Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 804: Tang Li’s First Night*

Chapter 804: Tang Li’s First Night*

The beauty was left speechless at those words because even though the relationship between her and Tianlong Yun had changed a bit they were still not at that point.

They both understood that this was more of a political marriage rather than a real one, so they didn't need to really do something like that.

In fact, it wasn't like Tang Li hadn't thought about it, but she felt that since Tianlong Yun was waiting for her response he wouldn't do something like that.

"But, but, I haven't made my decision yet!"

"Your time to make a decision was valid until you married me! Now you don't have much of a choice do you!?"

"You think you can force me if I don't want to!?"

"It's not about forcing it anymore, it's because you don't have another option! From the moment that you married me, your life is already set don't you think!?

Well, perhaps before you might still have had a chance to pull back should I die, but now the EITS guys won't leave you and your family alone, even if you decide to divorce me tonight!

They will think that I am doing this to protect you from their rage, and it's certainly going to be difficult for you and the Tang Family to manage.

From the moment that the marriage proceeded yours and the Tang Family's lives and fate were tied up to me!"

"Youu You acted like that on purpose!?"

"Why do you expect me to be as foolish as to actually oppose an entire organization just due to a moment of rashness!? Do I seem that stupid to you!?"

"But this Why did my Elders not do something against it then!?"

"For two reasons mainly, face and leadership!

First of all, this was a wedding in their own home court, and their new son-in-law was actually being recruited, and then confronted by people that didn't seem willing to give them face.

Especially knowing that the Yao Family had already sided with the EITS they couldn't afford to lower their heads and try to remedy the situation because it would be taken as a sign of weakness.

As for the second part, your grandfather is already under my control. If I tell him east he won't dare to go west!"

"What!? When!? How!?"

The first part was still comprehensible for the beauty, especially knowing the thoughts and ideas of those old people in her Family, but the second thing was quite incomprehensible for her.

She still remembered what had happened three nights ago but she had thought that for some odd reason Tianlong Yun had left them to go, and they hadn't acted against him anymore.

Like both of them knowing secrets about each other with neither side thinking of exposing their hand first. It was only now that she heard something like this.

How was that even possible!? Why would her grandfather do something like that!? Shouldn't he be thinking about the best of the Tang Family!?

It wasn't her fault Earth was truly weak in regards to Soul knowledge, and the possibility of enslavement.

Not to mention that while Tang Li had been brought up amidst prosperity and wealth and resources, she hadn't received full knowledge of the Family techniques, martial arts, or skills because she was a woman.

No matter what the Tang Family couldn't allow a woman to inherit their full knowledge because she would marry one day and become part of another household.

They couldn't allow their secret to spreading to the outside otherwise they would be losing their foundation and reason for keeping such a standing.

"You will eventually learn about that later, right now we have something much more important to do, don't you think beauty!?"

"This I"

"Come on, you don't have to be so frigid, since you have no other way besides this, so you might as well place all your eggs in one basket and try to enjoy it.

I can promise you, you won't regret it!"

"I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I!?"

"No, you don't! But let me show you that you aren't losing in this!"

Whispering those words in her ear, Tianlong Yun slowly took a whiff of her perfume, before he brought his lips close to hers, and then without wasting the opportunity, he kissed her.

It was a cold, frigid, and emotionless kiss, but it was a kiss, nonetheless. For the beautiful and inexperienced Tang Li, this was like a sudden bullet shot right through her head.

Just that kiss was enough to actually throw her off the mark, freeze her in place, as Tianlong Yun got bolder and bolder.

He didn't waste any second to actually come closer to the beauty, and his hands took place on her body.

Of course, he didn't directly place his hands upon her soft melons because that might startle her and instinctively push her back. So he first placed his hands upon her waist and pulled her closer.

At the same time, his lips slowly got more active as he started sucking and kissing little by little more ferociously like he wanted to devour her cherry sweet lips.

Due to his activity, and the pheromones that his body was released, coupled with his professional hits of her weak spots, Tang Li started getting more and more cooperative, and active as well.

As she tried to suck back on Tianlong Yun's lips, Tianlong Yun took this chance to send his tongue attacking towards her mouth, as it clashed with her sweet tongue as well.

That caught the beauty unprepared, and she even hesitated a bit, as she opened her eyes, but that lasted only for a moment.

Because the next one, one of Tianlong Yun's hands had reached her rear mountains and the other on her soft melons.

Just like trying to pick up a ripe soft melon, Tianlong Yun grabbed on it and pulled it up a bit, while his other hand was enjoying the texture of the rear mountains while making its way towards the secret garden.

It didn't take long for his fingers to finally find the signed place, as without losing time he started rubbing over the entrance from above her clothes.

Tang Li didn't know how to react, or where to place her hands, as she had released her body fully in Tianlong Yun's hands.

From the beginning, she had known that she wouldn't be able to marry a man of her choice but what her family had found for her, and right now it was just like doing her duty.

But for some odd reason, it didn't feel like a duty only, as her body had started reacting. She could feel a heat start from her abdomen and then spread all over her body like a virus.

Not only that, but even her secret cave seemed to have been set ablaze and felt extremely empty, she needed something big and hard to fill that cavity for her, but she was embarrassed to ask for it.

Tianlong Yun understood the beauty's thoughts perfectly, but there was no way that he was going to give her relief that easily.

If he did that, then this would be no more than great se*x, while that wasn't bad, due to the beauty's potential and special physique Tianlong Yun wanted to create a connection with her.

For that reason, he was willing and ready to take things easy, and slowly proceed towards his target, not rush there in a mere moment.

With those thoughts in mind, he broke the kiss for a moment, looked her right into her beautiful eyes as flames spread out from his physical body, and started burning her red dress to cinders.

His dressing wasn't saved either, as in a short amount of time they were both hugging each other while being only in their underwear.

Even though the beauty didn't have intentions for tonight, perhaps under the lead and direction of her mother, and aunts, she had actually donned herself in some really sexy black lingerie.

She looked just like a succubus at this moment, nothing short of the demoness beauty Yu Qing, as Tianlong Yun took a good look at that before he actually pulled her close to continue the kiss.

By now, both of them were fully integrated into what they were doing, as even the rigid and inexperienced Tang Li had started to respond to his movements and actions.

With a piece of fabric less, all the touches, rubs, and grabbing's were much more sensitive to the beauty, as her breath had grown much rougher and impossible.


Out of nowhere, a soul-stirring moan came from the beauty's throat, as she seemed to have been unable to control herself anymore.

Hearing that moan Tianlong Yun could easily understand that he was on the right path and continued without wasting time.

By this time his fingers had once again reached her secret cave's entrance from over her wet panties.

The beauty felt embarrassed because she felt like she had been caught stealing, but she didn't have the opportunity or time to say sorry, because Tianlong Yun had fully enclosed her mouth.

At the same time, he took the liberty and opportunity, to move her wet panties to the side, and finally touch upon the real treasure of her secret garden.


The moment that she felt Tianlong Yun's touch over that particular spot, the beauty immediately constringed her legs together, keeping his hand locked in there, while another soulful moan came from her throat.

That wasn't all, as this time her love juices started gushing out like a spring trying to quench a horrifying fire that was still not going down

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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