Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 733: Foiling The Trap

Chapter 733: Foiling The Trap

"There seems to be a misunderstanding here everybody! You are all acting like you are some terrifying people that already have me in your hands!

When it's exactly the opposite!"

More than the words, what startled and shocked all the people around and especially the woman on Tianlong Yun's arms was the fact from where these words came from.

Or more precisely, who was the person behind these words. The owner of that voice was none other than Tianlong Yun himself.

It was clear that the beauty in his arms that was still mounted on his dragon was the one who was the most shocked about this whole situation, as she had been the one who had actually poisoned him.

This wasn't the first time that she poisoned an expert, and the 'Energy Severing' poison she had used had never failed to work, even if the experts were in the early levels of the Great Boundary Ascension Realm.

Yet right now, she was faced with a different reality, as Tianlong Yun's voice was clearly calm, cool, and collected, just like it had been until now.

She didn't know what to think about the current situation, as Tianlong Yun actually lowered his gaze towards her, and said,

"It seems like you not only lack the skills, but you also don't have pure intentions! Trash like you are better dead than alive!

Don't worry though, I will kill all the bastards around us first before killing you!"

'Haha~! You'



Quite a few people seemed unconvinced by Tianlong Yun's words as they all looked towards him like he was some sort of crazy idiot and wanted to mock him a bit more before showing him true regret.

As they were thinking like that though, Tianlong Yun actually spread his Domain of Laws, and even the air around them became suppressive to them.

Not only that, before they could even understand what was going they all felt a cold metallic prick on their necks before the world around them started spinning and making them dizzy.

By the moment that they reached the ground, they could only see their bodies follow behind their heads and crash on the ground.

They couldn't be deader than this!

The beauty in Tianlong Yun's arms wasn't able to immediately notice just what had happened, and it took her some time to finally notice it.

Once she did though she truly understood what it meant to receive the shock of her life, as not even her Master was able to do something like this.

All that had transpired had been nothing more than a fast movement making her close to another shameful climax, yet the consequences around her were beyond her dreams and imagination.

Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret, and no matter what she tried there wouldn't be a way for her to return time back and actually try another route of dealing with Tianlong Yun.

Perhaps if she truly decided to serve him with all his heart from the beginning, and perhaps she hadn't done the stupidity of going against him, things would certainly be different.

Well, that was nothing more than a hypothesis of her wish to not end like that, as the reality was already set in stone for her.

"Master, Master this lowly slave was blind and couldn't differentiate Mount Everest when she saw your Esteemed Self!

Please forgive this little one's life and I will make sure to serve you as your slave for the rest of my life! I am willing to even lick your feet clean every morning! Please!"

Seeing the scary difference between herself and Tianlong Yun the poor beauty seemed to have lost all hope and confidence, as she started pleading and begging despite her current position.

It was quite the situation and view, yet Tianlong Yun didn't seem to be affected by her words, as he just looked at her with an icy and calm gaze, as he said,

"Normally I am a womanizer and I prefer to better enslave beauty to my service rather than kill them.

But trash like you don't deserve to live!"

With that said, his dragon twitched once inside the beauty's secret cave and spewed a mouthful of fire that started burning her from the inside.

"Aaaarrrgggghhhhhh~! Nooooo~!"

The woman was clearly unwilling to die, but unfortunately, it wasn't her choice as Tianlong Yun's flames started burning her from inside out and finally extinguish every sign or proof of her existence.

Once he was done with that, Tianlong Yun quickly placed a bomb in each and every one of the dead bodies on the ground, and then with a scream activated all of them.

"Aarrrgghhhh~! Bastards~!"


In a succession, more than 30 big explosions resounded in the area, as 1st grade Mayor was seeing running covered in blood towards the remaining guards of his caravan.

Behind him, the powerful explosions were just like some sort of big fireworks that had exploded on the ground, as he screamed with however loud he could,

"The terrorists are behind, attack with everything you have!"

The traitors seemed extremely prepared with this plan, as the moment he appeared quite a few faces from the remaining guards looked at him in shock, and hearing his order they did attack.

The only problem was that they didn't attack behind him, but 'unconsciously' through their attacks close to him, and a few were even over him.

Even though only an idiot would ever believe that they missed the target and 'unwillingly' attacked him, it seemed like they were decided to take him down there and then.

They would cross the rest of the bridge when it came to that.

"Young Master careful~!"

The two experts sent from his family seemed to have realized something like that happening, so they immediately tried to warn their Young Master, as it was impossible for them to reach and save him.

They could only hope that he wouldn't die that easily, otherwise even they wouldn't be able to escape the anger of the Family Head.

To their good luck, or to the 1st grade Mayor's good luck, the moment that the attacks would reach him, a big hole was opened under 1st grade Mayor's feet, and clearly more powerful attacks appeared from behind him.


The sound of the two attacks clashing was beyond the limits of the remaining guards and experts as they couldn't help but try to cover their ears, and eyes in fear that they suffered a rupture.

In order to make the place more trustworthy, Tianlong Yun had used a few of his puppets to stay behind with the traitor's group and attack him.

He had already been prepared to face the attacks coming at him, not only of those bastards but even the whole troupe if it was necessary.

The puppets he had left behind had levels of strength between early Soul Formation Realm, and peak Soul Formation Realm, but their numbers were only 4.

They should be enough to cause a big headache for the traitors and the remaining guards. According to his estimations, only one of the family's experts would be able to survive and take him away from there.

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun could sit underground, protected by his aura and energy as he cultivated and awaited the commotion outside to come to an end.

It took more than 4 hours for the situation to finally settle down, and that was only because there were reinforcements from the base.

Still, the important part for him was that he had managed to escape alive, even though he needed to tatter himself a bit in order to show that he had been heavily injured.

'A miracle had saved the 1st grade Mayor to escape his death!'

This was the story he wanted to go with, and the family experts didn't disappoint him with their reactions.

By the time he had returned to the base, the whole base had heard about the happenings and his great bravery in fighting with those damned terrorists.

The biggest loss, or the biggest win depending on the way that one saw it was the fact that 1st grade Mayor wouldn't be able to move from the base before he got better, and his team refreshed.

This would make whoever was behind his life think twice before acting against him, as the military base was the home-ground of the three generals.

If something happened to him in there it would be the same as slapping their faces at the same time, for that reason he was more than certain that his safety would be more guaranteed.

Especially with his status as the son-in-law of one of the generals. Only a kamikaze killer that would have decided to end his own life would dare to act against him.

When he reached the base, the 1st grade Mayor was immediately sent to one of the best rooms of the base hospital, and immediately diagnosed by all the doctors in there.

It was extremely easy for Tianlong Yun to fake a few terrible inner injuries, as to make the doctors believe that he was truly gravely injured.

Once his condition stabilized a bit, the first person to visit him was none other than his new wife, the brave vice-general.

Seeing her cover her face with a veil everyone thought that she finally couldn't bear the scar on her face and had intentionally covered it, but Tianlong Yun knew that it was the opposite.

After all, once the scar disappeared from her beautiful face, this woman was quite the beauty. Still, if she showed her true face right now in front of the crowd, she would only bring more trouble for him

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