Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 820: Weird! Tianlong Yun!?

Chapter 820: Weird! Tianlong Yun!?

Immediately a terrible premonition sprung inside Tang Li's heart, as she knew she was totally alone, if these guys decided to use her to check on Tianlong Yun then she had no other option but to do as they said.

The only one who didn't seem to gaze upon her with that intention was Young Master Qin Bao, but she didn't believe that guy either.

There was bound to be something that he wanted as well, and he wouldn't help her without a reason, or motive.

At the same time though enlightenment suddenly appeared in her mind, wasn't this her chance and possibility to run towards Tianlong Yun and check on him?

Wasn't this the reason why she had moved towards the depth from the beginning!?

Immediately her line of thought changed, as she was more than ready to run towards the darkness once she was released and told to.

But as she was thinking like that, Young Master Qin Bao seemed to have seen through her thoughts, as he said,

"If I were you, I wouldn't propose that idea in your heads, brothers!

It would be the same as handing our tramp card into the ends of the enemy, even before we made use of that card.

Even if she were to die, then we would be giving her exactly what she wants! Either way, we would be losing our card against Tianlong Yun, and we wouldn't even find out his current situation!"

His words certainly gained him the attention and contemplation of the other two masked guys. It lasted only for a moment or two though, as the next one the triangular masked guy started chuckling as he said,

"Heheheh~! Young Master Qin Bao doesn't have to worry, our Justice League have their own ways of dealing with this.

I can easily turn her into a Dead Puppet, which would make her unkillable in the short term future, and also obey my orders unconditionally!

Like this, we can even use her to kill, or critically injure Tianlong Yun!"

"Heheheh~! I truly wonder how did your organizations prepare for this time! Did you guys forget from where did this guy sprout out lately!?

Don't tell me that you think you can send a Dead Puppet in front of him without him realizing!?"


The truth was that this guy had truly forgotten about this important detail, but as soon as he was reminded by Young Master Qin Bao, he understood the severity of the situation.

That strategy was useless if Tianlong Yun understood that Tang Li was nothing more than a Dead Puppet. They had to think of something else.

"Heheeh~! You guys seem to be in quite the pinch right now, how about I help you deal with that!?"

As these guys were thinking about how to act, and what to do from here, a new teasing voice spread throughout the place, completely startling each and every one of them.

The newcomer was wearing a mask as well, which was similar to the owl's eyes, covering only a part of his face, but making it impossible for anyone to properly look at his features.

Even his hair color was a startling and uncommon green color clearly showing it was fake. And by the outline of his mask, everyone present was able to figure out his identity.


Finally, this guy was willing to show himself and participate in the matter of confirming Tianlong Yun's death, and deal with their priority mission.

"You finally decided to show up! Don't you think it's a bit too late little owl!?"

Even though the Royalist's guy said those words, the truth was that he was a bit surprised by the sudden appearance of the new variable.

He had been unable to actually notice his presence, before hearing those words, which made him a bit frightened, as such a guy would put an end to his life rather easily.

On the other hand, Owl was looking with a weird and complicated gaze towards Young Master Qin Bao. Even though he was the weakest in the bunch, he had an unexplainable feeling that he had long noticed him.

Despite his wish to actually reject that thought, he still couldn't throw it away. He wasn't able to linger much on those thoughts though, as the Justice League guy asked him this time,

"How do you plan on helping us!? It's easy to jeer at us at this point, but you need to have a solution in order for that jeer to stand, don't you think!?"

This guy didn't seem to care about taunts, and stupid time waste, he straightforwardly pointed at the main priority at the moment.

"Heheheh~! Isn't that easy!? I just collected these trash that you left behind. I am sure that they would be honored to be of help to us!"

As he said that he threw in front of him the four idiots that Tang Li had crushed earlier, they were in a terrible condition, even worse than she had left them.

All they had clasping on their lives, was their last breath, which didn't seem like it would get better anytime soon.

The face of Young Master Qin Bao seemed to get a bit dark and ugly as he saw this, especially since one of those guys was actually from his Qin Family.

Seeing his face like that, Owl seemed to understand something, and immediately threw that Qin Family weakling towards Young Master Qin Bao, while he said,

"Consider this as a sign of mutual respect brother Qin Bao, I am looking forward to my EITS cooperating with your Qin Family in the future!"

"Brother Owl is truly a magnanimous guy, I certainly look forward to that as well!"

These words of pleasantry were a complete joke, if Owl was a magnanimous person, then everyone else on Earth would be a full-winged angel.

But none of them cared whether those words were true or not, the only thing they cared about were the attitudes and actions of the other party.

Amidst the idiots remaining in Owl's hands was also a Tang Family genius that had tried to make a move on Tang Li earlier, so she didn't really care about him.

"Well, what are we waiting for then!? Just throw one of them already!"

The other two masked guys didn't seem to care about other things though, as they were rather growing impatient.

"Right away!"

Owl didn't seem like he wanted to waste any more time either, as without tarrying it, he immediately threw the first idiot towards the dark area.

"No, no, no, please don't"

It was none other than the Tang Family descendant, who tried his best with his remaining strength, and breath to actually seek for pardoning, only to be thrown like a piece of cloth.

Midway to reaching the dark boundary though, his pleadings of unwillingness were suddenly stopped completely, as everyone felt an eerie feeling cross their bodies and souls.

It was quite the situation, as they were unable to sense that attack, and even less be able to see it through!

Furthermore, the moment it happened they felt a piercing headache as the spiritual sense they were keeping on the thrown body was immediately cut and disturbed for a few moments.

Actually, it was just an instant, but the aftermath managed to linger for a few moments. The most shocking part was that even after they managed to keep their senses on the guy, they found out he was still alive.

At least there was no physical problem with his body, but there was no sign of clarity in his eyes, and all his physical conditions seemed to work on instinct.

Of course, they weren't able to notice this immediately, as Owl even seemed to question him in a low commanding voice,

"What happened just now, tell me everything!"

Only to find out that while his order was communicated, it was just like trying to write with an inkless pen. There was no result to his order.

This clearly surprised not only him but also the rest, as they couldn't help but think that there was something wrong with this situation.

Once they came to that conclusion they didn't dare to approach the dark area lightly and could only look at it with a new sense of dread.

"What just happened now!?"

"I don't know, but we need to investigate this further! Throw the next one!"

The two masked guys didn't seem to care about the life that was just lost, as they immediately judged the next idiot with death.

This time it was a Yao Family genius, who was supposed to be Owl's helper in getting inside, unfortunately, he was still nothing but collateral damage.

Once again, Owl didn't care about this guy, as he instantly threw him to his death, and a similar situation happened once again.

The sudden dangerous feelings, the piercing headache, the alive body, and the dead mind! While they weren't able to understand how or why they did understand that it wasn't normal energy or physical attack!

This scared them even more, but at the same time, they reached a conclusion that was a bit too far from the reality.

They thought that the one launching these attacks was none other than Tianlong Yun. Considering his past, and his background, he was the only one who could do something like this in their mind.

With these thoughts in mind, Owl immediately started chuckling out loud, as he next growled in a high and mighty voice,

"Hahahah~! Tianlong Yun, do you really think that I won't realize it's you stealthily killing them!? Why don't you show yourself, and face us like a real man, huh!?"

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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