Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 810: Upholding a Bet

Chapter 810: Upholding a Bet

Before anyone could actually leave the place though, a strong and forceful voice actually took the attention of everyone at the place.

Each and every one of the people in there couldn't help but stop their steps and look behind, as they were certainly interested in what was going to happen.

The person to have shouted that word was none other than Tianlong Yun, who was displeased about something.

Well, it wasn't much of a surprise, he had just been accused of theft and he was practically proved innocent while the persecutor had turned out to be a possible criminal.

It was impossible to think that he would let this go this easily! As if understanding Tianlong Yun's intentions, the Family Head tried to sell a favor to the 7th Elder as he said,

"Son-in-law, I know that you want to see this matter to the end, but you should understand that there is no conclusive evidence, this might as well be a plot against the 7th Elder.

I think it's better to put a stop to this in here so that all sides don't suffer, don't you think so!?"

Even though willingly or unwillingly the words of the Family Head actually contained a few traces of hostility and threat, which Tianlong Yun pretended to not notice.

Even though Tianlong Yun was in the right it would be more difficult than scaling Everest naked, if he wanted to hold responsible the 7th Elder for this theft.

The worst situation for the 7th Elder would be pining up the fault to his son, or grandson, and then continuing to act against Tianlong Yun.

At the same time though, it didn't really matter whether Tianlong Yun let this matter go or not, as the 7th Elder would definitely not let it go, no matter what.

The whole crowd thought that Tianlong Yun was just a youngster at the end of the day, a youngster whose arrogance and pride wouldn't allow him to pull back.

There was a high chance of this escalating to a life and death challenge if Tianlong Yun decided to keep pestering and try to hold the 7th Elder accountable for the theft.

"Hehehe~! Father-in-law has misunderstood me, I am completely clear about the fact that the 7th Elder isn't the thief, just like everyone else in here.

I have no intention of following this matter up, as that is the duty and responsibility of the people in charge of these matters!"


"But I think that with this newest information my innocence has been proven, hasn't it!?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Oh, this makes things much easier then! I remember that before this thing started, I and the 7th Elder had a bet, with you, Father-in-law, and everyone else here being a witness.

Now that my innocence has been proven, don't you think it's time to honor the bet!? Or could it be that everyone in here intends to eat their words, and face!?

No matter the case, I will accept it anyway, because I am only one while you are a whole crowd!"

After everything that had happened, it wouldn't be a surprise for a few of them to have forgotten about the bet.

Not to mention that they didn't take it seriously at first because they thought that there was no way Tianlong Yun was going to win the bet.

Now that they were reminded of the bet, and also the fact that Tianlong Yun had actually won the bet, they couldn't help but feel it would be better to have amnesia.

What was worse, was that the whole crowd were witnesses, and even more so the Family Head was witness to the bet.

This was a good test of impartiality, and morale for him. Would he choose to keep his dignity and face or help the 7th Elder once again?

No matter what he chose, he was in a tough bind!

This son-in-law of his was a truly sly fox because he had immediately positioned himself as a weak and feeble victim that would accept whatever he decided.

If he had the possibility he would love to give Tianlong Yun a good beating right now, but unfortunately, it was impossible.

Hearing these words the 7th Elder felt the situation turn even more against him and get even angrier at everything.

After all, he had made sure that he was trapping Tianlong Yun, and yet the one who had ended up being trapped was his grandson and him.

He was already seething in rage at the turn of events, and out of nowhere Tianlong Yun brought up the fact of the bet between the two of them.

How could he even accept something like that!? It was just too humiliating for him to apologize to a junior. Not only that, but the 1000 years old ginseng was actually prepared for his grandson.

He wanted to use that herb in trying to help his grandson recover and return to being an up and bright young man.

"Tianlong Yun don't go too far otherwise"

"Otherwise what!? Do you want to kill me!? Are you going to kill the 'innocent' son-in-law of the Family Head right in front of him, just because you don't dare to accept the consequences of your actions!?

Are you trying to rebel 7th Elder!?"

How could Tianlong Yun allow this old-aged face baby to try to threaten and out-talk him? In Tianlong Yun's eyes, he was nothing but a mere ant.

The only reason he was doing all this, was just to give a strong message to the rest of the Tang Family people, to never mess with him if they didn't have the confidence to win.

"What bullshit are you spouting you little brat, I will"

"7th Elder this is enough!

While Tianlong Yun is being hot-headed and too stubborn right now, he is certainly right. You should uphold your words and honor!

Since you are unwilling to apologize to my son-in-law then I will do it on your behalf!"

With that said, Master Tang turned toward Tianlong Yun and said in a solemn tone,

"Son-in-law I would like to apologize in the name of the 7th Elder, and the Family for doubting on you, and making you experience such a displeasing situation!"

This damned sly fox! Not only managing to sell even more faces and favors but he even placed such a good act in front of the crowd.

If Tianlong Yun kept pursuing this, then it was nothing short of narrow-mindedness and villainy. But Tianlong Yun wouldn't give up this easily.

"Since father-in-law has spoken so, then it's certainly more than enough for this lowly son-in-law! Now the only remaining thing is handing over the 1000-year-old ginseng."

Master Tang had hoped that with his intervention and personal apology Tianlong Yun would take a cue and stop causing trouble, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Not only that, but he continued pushing. Everyone knew how difficult it was to find such a rare herb on Earth, so they also knew the price of it.

Even more so when the 7th Elder's grandson had such a great need for this herb as it was a matter of recovery.

"Tianlong Yun you"

How could the 7th Elder accept to hand over such a precious thing to Tianlong Yun!? How could he hand over his grandson's lifeline to Tianlong Yun!?

"Hehehe~! Forget about it, forget about it, why would such a shameless man accept to uphold his bet! Even after the Family Head lowered his head and apologized in his stead to a junior!"

Tianlong Yun's meaning was clear when even his father-in-law had lowered his head and apologized, if the 7th Elder didn't uphold the bet was the same as going against and lowering the Family Head.

Immediately the whole crowd started looking at the 7th Elder with questionable and angry looks, as they felt that he had truly lost face for the family today.

Despite knowing this, the 7th Elder couldn't go forward and hand over the herb to Tianlong Yun as that was for his grandson.

Seeing this situation Master Tang understood that he was forced to intervene once again, as he said,

"Son-in-law that herb is just too precious and important for the 7th Elder, so he can't afford to separate with it.

How about this!? I will let you enter our Family's Treasury and select one treasure that you like!"

Tianlong Yun was already thinking of entering the Tang Family Treasury with the help of Patriarch Tang, but it seemed like the opportunity had come even faster to him.

Now he didn't need to enter through the back door, but right through the entrance. The crowd was a bit shocked by the decision but they understood the situation well.

Their treasury was quite full but at the end of the day, many things were either too old or just useless to the current generation.

While there were certainly treasures, and precious herbs in there, few of those were as precious as the 1000-year-old ginseng.

Looking at Tianlong Yun's age and disposition he wouldn't be able to find those precious things and would most probably take away some trinkets trash.

Of course, the Family Head might even think ahead of Tianlong Yun and retrieve the important treasures before Tianlong Yun entered, not giving him a chance to pick one of them.

This was the best way to not only diffuse the situation but also sell the third favor to the 7th Elder, making him unable to stand opposite him any longer.

Well, only if the 7th Elder actually decided to truly rebel and try to overthrow the Family Head

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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