and long slithering snakes came out of the underground and appeared in front of him.

It was just like some sort of action movie entrance where the moment one thought he was saved, he would suddenly face an even more terrifying existence.

But this did make sense for him actually as there was no free lunch under the heaven. It was impossible to chance upon such a great treasure of heaven and earth and to think that it was totally unprotected.

Always, every treasure of heaven and earth was accompanied by a fierce monster that had benefited from it and would protect it with his life on the line, and never give up on it.

In this case, there were these two gigantic snakes that would make any experts under the Great Ascension Boundary run away just like rats running for their lives.

As for Tianlong Yun, he just had a solemn and serious look on his face as he saw these two gigantic snakes and was thinking of the great harvest he would have upon taking down these two.

But of course, first, he would have to put them both down and win the battle, while Tang Li was in grave danger outside.

Something that he couldn't allow to happen, so he decided to put an end to this whole mess in the fastest way possible.

With those thoughts in mind, he didn't waste time in trying to probe the opponents' strength, as he immediately completed a full transformation, quickly turning into a gigantic dragon.

Well, despite saying a gigantic dragon, the truth was that he didn't have much of a change from the two snakes in front of him, as he had yet to truly turn into a Royal Dragon.

Only when he managed to reach the GodHood would he be able to turn into a full-fledged Royal Dragon who would be an existence that the whole Universe would have to take into consideration.

But that was still a bit far from the current him, and now wasn't the time to think about that, as he first had to deal with these two monsters in front of him.

The two gigantic snakes didn't waste time as they immediately jumped in attack towards him, each of them sending their elongated tongues to wrap him up before their mouths came to bite him.

In front of the double attack, Tianlong Yun had no intention of retreating, as he immediately used his wings to defend himself, while his tail and his mouth moved in tandem with one target each.

Unfortunately, these gigantic snakes weren't that easy to deal with, as the moment that his tail headed towards the white snake, they both used their tails to block his attack.

As for their mouths and head clash they just changed their angles a bit and accepted the attack head-on.


The two clashes were certainly loud and powerful as it was a two versus one situation with the two snakes' strength and power being not exactly lower than his own.

The two snakes were apparently level 9 Great Boundary Ascension Realm monsters, just one step away from GodHood.

They were just one enlightenment away from reaching GodHood and becoming existences that could easily reverse the whole strength pyramid on this little planet.

Their new strength would be sufficient enough to destroy even Earth as a planet should they wish to, but the problem was the Heavenly constriction upon this planet.

No one was able to reach that Realm here on Earth, and even less stay behind on this small planet after they had reached it through a stroke of luck.

It was precisely for that reason that Tianlong Yun was still able to contend with these two monsters on his own otherwise, he would be finished before he even thought of fighting back.

After the first clash, it was a second clash, and after the second clash there was the third clash, and after the third clash, it continued forth.

Even though Tianlong Yun had a slight advantage in the fight and had yet to use his Laws to his advantage, he still wasn't able to secure a win.

Not only that, but due to the teamwork of the two snakes, he was slowly falling to a disadvantage, which was clearly distasteful and displeasing to him.

Especially when he wanted to wrap this issue as soon as possible. Since he was fully concentrated on the battle in front of him, he was unaware of the sounds and disturbance that their battle was causing.

It was at this point that Qin Bao and Tang Li appeared in his sense and he got a little bit disturbed as he worried about their safety and security.

To his surprise, these two beauties not only didn't run and came here to check up on him, but they even dared to try and help him out by attacking the two snakes.

For a moment he could only think about his great luck with women, and their characters and morals. Women like Qin Bao and Tang Li were extremely difficult to find, and yet he had more than two.

Of course, he wouldn't make waste of this great opportunity that the two of them gave him, as without wasting time he immediately attacked with all he could, trying to get the upper hand in one move.

Which brought to the current situation, as he had dealt such a powerful attack to the black snake. 

Fortunately, his attack had actually landed on the black snake, and he had been able to protect his beauties from the white snake.

At that moment, he was hit all of a sudden by a sudden feeling of anxiety and danger. This was bad! Extremely bad!

With those thoughts, he immediately used the fastest speed he could, teleporting his gigantic body right in front of his two women, as a weird white ray hit towards them

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