Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 756: Helping The New Beauty! [R 18]

Chapter 756: Helping The New Beauty! [R 18]

The Planet Crystal Fragment was clearly against the transplant inside the new body, as it felt the risks and dangers accompanied to it.

Once he was trapped in there he wouldn't be able to move out anymore, and if the weak body died then he would do so as well.

For an existence that was almost indestructible on Earth, that could reach heights beyond Earthlings comprehension was actually being trapped inside a weak and mortal female body.

Even though it was an androgynous existence it still understood the differences between male and female human bodies and knew what to expect as well.

That was something extra that it didn't like!

Combining that information with the words that it had heard from Tianlong Yun earlier, the whole situation became even more displeasing and dangerous for her.

Unfortunately, there was nothing it could do, as it was basically impossible to oppose Tianlong Yun's will and seal, it was just like trying to oppose itself.

The difference between herself and Tianlong Yun's soul power was just incomparable. Her fate was actually decided and sealed, there was no way to oppose it anymore.

Despite all its efforts to resist her fate, ultimately the spirit of the Planet Crystal Fragment was forced to take root on the new body and take residence in there.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was extremely happy and satisfied with the result as he was more interested in how it would work from now on.

After all, the Planet Fragment Crystal had never had a body before, so it was more than obvious that it didn't know how to walk, talk, or even stand.

For that reason, it was needed extensive training and adjusting made to it. Without losing any second, Tianlong Yun immediately touched the naked beauty's face, and said,

"Can you feel this?"

The newly rooted spirit didn't really know how to react to all this, everything was extremely new to him, despite the maturity and experience she had.

She was just like a new baby that was introduced to the whole new world, without going through the process of growing up. She might feel Tianlong Yun's touch but didn't know how to respond to that.

Tianlong Yun understood this as well, as he slowly started trailing a path down her cheeks, neck, nape, and then towards her round and proudly standing soft and warm buns.


The Planet Crystal Fragment spirit didn't know why but the moment that Tianlong Yun's hands touched upon her soft buns she couldn't help but release a pleased moan.

It was her new body's natural reaction. She could do nothing to stop that lewd sound coming out of her mouth, as that was the first sound she was even able to produce.

Even though she didn't have much knowledge of lewdness, and other sensations she could tell that this wasn't something normal.

One look at her collected information and the left memories of the ex-scientist beauty, she could tell what that moan represented.

She didn't have the notion of embarrassment and shyness, but that sensation was able to send satisfying electrical currents through her whole body and she wanted to feel even more of that.

Tianlong Yun could sense and understand that as well, as he just grinned at the reaction of the beauty in front of him, and then grabbed even more of a feel.

'Aah, aahh, aaah'

Even though the beauty didn't release anymore moans through his sequential touches, her breathing certainly became rougher and shorter.

Even though she herself didn't have any notion of what was going on, her body's reflexive and natural reactions were even more obvious as she had no control whatsoever over them.

Of course, that was just the beginning though, as the next moment, Tianlong Yun approached her lips, plastered his upon hers, and gave her a juicy deep French kiss.


Feeling the weird sensation the beauty could only release a sound of enjoyment, but the next moment something even weirder happened, as Tianlong Yun's slippery tongue tried to slide into hers.

It didn't matter whether she wanted to block Tianlong Yun's tongue, or let it inside, as she had no control over her own body, as Tianlong Yun's tongue pierced through her lips like a spear.

The first thing it crashed into was her tongue, which he started playing with, and then continued to explore all the possible corners of her tasty mouth.

Their saliva got mixed together, and even form a small trickle between their lips, as Tianlong Yun's hands didn't stop their movements on her soft buns.

'aahnn, mmmhnnn, nhhhnnn'

It was impossible for the beauty's body to bear with the stimulation of the two-pronged attack, and she could only moan louder and faster.

Even if she had control over her new body, she wouldn't be able to block those moans and sounds of satisfaction from leaving her mouth.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was extremely satisfied with the reaction he got, as this was his first time doing something like this to a completely defenseless lady.

The Planet Crystal Fragment's spirit couldn't oppose or reject his advances, neither spiritually nor physically.

While at first it certainly had all the intentions to do so and was even struggling with all that it could, after it started receiving Tianlong Yun's treatment things started to change.

The pleasure and satisfaction it was receiving became something that affected not only its body but even its soul.

It felt like it would be a great waste if it only tried to resist instead of trying to enjoy whatever was happening to her.

After all, her fate was sealed and there wasn't anything she could do in order to change it. Whether this would be a good thing or a bad thing for her in the future, right now she could only try to enjoy it.

As she was thinking like that, a new weird sensation took place in her body, as the secret place between her legs started getting hotter, and some weird liquid was threatening to fall from it.

The first thought crossing her mind due to her memories and experience was that this was her need to pee, and for the first time it tried with its whole will and strength to warn Tianlong Yun,


Unfortunately, instead of hearing her and letting her continue with her needs alone, Tianlong Yun placed a finger on the top of her secret entrance and said,

"Don't worry let this to me! I will make sure to help you get fully accustomed and comfortable with your new body! Just let yourself in my hands!"

Even though she realized that Tianlong Yun's methods weren't proper, and he was taking advantage of her, the Planet Crystal Fragment's spirit could weirdly sense great confidence coming from him.

Not only that but his words and voice even contained some weird sense of belief, as the beauty could only do as Tianlong Yun asked of her.

Not like she had much of a choice anyway, this whole matter was fully on Tianlong Yun's hands, and she could only let him do as he pleased with her.

Furthermore, she had finally completely understood what was happening to her, and instead of finding it as embarrassing or shameful anymore, she had a weird sense of curiosity to actually experience it.

Tianlong Yun noticed this as well, as he decided to get a bit more serious with the beauty in front of him, broke the kiss with her, and slowly made his way with kisses down her neck, nape, and finally the chest.

Reaching there, he didn't lose time and immediately attacked the free soft bun in sight, as one of his hands was actually playing with the beauty's secret entrance.


This time the volume, tone, and even the emotion of the moan were on another level, as the beauty even felt some liquid of what felt like 'peeing' actually escape her control and fall down her thighs.

"So cute, you came just from me kissing and licking one of your tasty buds, I am sure that you will become quite the lewd beauty in the future! I am going to like you more and more!"

The Planet Crystal Fragment's spirit didn't know how to feel hearing those words. She felt like it was a pleasant, angering, and hateful thing to hear at the same time.

What she didn't like the most from all this was certainly the fact that Tianlong Yun would be her Master from now on, and she wouldn't be able to have her own freedom.

She didn't like this fact in the least! It felt like she had already lost in her existence, and she had become something that she had never wanted to happen.

For all she could recall she had been detained and controlled, treated like some sort of possession, at the whims and desires of those people that were keeping her.

It was something that she didn't like in the least. It felt extremely humiliating and angering to be controlled by some weaker and lowly human.

She didn't really know what it was, and what represented, she only knew that this wasn't supposed to be her life and that she should have a much different future in front of herself.

Right when it had thought that it would be able to change its fate and future, another weak and tricky human had actually not only put her in the same place but even lower.

She had been confined into a weak and mortal body, that would die and rotten naturally! So, Tianlong Yun's word reminded her of all this, and made her once again find him hateful

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