Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 737: Shocking Truth

Chapter 737: Shocking Truth

Unfortunately now wasn't the time for him to stop and ponder about his wife's reaction, or her possible thoughts as he had to quickly save his son.

With these thoughts in his mind, he didn't lose time and immediately called in the surroundings,

"Uncle we will have to trouble you with this matter!"

"Rest assured nephew I will make sure that those people regret messing with our Kim family!"

Even though those words seemed to resound throughout the room, no one was able to see or feel something change. It was like everything was the same.

After hearing that conversation the Young Master Kim's mother seemed to have relaxed quite a bit as her mind started running through any possible scenario.

No, there was no way she was going to allow her only son to suffer in that place like that. She had to make sure that nothing happened to him.

"Husband I need to go and rest a bit in my room! I am not feeling very well!"

"Certainly wife, go and don't worry, our son will be perfectly fine!"

"Yes, I understand!"

With that said, she first seemed to be walking like a weak woman, but once she was out of the door her expression and movement changed as she increased her speed little by little.

She didn't want to lose any moment to reach at her own room, as she took out a communicating device, and transmitted the following message,

"Save our son, and make sure those bastards responsible are handed to him for revenge!"

Only after sending that message did she seem to finally calm down and relax a bit. But she was unable to notice a shadow move behind her back.

In a dark and wide basement, probably under his mansion, Family Head Kim appeared full of rage and anger. It was just like he had witnessed the death of his bloodline.

As soon as he appeared, an enormous amount of black energy appeared around him, as he clenched his right hand into a fist, pulled back, and then released it unrestrictedly.

'Booooommmmmmm~! Booommmmmm, boooommmm'

Immediately after the sound of a missile exploding rang through the place, followed by the echoing sound of the explosion.

Most probably, if it weren't for the powerful restricting formations around this place, then the whole mansion would have trembled, and possibly a small earthquake would be felt outside.

It was clear that even if Kim Family Head hadn't used his power fully, he had used a good portion of it in that attack, as the rumbling sounds were followed by his lunatic scream,

"That bi*tch~! I will fu*cking kill her! She made me raise another man's son, I will fu*cking make her disappear from existence!"

The shadow that had moved earlier had been precisely Kim Family Head, who was concerned with his wife and followed her, but he didn't expect her to have such a secret.

This made him extremely angry and enraged but not only that. Since she had actually decided to rely on that man to make sure that the bastard was alright, then it meant he wasn't an easy man either.

The men who had strength, power, and influence compared to his in this place could be counted with one hand, which made the situation even worse.

That bitch seemed to be a mole for one of the bastards confronting him, for his enemies. All this time he had treated her and his son like the apples of his eyes, only to find out something like this.

This was unacceptable!

This treason, this betrayal was something that they would have to pay with their own lives no matter what!

But the anger, hatred, and rage inside his heart wouldn't finish quickly with them dying either, he had to make sure that they regretted ever lying and doing something like this behind his back.

With those thoughts in his mind, Kim Family Head released a few more attacks to empty space in order to calm down a bit his stormy heart and disappeared from his location.

The next moment he was in his office room once again, as he took out a communication device and send a message to the Uncle that went to save his son.

"Change of plans! Do not allow that bastard to come out of that place! Pretend to be trying to get him out, but make sure he stays there, and observe the situation!"

"Nephew are you sure, that brat is your own son!"

"That bastard is not my son! That sl*ut has been playing with me and our family all this time! Just do as I say, I will explain the rest later Uncle!"

"This Okay!"

With that said, Kim Family Head lay down on his chair and closed his eyes. This damn situation was certainly something that he would have never thought to encounter.


For some reason, while he was like that he even started laughing like a madman clearly surprising and scaring the people in the Mansion.

In the meantime, the 2 Colonels seemed to be in quite the good mood, when finally the first brother asked in a solemn tone,

"Did you tell those idiots inside to kill him!?"

"I did big brother you don't have to worry! In fact, I told them to firstly drive him crazy and only after kill him! I am sure that he is suffering inhuman torture as we speak!"

"Good, good! To think that he dares to vie our Kang family's wealth, he simply is tired of living! Make sure that no word of this comes out.

We don't want to fight the Kim family when this is all over. It took so much effort to make this look like a simple punishment!"

"What if they ask us why we sent him there big brother!?"

"You don't have to worry about that, I have already found the 'scapegoat' that had a grudge with him for taking his woman away and acted against orders to punish him."

"Big brother has thought things through!"

"Of course, I am not the family head for nothing! By the way is there any news of our third brother?"

"No, there is no news of him! He seems to have surrendered to fate and doesn't seem like he has any intention towards the wealth, and resources left behind!"

"Hmm~! Really good, he better continue acting like that, or we might need to forget we had a third brother!"

"Wouldn't it be better to kill him now First Brother! Even though he seems like he won't ask for anything, I have a bad feeling about him!"

"No, right now we can't deal with him! There will be too much attention upon us! Don't worry, if he tries anything funny I will make sure to deal with him."

"Ok big brother!"

Not far away from the duo, another young man resembling the two of them was actually looking at the surroundings from his office room's window, and even enjoying the moonlight.

"Young Master just like you expected, they arrested and placed him in cell 22. What should we do now!?"

"Isn't that extremely easy already, we need to make sure that he doesn't get out of there! Have you prepared everything as I told you to?"

"Yes, Young Master! Everything is ready, he won't live to see the sunlight!"

"Hahahahahah~! Very well, things are finally on the right track. What about my idiot brothers!?"

"They seem to have joined hands, and deal with the problem together Young Master! Our mole by their side sent us news that they are trying to act against you as well!

So you should be careful!"

"Hahahahah~! Those idiots have eyes, but they can't see! Just let them try, I will make sure to have them regret their actions before death."

"We obey Master!"

"Very well, tell our people to be careful around the base these days, there is bound to be a fierce response from the Kim family with what happened."

"Yes, Master!"

Once he was left all alone inside his office room, the young man actually filled a glass with wine and then looking at the red mixture for a few moments, he said in a low voice to himself,

"It's finally time for the blow to flow like rivers! I have been waiting too damn long for this day!"

In the meantime, the Kim Family's Master arrived at the base, and standing at the entrance he started screaming,

"Old Gig get your ass out for this seat! How dare you arrest and send my descendant in the dungeon cells, it seems like you have grown tired of living~!"

His words resounded through the whole military base, as all kinds of soldiers and officers came out of their quarters, curious about the show that would unfurl.

It didn't take a long time before that old Gig appeared as well, as his clothes were actually tattered, and there were a few weird smells on his body.

It was clear that this old man had been enjoying life and his position in this military base just now, as there were even some red marks on his neck.

"Old Kim what is the meaning of this!?"

Even though his condition was far from able to be called decent, he still wouldn't shame his position and authority in the army, as he asked back in a quite angry tone.

"Hmph~! You old thing arrest and sent my grandnephew to isolation, and still have the guts to ask me what is the meaning of my presence?

Tonight I will make sure to show everyone that they shouldn't offend my Kim Family!"

With that, the aura of a Master whose strength was equal to a level 6 Great Ascension Boundary Realm spread with him as the center, as there was even faint killing intent hidden as well

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